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New Miner

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    08/31/2013 1:26 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Mistklmusic's Avatar
    Fixed most of the major issues. Beta testers still needed to to test the economy.
    08/14/2013 2:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Mistklmusic's Avatar
    1) Minecraft IGN:

    2) Age:

    3) How long have you played Minecraft for?
    About two years

    4) Do you speak English, if so, do you have Teamspeak 3?

    5) Below, please paste a link to a Flickr or Imgur photo album, showcasing some of your best builds:
    08/14/2013 2:16 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Mistklmusic's Avatar
    07/22/2013 6:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Mistklmusic's Avatar
    Builder Application:

    Here is a link to my recent project:


    Skype: Pked_4_urcash
    World Edit exp out of 10: 10
    07/22/2013 6:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Mistklmusic's Avatar
    Builder Application:

    Here is a link to one of my latest projects:


    Skype: pked_4_urcash
    07/19/2013 8:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Mistklmusic's Avatar
    Minecraft IGN - Mistklmusic
    How Well Would You Say Do You Know Plugins/Commands? - 10/10
    How Many Times Have You Been Banned Before? - 0
    Real Age (Don't lie) - 15
    How Loyal Are You? (Don't know what it means, leave) - Very
    Have You Ever Been Staff Before?: - Yes and i've owned successful servers
    How Well Can You Build? - http://imgur.com/a/q1vH2
    If Applying For Builder, Post Screenshots and/or world saves- See above
    Why Do You Deserve This Rank and What Can You Do To Prove Your Dedication and Loyalty? (One paragraph minimum.)
    As a builder, my intention is to create pieces of art that make people say "Wow!" when they log on. The pictures that i showed above created that. While sometimes it may take me a long time to create something, it's because i put a lot of detail into everything. No wall is left bland. I am very organized and i excel in knowledge about Bukkit and Minecraft. I use both Skype and Google Hangouts. I have knowledge of web development.
    07/19/2013 8:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Mistklmusic's Avatar
    Do you have Skype? (Needed): Yes
    How old are you?: 15
    Can you build Medieval buildings?. Yes
    What building experience do you have?: I've taken a schematic of a temple and customised it, fixed it up, and updated it to have current mechancis. (just one example)
    What are you best at building?(E.g Houses, Castles, shops, ect): Castles
    Why should I pick you?: I am organized, can dedicate time to building, and i like helping out servers. I always go back into my creations to add detail.
    Have you ever been banned?: No
    Are you mature?: Yes
    Have you ever used VoxelSniper?: No
    And Post A Picture(needed | as many as possible):

    07/17/2013 9:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Mistklmusic's Avatar
    IGN: Mistklmusic
    Age: 15
    Skype: pked_4_urcash
    Position wanted: Host/Admin
    YouTube: (Video Man Only)
    CPU Specs: (Host only)
    - 3570k CPU
    - asus p7z77 mobo
    - 120g ssd + 1tb HDD
    - ext hdd for backups
    - 16gb ddr3 ram overclocked to 1866 mhz
    Previous Experience: Hosted a prison server with around 30 people (average) no lag (no latency lag)
    Why do you want this position: Ive been getting bored and i want to do something related to minecraft again.
    How Often can you be on a day: At least 5 hours a day (i can chat almost 24/7)
    Strengths: I can build, i can do permissions and setup plugins.
    Can you donate monthly/often: (Last Resort, Isn't neccessary. Only there If i can't back the server up, or if we can't get donations. )
    Anything You Would Like to add: I am working on setting up FTP which would help you a lot if you want to make a change and i cant be on. I use Google Drive a lot. I have knowledge in html/css/javascript if you need help with a website.

    Internet Speed Test: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/2843627860
    (I will send you another one in a few days because im suppose to get a new isp and i think its going to be better.
    03/02/2013 12:04 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Mistklmusic's Avatar
    If you need help add me on skype. pked_4_urcash

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