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    11/15/2016 10:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    minor747's Avatar
    Hello, I am minor747. i am here to apply for staff on this server. Btw if i get accepted please add me on Skype at Cow_With_Chicken because i am not on Planet Minecraft alot.


    What Is Your In Game NaWhat interactions have you had with our staff team in the past?: me - Minor747 is my name

    How Old Am I - I am 14 years old, i am a mature 14 year old Male

    What Timzone Am I In - I am in Australia, AEST

    How Long can i be on a Day- I Can play these hours per day -
    Monday - 3:45pm to 5:00pm
    Tuesday - 3:45pm to 5:00pm
    WednesDay - 3:35pm to 5:00pm
    Thursday - 3:35 to 5:00
    Friday - 3:30pm to 11:00pm or 12:00am

    Why Do You Play Minecraft - I play minecarft because i want to help every person i can in the best when i can to make sure they have a awesome time playing the game. I also play Minecarft because i love to build spawns and stuff in my spare time.

    What Has Motivated You To Apply For Staff - Well, I feel like Legend Central can use someone like me in a good way, because i am not just good at one thing i am good at lots of thinks like Building, Moderating the server for hackers and people spamming chat and lots more!

    In What Ways Could You Positively contribute to the community ? I can help people/players on the server and the website to make sure there are having a good time on the server and they are enjoying there time here. I can also help find hackers and people spamming in chat because we dont want people on the server who are like that! I can help with building on the server and if we need to i can moderate the website to make sure people dont post inperopate things on the website.

    If accepted, what would be the top 3 goals which you would aim to complete during your time as a staff member? 1. To Help every player that needs help and i help them in the best way i can!
    2. to try to make this server big and very popular in players.
    3. make sure everyone is have a awesome fun time on here!

    What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? Do make sure they are good at spelling and they have a lot of time.

    What experiences do you have in moderating a community or game? I am pretty good at Moderating. because i have had to do it before on friends servers. On the last server i was Staff/Moderator i caught around 20-50 hackers (Not saying that is a good think because the server was looking for members) but they were all hacking use Anti knock back etc. so they . I have also caught around 50 people spamming and they got muted for breaking the rule. I did also warn them 3 times before i muted them.
    Commands i know how to use if someone is breaking a rule.
    If someone is hacking - /tempban (name) (reason/hacked Client) (7d) if they amitted, if they didnt /ban (name) (reason/hacked Client) (14d).
    If someone was spamming chat with a Ip of a other server - i would clear chat with the command /clear chat (if that is the command you have it as) or if they keep going /ban (name) (reason/Adversitment) (10d).
    If someone was spamming chat just for fun - i would warn them with the command /warn (name) (reason/spam), they would get 2 more chances after that, an they would get muted with the command /mute (name) (reason/spam) (30mins) after that 30mins if they keep going i would mute them for 1hour and then if they keep going after that it would be a 5 hour mute. Dont stop after that would get a 1 day tempban from the server for spam with the command /tempban (name) (reason/spam) (1d).
    If Someone was caught glitching blocks/items - i would see if they would amitt to glitching items into the game, and then i would do this command /tempban (name) (reason/glitching) (14d). I believe that glitching items shouldnt get a less ban time if they amitt because they wanted to glitch the items into the game so it is there mind if they wanted to break a rule on the server.

    Are you a member of another servers staff currently? If so, where? Well, i think i am still apart of a server staff group, but we are not allowed to give out the name of the server because it is not released. Sorry.

    What is the link to your most recent application? I haven't applied on a website for a long time so i dont remember the link to it. Sorry again.

    Are you a donator? ( not required ) i am not a donator, but i can when i get payed next week.

    Is there anything else which you would like to add? ummmm... I just wish the best of luck to Legend Central in the servers to come!

    Thank You All from Reading my Application For Staff, Hope You Enjoyed my application.

    P.s If i get accepted Skype is Cow_With_Chicken
    08/26/2016 5:06 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    minor747's Avatar
    Manager/Head-Admin Application

    Ign- Minor747

    Skype- Cow_With_Chicken

    Age - 14

    If i saw a Hacker- i would ask them why there were hacking then i would tempban them.

    YouTube Channel - planning on getting on soon.

    Why you should pick me- i am a friendly respectful and kind player that enjoys playing minecraft, i know how to not abuse my commands/power to make it unfair for other players on the server.
    08/19/2016 6:41 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    minor747's Avatar
    Minecraft Username- Minor747
    Sex- Male
    Occupation- Student
    Level Of Education Received- 8
    TimeZone/Region- I am From Australia EST
    Languages i can speak- mostly English
    Amount OF time i can be on Per Week- i can spend up to 42 hours a week on the server but can be more on the week end
    Why You Should Pick me- I am a friendly kind respectful player that doesn't rage with i die, knows how to Not abuse my commands/power in a way to make it unfair to other players on the server. I know how to make sure we have a strong successful server. I Love to Help players to make sure they have a great time on the server.

    Past Experiences As Moderator- i have been a Moderator on a server with 30+ players sadly it close, so i know how to Moderator chat and look for Hackers Glitches etc to make sure we have a strong community of players.

    Any incidents that happened While you were staff in the past- i have not had any problems in the past, i have just left the server because of no players on the server and the owner not running the server correctly.

    Recommendations- All the Owners that i have worked with have told me that i am a VERY helpful Staff member.

    What can i bring with me? i can bring friends a youTuber/advertise (200+ subs)

    Any Other Info- i have very good ideas that we can do on the network to make it more fun for the players.

    Thank You for reading my application for Staff on Exodia Net Work
    08/13/2016 7:24 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    minor747's Avatar
    Minor747's Application for Staff.

    Ign - Minor747

    Rank- Admin or Manager

    Age - 14

    Skype Cow_With_Chicken

    Why We choose you as Staff -
    I am a Friendly kind caring and respectful player, that knows how to NOT abuse my commands/power to make it unfair to other players on the server. I know how to help player and i will help them in the best way to can to make sure they have the best time of there life on FireFlyMC. I know how to deal with Hackers/people that glitch items, I know how to found info about how we can make the server better so everyone enjoys it.

    How Will I help the server - I can help get information on how we can make the server a better place for everyone. I can help create events.

    What will i do if-
    Player is swears/spams - I will warn him for swearing or spamming chat, if he then doesn't stop, i will kick if with the command /kick (name) (reason) then i will give that person 2 more chances and if they don't stop i will mute them with the command /mute (name (time) (reason)

    Player Advertise - I will tell him to Stop and if he doesn't stop, i will tempban with the command /tempban (name) (time) For Advertisement

    Player is Hacking - I will watch the player to make sure i am not going to ban someone for nothing. i will need get a other staff member to come look so i have proof them i will tell that person is caught and if there don't say they were hacking they will get a 14 day ban with the command /tempban (name) 14d Hack client,and if they do say they were hacking i will temp ban that player for 7 days with the command /tempban (name) 7d Hack Client.

    Staff swears/spams - i will do the same that i would do to a normal member on the server. But i would put in a report on the staff member of breaking a rule.

    Staff advertises - i will do the same that i would do to a normal member on the server but i would put in a report/screen shot of the staff member advertising on the server.

    Staff Hacks - i will do the same that i would do to a normal member on the server but put in a report on the website.

    It is possible for me to donate and if the server gets big i WOULDN'T like any money for working on the server.

    Do i agree not to abuse and help any player in need?
    YES I Do!

    Thank you for reading my application for Staff!

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