[M]idnight[A]lten's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    08/17/2013 2:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    [M]idnight[A]lten's Avatar
    1. How long have you been playing Minecraft?:For 1-2 years.
    2. Why do you wish to join the server?:I love mindcrack and I would be so happy if i be at a server like that!
    3. Age? (Preferably 14+):15
    4. IGN (In-game name):MidnightAlten
    5. What do you excel in most? (Building, PvP, Redstone):Building and Redstone
    6. Any previous builds/contraptions? If so, What were they?:Village, Houses,Tree houses,Labs.
    7. Skype name? (Not needed, But recommended):I have one but I can only pm you.
    8. How often/ How many hours a day are you able to get on?:4-6
    9. Any additional notes? (Would be nice to hear something about yourself):I'm mature from my age, My English is nice, (I'm from Turkey) and I'm hardworking.
    08/17/2013 2:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    [M]idnight[A]lten's Avatar
    1. How long have you been playing Minecraft?:For 1-2 years.
    2. Why do you wish to join the server?:I love mindcrack and I would be so happy if i be at a server like that!
    3. Age? (Preferably 14+):15
    4. IGN (In-game name):MidnightAlten
    5. What do you excel in most? (Building, PvP, Redstone):Building and Redstone
    6. Any previous builds/contraptions? If so, What were they?:Village, Houses,Tree houses,Labs.
    7. Skype name? (Not needed, But recommended):I have one but I can only pm you.
    8. How often/ How many hours a day are you able to get on?:4-6
    9. Any additional notes? (Would be nice to hear something about yourself):I'm mature from my age, My English is nice, (I'm from Turkey) and I'm hardworking.
    08/17/2013 2:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    [M]idnight[A]lten's Avatar
    I'm 15. I have been playing minecraft since 1.8.1. I would be so happy if i be on de youtubeezz! Thanks for your time. My IGN is: MidnightAlten
    08/17/2013 2:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    [M]idnight[A]lten's Avatar
    Done it!
    08/17/2013 2:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    [M]idnight[A]lten's Avatar
    Good mic and can be able to be in your videos? I may not be great then
    08/17/2013 2:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    [M]idnight[A]lten's Avatar
    Minecraft username: MidnightAlten

    Country: Turkey/Istanbul


    Desired position:Mod/Builder/Helper

    Past experiences in minecraft: I have been op in 5 servers, I don't know them as a person. I have been playing minecraft since 1.8.1.

    Out of 10, how good are you at redstone?: 5

    Out of 10, how good are you at building?: 9
    08/17/2013 1:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    [M]idnight[A]lten's Avatar
    Guys, how is Nvidia GeForce GT 650m 4 gb At gaming? Like Black Ops 2 And Battlefield 3? There will be Ghosts out later this year, so should I buy it?

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