Martinus's Avatar
Level 6
Apprentice Warrior

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    07/07/2012 2:28 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    Can you please send me the ID and Password on a PM.
    07/07/2012 2:07 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    Applying for: HeadAdmin
    Username: fef
    Maturity 1/20: 20
    Age: 19
    Gender: M.
    Mod/Admin Experience: Well i had my own private server for over an year.I was a mod on a server and an admin on an other one.Right now im Co-Owner on my friends server wich is also private.
    Which Server was it: but its removed
    Server Website:
    Server IP: its tekkit now
    Why you want to be this rank: Well ive always wanted to be a part of a big comunity such as a minecraft server.And im pretty good with building either medieval modern or redstone stuff in minecraft.I can handle problems with players.And ive really wanted to be a operator in a awesome server such like this (im really positive that this server will be awesome).Well thats it.
    07/07/2012 1:50 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    Name (IGN):fef
    Skype (pm me it if you don’t want to post it up here):martin63938
    Experience administrating:from 10 i say 20 ;p
    Knowledge of plugins/commands:10
    Skills/weaknesses:im good at building and i know how to use world edit and im good at redstone
    Do you get along well with people:yes ofcourse
    Building skill 1-10:9
    Maturity 1-10:10
    Extra info:Im a 13 year old kid called Martin im from Bulgaria a small country in Eastern Europe and i LOVE minecraft <3
    07/03/2012 9:14 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    1. Age:13
    2. MinecraftIGN(in-game-name):fef
    3. skype(optional):martin63938
    4. Describe yourself(IMPORTANT):Well im a 13 year old boy who enjoys playing games.Ive played minecraft for over an year and im really good at it.I like playing with people on a server and having co-op projects.Ive also had my own server and ive been a Mod on another one so i know how to handle problems on a server.
    5:What rank are you applying for?(BE DETAILED AND EXACT)I am applying for A or D Moderator or Administrator.Or u can give me whatever u think suits me the best.
    6.Any other staff experience (not your own server)?Yes ive been a Builder+(Super Builder) on a server and Moderator on another
    7.How many bans? 0
    8. What are you good at/your skills:Im good at solving problems.I have a lot of expirience with world edit and plugins,im a good builder,and i know more then the basics of redstone.
    9.Plugin knowledge/what plugins?(IMPORTANT)I can manage a lot of plugins like WorldEdit,iConomy,Factions,ChestShop
    10.Building skill level 1-10 >give atleast 2 names of big things you've made or show a picture of something you've made (on minecraft): Well i have to say that out of 10 i give my self 9 ive made a huge fort with a village outside and i made a couple of pyramids with tombs in them and im curently working a project called the Hangind Gardens of Babylon
    11. Maturity 1-10:10
    12.Time zone:Eastern Europe/Sofia
    13. Will you help players(<Not needed) and be kind to them(<Needed)?I will do what i can to help players and i ofcourse i will be kind.(except to griefers)
    14.Why do you want to be apart of staff and what will you do?Im looking for a good server that will or has an awesome comunity such as this server.I will have fun build awesome stuff advertis this server to all my friends and make friends with the other admins and players.
    15.Are you dedicated to minecraft/your rank-how much Well from a scale of 1 to 10 i will say 100 i think MC is awesome its the best game ever.
    do you play-how much time can you dedicate to this server:
    16. Anything else you want to say/any ideas you want to say?Well nothing else everything is up to you to accept me or not.I really hope you do accept me.If you doo you wont be sorry believe me.
    (OTHER INFO/OPTIONAL¬) Don't have to answer all, just any you want or none (below)
    17. Website designing skill/experience 1-10 - can you make/edit websites?No but i learn fast and i can learn to manage
    18. Custom plugin skill/experience-java script
    knowledge 1-10 -what do you want to make?
    19: Youtube video making skill 1-10 and what type of videos will you make?
    20. Are you really committed to this? Or will you simply wait an hour or a day for a reply and just move on to the next thread waiting to be crowned admin. I really want to become part of a comunity.And i really like your idea for a server.
    03/12/2012 12:47 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    can i use ur server?
    02/27/2012 1:44 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    i think that its time to add new ores
    02/16/2012 1:44 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    pm me if u want me to join
    02/16/2012 1:42 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar


    Skype (not required):

    Terraformer or Builder:Terraformer

    Pictures of you terreforming or building:I dont photo

    How old are you? (no age limit): 13
    01/26/2012 2:32 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    what are your specs
    12/22/2011 12:04 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    IGN: Thuunder
    Good with...:Handling,managing servers,building
    11/27/2011 7:20 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    thx ill try but my router isnt on the list ;(
    11/26/2011 12:03 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar


    Maturity Level 1-10:6

    Why You Want To Join:Looking for a good server.And i got some awesome building ideas
    11/12/2011 3:47 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    Do you have hamachi?Yes
    Do you have skype?Yes
    Do you have a microphone?Yes
    What do you want to be? (out of builder, editor, script maker and actor)Actor
    What role do you want to play? (only if chosen actor)Whatever role you choose
    do you have any experiences?Yes
    do you have a server?No
    do you have 1.9 pre 2?Yes
    10/28/2011 11:35 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
    Martinus's Avatar
    lota updates lately

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