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Level 3 Apprentice Miner

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    03/01/2012 11:31 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Mine_Craft0r's Avatar
    What Kind Of Stuff Can You Build:Everything that dosen't involve redstone but i do like making churches,temples,idols, or anything for our beloved creator Notch
    Can You Make A Texture Pack?:Yes but im looking for an easier way to do it
    Can You make Large Buildings In A Short Amount Of Time:Well i did make a church for Notch just recently on one of my favorite servers it took less an hour but it would of been done faster if it wasn't lopsided which i had to fix but other than that it was awsome!
    have You Ever Helped With An Adventure Map:Well yes and no Yes because i did start one but not alot because it ended as soon as it started
    [attachment=0]<attachment unavailable>[/attachment]
    This was only a tiny bit of what i did i got bored one day (No one was on to hang out with) so i got the weekly snapshot and made this so pretty cool huh?!
    02/24/2012 9:18 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Mine_Craft0r's Avatar
    Building (1-10):
    *What can you build?:Anything and everything im great at making notch heads like oblisks, Temples, Shrines, Idols, Ect. I also work well with steampunk
    Pictures of builds (recommended):[attachment=0]<attachment unavailable>[/attachment]
    *Will you be able to complete a town in a day?:Yes depending if you mean minecraft day in which maybe but probably no but if thats not what you mean then yeah i can make a town in a day

    02/23/2012 1:03 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Mine_Craft0r's Avatar
    Character Name:Michael Swordbane
    Name He Goes By:Zetchmech
    Character Age:19
    Race:Human/Robot Mixture
    Backstory:At the age of five he was abducted by a band of pirates who had the ugliest of smells and was hold hostage aboard the drunken foolsmen (Name of the pirate air ship) he had a hard time doing chores that only resulted in him being even more mistreated by the foul smelling beastes untill one day in the middle of washing the bow of the ship they were struck by the queens marriott (English/british air ship dating back to the first victorian era in which queen elizabeth the third ruled.) had started to fire large rusted heated gears through cannons on their deck after two to three hours the pirates air ship had finnaly given way and as the engines and the rafters had malfunctioned they plugned into the green sea. About three days later he awoke to find himself on an uncharted island he looks around and suddenly feels a sharp pain in his right leg his left arm and the upper forearm of his right arm only to see they have been torn off in the crash! worried and screaming he faintes from shock.He awakes later to see the parts of his body were repaired but with a brass metal still able to move he liftes his head up and looks around he notices he's in a cabin and lays back down to rest. The next morning he wakes suddenly for he had a nightmare of the bloody battle and the crash that came with it a voice asks him "So had a good sleep?" he turnes to the man but sees nothing other than a rocking chair and the rest of the cabin he quietly says to himself "What was that?" suddenly his left arm is pulled of and he turnes around to see the man say "Sorry sonny this will only take a moment" "Your lucky i found these parts for your new limbs lying with the pirates and to think i found a boy too!" *Chuckles to himself then turnes into a cough* "Almost done" Says the man. You look around the room (Now lit up now that its day) the man hands you the arm "Here you are sonny" "You should be thankfull that you had such a good pair of mechanics" says the man. You look at him and say "Well thank you sir" the old man laughs and says you "dont thank me well you can but..." out of the blue he is pushed out of the way and a woman takes his place in the spot he was standing (The woman who actually a teenager) says "Nice to meet
    you short fry" she turns here head to the man who is crushed into a pile of boxes and says "So this is the boy you made me build parts for?" "Tsk tsk tsk you shouldn't be getting into pirate ship crashes and ripping your limbs off" says the girl "Well anyway welcome to the island! the place were you cant age and you can age well if you want to that is" Exclaims the girl "Well where are my manners im Sam and that over there dieing from internal bleeding is Kody we were once washed up like you but there isn't a way out :/" "Sadly your right in the dead center of the green ocean on the summit of the largest hill you'll ever see, we call it steam peak for every month if you stand in the steam it actually ages you randomly thats why im a teenager right now im 17 but im not going to take the chance of turning younger i mean check this out!" *She does a backflip into the air* "well i guess your going to live with us for a while. So for the next three years they all lived together one day he sliped into the steam aging him untill he was 19 then he studied robots for 2 years and got the name Zetchmech thus ending our tale...for now...
    Anything else?:He's 19, has a robot arm leg and forearm,Very nice guy,Likes to wear gas masks,An expert in the study of robots steam bots and gear mytholigy.
    Thanks for reading
    02/19/2012 5:18 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Mine_Craft0r's Avatar
    Why dont you just download the minecraft exe onto your desktop (If you haven't already) delete the server.jar in %appdata%, roaming, bin then go back to the minecraft.exe on your desktop click the icon then it will ask for you to run it or cancel, click run then wait for the minecraft home screen to appear then above where it says login go above and click options it will say to force update click it. After you have clicked it once you cant click it again, click done under it it will auto close the program not the minecraft.exe thought dont worry then click login it will bring you to a screen saying Updating Minecraft let it finish then you should be able to get into your minecraft if that didn't work then im not sure how to help you
    02/19/2012 4:43 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Mine_Craft0r's Avatar
    My first night was scary im not sure what type of beta i was in and just so you know i started minecraft the day it came out so i dont actually count the classic minecraft days as a real thing sense it was such a poor time but anyway the first day i had already checked up on a tutorial so i knew sorta what to do so i punched trees and spent the day looking for coal in a cliff side when i couldn't find any i ended up being scared out of my mind cause instead of a dirt house i instead made a tiny opening in the side of a hill and i had no idea what mobs were yet so i just wondered what the hell was making that noise i checked to see if it was morning and it was but it was to early and i ended up being killed by angry zombies...what a great start!
    02/19/2012 12:42 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Mine_Craft0r's Avatar
    I think i'd probably be Bernie Bogs or Matthew Bellwegger But probably Bernie is it alright if i chose him?
    And one thing is this a group like have you chosen people for this or to be in this group on some server? I mean you are posting this one planet minecraft.

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