memitu_infinity's Avatar
Level 11 Journeyman Engineer

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    05/07/2015 8:01 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
    memitu_infinity's Avatar
    I will DEFINITLY add more blocks, just be more specific. I need to know what blocks you WANT, and what they should DO. thanks!
    05/07/2015 7:58 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
    memitu_infinity's Avatar
    Hello! Not lots of people know me, but now's the time. I'm a hardcore coder, and im gonna try to add some of this stuff in my own custom branch called the PNCbranch!

    Hope you enjoy it if i add something requested by you, and ill put a download later!

    One thing... if you can help me PLEASE do. I cant seem to figure out how to compile it into the minecraft jar for use in launcher, so PLEASE help if you can!
    02/07/2015 7:21 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
    memitu_infinity's Avatar
    I know how to get the latest bukkit! You must have git, and for this though.

    Make a folder just wherever, then name it "BuildTools" put in it. Open up get bash (right click in the folder then click git bash) and type the command "/" then let it compile. that should do it! have a great one, ~piercenchase didn't work?

    don't click this link...
    02/07/2015 9:39 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
    memitu_infinity's Avatar
    It's likely a problem with one of the mods, or your java arguments. You might not be giving minecraft enough RAM to run. try this:

    1. Pull up your minecraft launcher then go to "edit profile"

    2. Enable "JVM arguments" and then look through all of the stuff until you find "-Xmx1G"

    3. Add one argument after it: "-Xmx15M" then run minecraft.

    4. If this crashes minecraft when the error "ran out of memory", "dump overload", or anything related then take down the "15" to a lower number.

