murawski21's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    07/24/2014 10:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    IGN: murawski21
    *Skype: minecraftplayer19
    *Youtube Channel:
    Age: 17
    *How much you will be on: at lease 2-3 hours a day
    *Why you want to join: to have fun with a nice community of people
    *Why should we trust you: bc i don't grief and i report and thing that looks out of place
    How often will you upload videos about the server?: i will try at least once a week
    05/19/2014 6:05 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    - Minecraft Name: murawski21
    - Age: 17
    - What type of player are you: im a active person i love helping others.
    -What got you intrested in my server: i was looking for mindcrack like servers and came across yours and some of the pictures got my attention
    - What games do you like besides Minecraft: team fortress 2 mainly
    - Will you join us on skype: minecraftplayer19 is my skype
    - Anything else you want to add: im am known to be good at redstone really thats about it
    I hope you concider me for this server thank you have have a good day
    05/19/2014 5:47 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    Age: 17
    Minecraft In game Name: murawski21
    Why do you want to join: i have been looking for a server that is like the mindcrack server to join and have fun on.
    What can you do for the server: fun and lots of redstone.
    Why should I accept you: because i'm a nice person have a sense of humor and love playing minecraft
    What is your specialty in minecraft(eg redstone, building, etc.) redstone
    01/31/2014 6:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    Ign: murawski21
    Age: 17
    Skype(Recommended); minecraftplyaer19
    Youtube(encouraged but not needed); murawski21
    Time zone: est
    Do You watch Mindcrack(if so who): yes ethoslab

    Rate Yourself (1-10)

    Redstone; 8
    Building Skills: 6
    Creativity: 5
    Maturity: 7
    01/31/2014 5:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    Username: murawski21
    Skype: minecraftplayer19
    Have you been banned: yes
    If so, Why?: blamed for griefing
    Why do you want to join?:so i can record a new series
    How long ago did you start MC?: 1 year ago
    What are your strong points [Building, Brewing... ect]: manily redstone
    thanks i hope your think of adding me
    01/31/2014 4:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    Age: 17
    Skype name: minecraftplayer19
    How long have you being playing Minecraft for: 1-2 years
    What you enjoy the most and best at in Minecraft (e.g. Building, survival...):Redstone, building, and survival
    Where are you from: USA
    Anything else that you would like to add: I can't say how much ill record bc as of me writing this my recording software gets me only 5 fps right now
    Will you record: Yes
    If you record what is your youtube name: murawski21
    Have you been banned before: 3 times one for griefing but i didn't do it i was blamed for it 2nd samething and third for no reason
    08/20/2013 9:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    Rate your Redstone(8)
    Rate your Command Blocks(6)
    Rate your Voice(3)
    Rate your Building(2)
    08/20/2013 9:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    age 16
    ign murawski21
    skype minecraftplayer19
    what are u good at redstone
    hope i can help you
    06/05/2013 9:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    *IGN: murawski21
    IRL Name: david
    Skype: minecraftplayer19
    *Age: 16
    *Why you want to join: to have fun with people
    *Ever been banned?Why or Why Not?: no
    *What will you bring to the server?: redstone creations
    ps poop
    04/05/2013 12:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    Age 16
    Do you have skype yes
    what is your best building quality im a 6 out of 10
    im i good at redstone im a 8 out of 10
    creative yes
    why should i pick you out of everyone because im very helpful
    04/01/2013 11:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    name david
    minecraft username murawski21
    age 16
    country USA
    skype minecraftplayer19
    skill good with redstone command blocks and a little bit of building manily redstone
    evidence of work: making a team pvp map (still under work)
    please consider me for the map
    will be open till this friday then i have a trip and after that is school so contact me soon
    03/19/2013 10:48 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    murawski21's Avatar
    i have the requirements for redstoners i have both skype and hamachi pm me if you still need help i am currently working on a team pvp map
    ign murawski21
    please consider me for the team

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