Mesoye's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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  • A05n21's Avatar
    June 4, 2024, 6:49 am to Public
    I'm so sorry to announce you that the original account holder will be taking a step back due to a deterioration in his heart condition. As a result, I will be assuming responsibility for managing and posting content on his behalf on this platform. I will also oversee all of his creative content. Let's all send positive thoughts and well wishes to him: A05n21
    IGEBM said 2024-06-04 07:30:52
    IGEBM's Avatar
    Hope they get better
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    June 3, 2024, 5:04 pm to Public
  • A05n21's Avatar
    June 3, 2024, 2:53 am to Public
    I've noticed that this site has a lot of monetized and undownloadable maps lately, and it's really annoying. It feels like PMC is becoming more like a platform for Patreon. This trend is ruining the immersive experience of PMC, It's starting to feel more like a marketplace for Bedrock instead of a creative community by PMC standards. I'm getting burnt out trying to create and upload content on this site.
    IGEBM replied to KateYagi's comment below 2024-06-04 07:32:02
    IGEBM's Avatar
    You can already filter monetized and free maps, as Sila said down below
    KateYagi said 2024-06-03 07:07:48
    KateYagi's Avatar
    One remedy would be to require a setting a licence of some sort, so the average user could just leave theIr stuff as Creative Commons or GPL, while those trying to sell would have to specify the proprietary licence. Then you could just filter to just free and open source stuff for a normal experience, safe from the nuisance of capitalism.
    A05n21 replied to Silabear's comment below 2024-06-03 03:07:19
    A05n21's Avatar
    I understand the features of PMC, but it seems like monetized content is becoming dominant on PMC's platform. Even small builds now require payment. This is turning the community into a marketplace. For example, when I scroll through 10 maps, 11 of them are monetized :/
    Silabear said 2024-06-03 02:58:21
    Silabear's Avatar
    the system usually flags monetised/undownloadable content, and you can filter through them to only find ones with a download link. I do agree though
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    June 1, 2024, 5:55 pm to Public
    Team UNNAMED replied to Ww2guru73's comment below 2024-06-05 00:23:58
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    Ww2guru73 said 2024-06-04 22:28:19
    Ww2guru73's Avatar
    The creeper caught covid
    C00Lpineapple said 2024-06-01 18:11:15
    C00Lpineapple's Avatar
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    May 29, 2024, 1:57 pm to Public
    Mojang. They're upside down.
    SonicFan_1991 said 2024-05-29 21:40:49
    SonicFan_1991's Avatar
    wut is this?
    Papa Enny said 2024-05-29 14:25:53
    Papa Enny's Avatar
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    May 21, 2024, 9:18 pm to Public
    waiting for bedrock edition to load 10 minutes later...
    EnderShameimaru said 2024-05-21 21:30:58
    EnderShameimaru's Avatar
    java loads fast but is VERY laggy in singleplayer (you cannot play with a render distance of 9 or higher without mods)
    bedrock runs well but takes WAY too long to load (10 minutes to get to loading screen, 20 more minutes to get past loading screen, 5 more minutes on "Loading Resources", and an extra 2 minutes to get into a world)

    and apparently the switch version barely runs (basically no fps with the same horrendous loading times!)
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    May 17, 2024, 7:40 am to Public
    Team UNNAMED replied to EnderShameimaru's comment below 2024-05-17 16:10:57
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    fem said 2024-05-17 12:06:11
    fem's Avatar
    EnderShameimaru said 2024-05-17 11:52:36
    EnderShameimaru's Avatar
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    May 12, 2024, 2:40 pm to Public
    Herobrin aka fopro said 2024-05-12 14:43:06
    Herobrin aka fopro's Avatar
    NEVER but maby
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    May 6, 2024, 10:09 pm to Public
    MnCerift Jāver OOpdirt in nutshell