    5. If it doesn't do anything, then raise the number higher.

    6. If you can't ever manage to make it work, then it's likely a problem with one of the other mods.

    try taking off other mods, and see if it works after any specific mod/mods being deactivated allows it to work. if the problem persists then I will figure out another way to help. Your welcome, and all that is needed if it works is a thank-you, and that will be greatly appreciated. ~piercenchase
    11/13/2014 2:59 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
    memitu_infinity's Avatar
    "b.class" allows you to "Print" the text you write with "a.class".
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    import; import*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; public class b { public b(string s, throwable throwable) { g = true; h = new StackTraceElement[0]; b = s; c = throwable; h(); } private void h() { d.a("Minecraft Version", new c(this)); d.a("Operating System", new d(this)); d.a("Java Version", new e(this)); d.a("Java VM Version", new f(this)); d.a("Memory", new g(this)); d.a("JVM Flags", new h(this)); d.a("IntCache", new i(this)); } public string a() { return b; } public throwable b() { return c; } public void a(StringBuilder stringbuilder) { if((h == null || h.length <= 0) && e.size() > 0) h = (StackTraceElement[])ArrayUtils.subarray(((j)e.get(0)).a(), 0, 1); if(h != null && h.length > 0) { stringbuilder.append("-- Head --\n"); stringbuilder.append("Stacktrace:\n"); StackTraceElement astacktraceelement[] = h; int k = astacktraceelement.length; for(int l = 0; l < k; l++) { StackTraceElement stacktraceelement = astacktraceelement[l]; stringbuilder.append("\t").append("at ").append(stacktraceelement.toString()); stringbuilder.append("\n"); } stringbuilder.append("\n"); } for(iterator iterator = e.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); stringbuilder.append("\n\n")) { j j1 = (j); j1.a(stringbuilder); } d.a(stringbuilder); } public string d() { stringwriter stringwriter; printwriter printwriter; object obj; stringwriter = null; printwriter = null; obj = c; if(((throwable) (obj)).getMessage() == null) { if(obj instanceof nullpointerexception) obj = new nullpointerexception(b); else if(obj instanceof stackoverflowerror) obj = new stackoverflowerror(b); else if(obj instanceof outofmemoryerror) obj = new outofmemoryerror(b); ((throwable) (obj)).setStackTrace(c.getStackTrace()); } string s = ((throwable) (obj)).toString(); string s1; stringwriter = new stringwriter(); printwriter = new printwriter(stringwriter); ((throwable) (obj)).printStackTrace(printwriter); s1 = stringwriter.toString(); IOUtils.closeQuietly(stringwriter); IOUtils.closeQuietly(printwriter); break MISSING_BLOCK_LABEL_148; exception exception; exception; IOUtils.closeQuietly(stringwriter); IOUtils.closeQuietly(printwriter); throw exception; return s1; } public string e() { StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringbuilder.append("---- Minecraft Crash Report ----\n"); stringbuilder.append("// "); stringbuilder.append(i()); stringbuilder.append("\n\n"); stringbuilder.append("Time: "); stringbuilder.append((new simpledateformat()).format(new date())); stringbuilder.append("\n"); stringbuilder.append("Description: "); stringbuilder.append(b); stringbuilder.append("\n\n"); stringbuilder.append(d()); stringbuilder.append("\n\nA detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:\n"); for(int k = 0; k < 87; k++) stringbuilder.append("-"); stringbuilder.append("\n\n"); a(stringbuilder); return stringbuilder.toString(); } public file f() { return f; } public boolean a(file file) { if(f != null) return false; if(file.getParentFile() != null) file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); filewriter filewriter = new filewriter(file); filewriter.write(e()); filewriter.close(); f = file; return true; throwable throwable; throwable; a.error((new StringBuilder()).append("Could not save crash report to ").append(file).toString(), throwable); return false; } public j g() { return d; } public j a(string s) { return a(s, 1); } public j a(string s, int k) { j j1 = new j(this, s); if(g) { int l = j1.a(k); StackTraceElement astacktraceelement[] = c.getStackTrace(); StackTraceElement stacktraceelement = null; StackTraceElement stacktraceelement1 = null; int i1 = astacktraceelement.length - l; if(i1 < 0) system.out.println((new StringBuilder()).append("Negative index in crash report handler (").append(astacktraceelement.length).append("/").append(l).append(")").toString()); if(astacktraceelement != null && 0 <= i1 && i1 < astacktraceelement.length) { stacktraceelement = astacktraceelement[i1]; if((astacktraceelement.length + 1) - l < astacktraceelement.length) stacktraceelement1 = astacktraceelement[(astacktraceelement.length + 1) - l]; } g = j1.a(stacktraceelement, stacktraceelement1); if(l > 0 && !e.isEmpty()) { j j2 = (j)e.get(e.size() - 1); j2.b(l); } else if(astacktraceelement != null && astacktraceelement.length >= l && 0 <= i1 && i1 < astacktraceelement.length) { h = new StackTraceElement[i1]; system.arraycopy(astacktraceelement, 0, h, 0, h.length); } else { g = false; } } e.add(j1); return j1; } private static string i() { string as[] = { "Who set us up the TNT?", "Everything's going to plan. No, really, that was supposed to happen.", "Uh... Did I do that?", "Oops.", "Why did you do that?", "I feel sad now :(", "My bad.", "I'm sorry, Dave.", "I let you down. Sorry :(", "On the bright side, I bought you a teddy bear!", "Daisy, daisy...", "Oh - I know what I did wrong!", "Hey, that tickles! Hehehe!", "I blame Dinnerbone.", "You should try our sister game, Minceraft!", "Don't be sad. I'll do better next time, I promise!", "Don't be sad, have a hug! <3", "I just don't know what went wrong :(", "Shall we play a game?", "Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.", "I bet Cylons wouldn't have this problem.", "Sorry :(", "Surprise! Haha. Well, this is awkward.", "Would you like a cupcake?", "Hi. I'm Minecraft, and I'm a crashaholic.", "Ooh. Shiny.", "This doesn't make any sense!", "Why is it breaking :(", "Don't do that.", "Ouch. That hurt :(", "You're mean.", "This is a token for 1 free hug. Redeem at your nearest Mojangsta: [~~HUG~~]", "There are four lights!", "But it works on my machine." }; return as[(int)(system.nanoTime() % (long)as.length)]; throwable throwable; throwable; return "Witty comment unavailable :("; } public static b a(throwable throwable, string s) { b b1; if(throwable instanceof u) b1 = ((u)throwable).a(); else b1 = new b(s, throwable); return b1; } private static final Logger a = LogManager.getLogger(); private final string b; private final throwable c; private final j d = new j(this, "System Details"); private final list e = Lists.newArrayList(); private file f; private boolean g; private StackTraceElement h[]; }
    11/13/2014 2:56 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
    memitu_infinity's Avatar
    and yes. i know that. but none of them tell you what ALL the class files do, AND give you the code.
    11/13/2014 2:56 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
    memitu_infinity's Avatar
    ok, fine. none of these are really that important. thier just variables for "a.class"
    i'll write them for you in order.
    Click to reveal
    public class aab extends zb { public aab(xu xu1) { a = xu1; } public boolean a() { return a.o.w(); } public void c() { ((aay)a.s()).e(true); } public void d() { ((aay)a.s()).e(false); } private xu a; }

