NeurotusNaigus's Avatar
  • The Welcome Wagon

    Old as dirt and slowly calcifying; you will find me around at odd hours when I'm not buried in work or school and I go by too many names so for the sake of sanity we will stick with N. You will find mostly builds here, pixel art just isn't my thing, and almost everything will have a download less I have a project that is utilizing the particular item. I rarely do any requests and I'm pretty sure no one makes commissions of one man building machines; that's more of a build team area and you wont be finding me in their ranks : P.

    My main building area of expertise is terraforming though these days I honestly dabble in everything steampunk and medieval natured as long as I can jab a tree in or near it and I make both full fledged builds and collections of prepackaged items to pretty up the world. Along with my builds you will find my resources attached to projects so if you have any curiosities about where I find my stuff you will be delighted to find everything used right along with them.

    Enjoy the page!

    - Neurotus Naigus
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