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Level 1 New Miner

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    04/22/2015 4:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Minetpr's Avatar
    What is your experience in being staff for minecraft servers:

    What staff do you want to be:Any I Can Be Builder To Admin

    Ips and server owners of server staff on: Server Is Closed But I was a Mod on Griffincraft.dtdns.net

    Why do you think you should be staff? : I can Help Out in many ways and can build vast buildings, I am Also on quite alot.

    What is your timezone(Optional) (Helps us see when you can be online): GMT

    What is your building experience: Well ive helped on a couple servers in building but the server ive already mentioned i built the spawn for

    how many times have you been banned? once

    Reasons for being banned? I was About 14 and i had just started to play minecraft, I went on the largest server, I acctually cant remember the server name. But i wasnt aware what 'griefing' was at the time so I destroyed someone else then ignored the staff but that was a long time ago

    Skills: i Cannot code but i can moderate servers and build

    How long have you played minecraft? 4 years

    Link to your mcbans.com profile (example: mcbans.com/player/username): i dont have an mcbans profile
    12/23/2014 7:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Minetpr's Avatar
    1) Name - 3nThorpe IN game Jack outside
    2) Age - 15
    3) Mature on a scale of 1-10 - 9
    4) Skype - none sorry
    5) Experience as Mod and in playing MC. - about 2 other servers
    6) Building Skills 1-10 - 10
    7) What you are good in building? - Unique stuff like designs and big builds
    8) Strength in the whole of MC - Quite big been on here a while
    9) Experience with Plugins - sorry not alot
    10) The plugins you know about - none
    11) Why you? - I Think ill bring more people due to more attractive buildings and i have very good experience
    12) What will you do to improve my server? I will improve buildings and help people alot
    12/22/2014 2:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Minetpr's Avatar
    Name: 3nThorpe
    Age(Doesnt affect chances): 14
    Skype: none
    Builds you have made(1 is enough): Attached
    Time availablity: Go to school So prob about 1 hr but over christmas 2 hr
    Anything I should know?: Done many other spawns just havent added them

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