    Pre-Classic: Grass, cobble, and a big ol' box
    Classic: Here's more stuff
    Indev/Infdev: Here's more stuff and infinite terrain
    Alpha: You want more? Get pig!
    Beta 1.0-1.7: The game is getting more finished by the second.
    Beta 1.8: Challenge? Challenge approved.
    1.0: The game is actually finished now
    1.1: Yeah never mind here's some other stuff
    1.2: I'm Steve of the Jungle
    1.3: Temples? Covered in emeralds?
    1.5: *happy Mumbo Jumbo*
    1.6: Neigh. Whinny. _____
    1.7: This update really did change the world. Sales climbed up 50%!
    1.8: Remastered enchanting and ocean monuments!
    1.9: You want better combat? Give this a shot and- *gets shot*
    1.10: OK, we're sorry. Here are polar- I MEAN bone blocks.
    1.11: You want a challenge? Woodland mansions and pillagers.
    1.13: Snorkel gear is FINALLY added after popular demand. And pufferfish!
    1.14: Minecraft is popular again, so here's a fresh coat of paint and 'hrrr's!
    1.15: BzzzzzzzzzZzzzZZzzzzZzzz
    1.16: Oink. Want nether? Here's a new logo on the title screen.
    1.18: And here's the REAL update. And mountains.
    1.19: Swamp? Nah. Was there a portal in the deep dark? Nope.
    1.20: Want Minecraft to be Minecraftier?
    1.21: If you want the ultimate test, your reward is (sort of) broken!
    The Future: Alright, here's a new end update. And overhauled biomes, structures, progression, textures, animations, skins, Fortnite Battle Pass...
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    April 28, 2024, 6:00 pm to Public
    you know what that means
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    April 26, 2024, 4:44 pm to Public
    Tricky Trials. The update to one-hit the ender dragon with just a light tap from a decorated hammer. And also rework pillagers. And not update the end. And make Mojang forget the Camel exists. And not give a new texture to the creeper. :(
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    February 24, 2024, 9:57 pm to Public
    We made a sanic out of pure boredom
    Team UNNAMED replied to SirSqueeko's comment below 2024-03-24 11:27:42
    Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    its better now
    Team UNNAMED replied to NoahzArkade's comment below 2024-03-24 11:27:35
    Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    yayXdream said 2024-03-24 10:56:47
    yayXdream's Avatar
    as a huge sonic fan this feels wrong but in a good way
    SirSqueeko said 2024-02-29 18:38:12
    SirSqueeko's Avatar
    There is no way. Wow. All my respect is to you. I tip my hat.
    Team UNNAMED replied to Useott's comment below 2024-02-28 08:08:27
    Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Hi Cosmiinox
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  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    February 17, 2024, 12:28 pm to Public
    Hammerchan said 2024-02-17 12:53:50
    Hammerchan's Avatar
  • ItIsPhantom's Avatar
    February 16, 2024, 9:31 pm to Public
    take this as you will

    CrystalRuby said 2024-02-17 09:35:26
    CrystalRuby's Avatar
    XD cooking people alive is cool
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    February 14, 2024, 7:15 pm to Public
    Snow Golem
    Trader Llama
    Elder Guardian

    Pig, Creeper, Skeleton, Zombie, Spider, Cow, Chicken, Slime
    Zombified Piglin, Sheep, Ghast, Squid, Wolf, Enderman
    Villager, Zombie Horse, Cat, Bat, Vindicator
    Ender Dragon, Silverfish, Wither Skeleton, Zombie Villager
    Guardian, Blaze, Magma Cube, Horse, Wither, Mule, Fox
    Skeleton Horse, Mooshroom, Endermite, Tropical Fish
    Rabbit, Shulker, Husk, Piglin, Polar Bear, Llama, Stray
    Vex, Parrot, Phantom, Turtle, Cod, Salmon, Pufferfish
    Pillager, Panda, Dolphin, Drowned, Wandering Trader, Bee
    Ravenger, Hoglin, Allay, Strider, Armadillo, Goat
    Camel, Warden, Zoglin, Bogged, Sniffer, Breeze, Witch, Frog
    Axolotl, Iron Golem, Tadpole, Ocelot, Cave Spider
    Piglin Brute, Glow Squid, Illusioner! *pants heavily*
    Team UNNAMED replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-02-14 21:32:17
    Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    something sodium
    ScotsMiser said 2024-02-14 20:41:12
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    January 22, 2024, 12:33 pm to Public
    Modern mob votes be like

    Option 1: A realistic animal that barely does anything
    Option 2: A helpful dude that can do whatever you command
    Option 3: ... A porcupine that can be crafted into spike armor

    (Option 3 wins by a longshot, the other two only get 10 or 11 votes)
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    January 19, 2024, 9:20 pm to Public
    MnCroft timlin in a nutshell

    2009 - Beta 1.7: OoOOoOOoh a creepy indie game about blocks
    Beta 1.8 - 1.3: Welcome to the RPG innovation.
    1.4 - 1.8: Oh, you want more? Here's an XBOX port. And other stuff.
    1.9: You want better combat? Give this a shot and- *dies of hatred*
    1.10 - 1.13: OK, we're sorry. Here are polar- I MEAN snorkel gear.
    1.14 - 1.16: The classic returns, now with a fresh coat of paint!
    1.17 - Present Day: It's the moment you've alllllllllll been waiting for-

    aaaaaaand we're splitting it in two. Actually, make that five.
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    January 8, 2024, 7:35 pm to Public
    On the last day of ChrIiIiIiIiIstmas, my true love gave to me
    16 painters painting
    15 warriors wielding
    14 wreaths a-wristling
    13 axolotls
    12 drummers drumming
    11 goat horns yelling
    10 lords a-leaping
    9 Blazes prancing
    8 Maids a-whisking
    7 Breezes brawling
    6 planks a-planking
    5 golden hoooooooes
    4 Husks a-hurdling
    3 Strays a-firing
    2 Swedish ducks
    aaaand theeee Creeeeeeeepeeeee-heeeeeeeeeeeeeeer

    (tempo increase) in a pear tree (orchestra hit)
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    December 15, 2023, 7:12 pm to Public
    1.21 NAME LEAKED - "Winded Wonders"
  • Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED
    December 3, 2023, 12:23 am to Public
    Team UNNAMED replied to User4881716G's comment below 2024-01-28 11:24:39
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    User4881716G said 2023-12-16 21:23:00
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