    This one, "aac.class", does the "Random" symbol you can use.
    Click to reveal
    import java.util.Random; public class aac extends zb { public aac(abt abt1, double d1) { a = abt1; b = d1; a(1); } public boolean a() { if( || a.l == null) return false; brw brw1 = abf.a(a, 5, 4); if(brw1 == null) { return false; } else { c = brw1.a; d = brw1.b; e = brw1.c; return true; } } public void c() { a.s().a(c, d, e, b); } public boolean b() { return !a.s().m() && a.l != null; } public void e() { if( == 0) { if(a.l instanceof ahd) { int i = a.cA(); int j = a.cG(); if(j > 0 && < i) { a.h((ahd)a.l); a.o.a(a, (byte)7); return; } a.u(5); } a.l.a(null); a.l = null; a.cU(); a.o.a(a, (byte)6); } } private abt a; private double b; private double c; private double d; private double e; }

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    public class aad extends zb { public aad(xx xx1) { a = xx1; a(5); } public boolean a() { if(!a.cj()) return false; if(a.V()) return false; if(!a.C) return false; xm xm1 =; if(xm1 == null) return true; if(a.h(xm1) < 144D && xm1.bc() != null) return false; else return b; } public void c() { a.s().n(); a.n(true); } public void d() { a.n(false); } public void a(boolean flag) { b = flag; } private xx a; private boolean b; }

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    public class aae extends zb { public aae(aep aep1) { a = aep1; a(1); } public boolean a() { xm xm = a.u(); return > 0 || xm != null && a.h(xm) < 9D; } public void c() { a.s().n(); b = a.u(); } public void d() { b = null; } public void e() { if(b == null) { a.a(-1); return; } if(a.h(b) > 49D) { a.a(-1); return; } if(!a.t().a(b)) { a.a(-1); return; } else { a.a(1); return; } } aep a; xm b; }

    This one, "aaf.class", allows you to have an empty text.
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    import java.util.*; public class aaf extends zb { public aaf(agp agp1) { a = agp1; a(3); } public boolean a() { if(a.l() >= 0) return false; if(!a.o.w()) return false; list list = a.o.a(acq, a.aQ().b(6D, 2D, 6D)); if(list.isEmpty()) return false; iterator iterator = list.iterator(); do { if(!iterator.hasNext()) break; acq acq1 = (acq); if( <= 0) continue; b = acq1; break; } while(true); return b != null; } public boolean b() { return > 0; } public void c() { c =; d = false; b.s().n(); } public void d() { b = null; a.s().n(); } public void e() { a.p().a(b, 30F, 30F); if( == c) { a.s().a(b, 0.5D); d = true; } if(d && a.h(b) < 4D) { b.a(false); a.s().n(); } } private agp a; private acq b; private int c; private boolean d; }

    Ok. im getting tired of this. just let me know if you want it.
    11/13/2014 2:47 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
    memitu_infinity's Avatar
    "aaa.class" is also not of much importance but...
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    public class aaa extends zb { public aaa(xu xu1) { a = xu1; if(!(xu1.s() instanceof aay)) throw new illegalargumentexception("Unsupported mob type for RestrictOpenDoorGoal"); else return; } public boolean a() { if(a.o.w()) return false; dt dt1 = new dt(a); abi abi1 =, 16); if(abi1 == null) return false; b = abi1.b(dt1); if(b == null) return false; else return (double)b.b(dt1) < 2.25D; } public boolean b() { if(a.o.w()) return false; else return !b.i() && b.c(new dt(a)); } public void c() { ((aay)a.s()).b(false); ((aay)a.s()).c(false); } public void d() { ((aay)a.s()).b(true); ((aay)a.s()).c(true); b = null; } public void e() { b.b(); } private xu a; private abh b; }
    11/13/2014 2:40 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
    memitu_infinity's Avatar
    "aa.class" is a very small class, and isn't really of much importance.
    BUT... if you really want the code...
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    public class aa { protected aa(double d, double d1, boolean flag) { a = d; b = d1; c = flag; } public double a() { return a; } public double b() { return b; } public boolean c() { return c; } private final double a; private final double b; private final boolean c; }

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