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Level 1
New Crafter

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    04/28/2014 1:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    odduser's Avatar
    03/30/2014 1:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    odduser's Avatar
    In-game name: rebafan111
    Age: 15
    Location: Newfoundland, Canada
    Minecraft experience: 3+ years (2011)
    Why you want to apply: I want to apply because id rather vanilla/semi vanilla servers, looks like a great tight community and has been around for a while. Sick of the regular PVP/Mini games server i do not like them.

    vanilla rain
    10/02/2013 7:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    odduser's Avatar
    Age: 14
    Skype(Not necessary but is nice to have): therebafan111
    Why you wish to join: I wish to join becuase i love Mindcrack/Vanilla game play and small awesome servers
    Who originally made Mindcrack: Guude
    Why I should add you: You should add me because i love Mindcrack and would bring a great attitude to your server
    Minecraft Name: rebafan111
    Something about yourself: I love minecraft and potatoes

    Addition info:
    Played minecraft since beta 1.5
    10/02/2013 7:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    odduser's Avatar
    Age (Preferably 16+ but can be exceptions): 14
    IGN: rebafan111
    Past server experience?: I have run 2 servers of my own and i have moderated on a few. One of them i still do but not often on it.
    Skills: I am a talented builder. I am a ok redstone guy and great with working in groups and can delicate lots of time
    Any videos or images of previous builds? (can help application): I will post if u add me on Skype

    Skype: therebafan111 (Evan)
    10/01/2013 7:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    odduser's Avatar
    In Game Username: rebafan111
    Age: 14
    Why do you want to join?: I love the idea of a pure Mindcrack Vanilla server with a great community small one that is
    Did you Diamond the server?: yes
    Any previous bans?: On the diamond server no. I have had a few on others but not that much
    On a Scale from 1-10 How good Are you at red stone: 7.5
    How Long have you played MC?: Since Beta 1.5
    Skype Name[Required]: therebafan111
    Additional Information: I love minecraft and potatoes
    Are You above Level One On PMC?: No i don't spend much time on PMC

    10/01/2013 7:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    odduser's Avatar
    *IGN: rebafan111
    Skype: This will be required once you are actually accepted onto the server. therebafan111
    *Time Zone (or country): Canada, Newfoundland stranded time
    *Why do you want to play Vanilla: I love just plain Vanilla and i love the mindcrack network
    *What is it that made you apply for this server: It is a mindcrack based server and i am looking to join a nice server like this one
    *What do you like to do (mining, redstone, building, etc.) : Mining, building and adventuring
    *What do you like most about vanilla (or 1.6): Clay blocks
    *What can you bring to the server: I good positive attitude and some nice buildings
    *How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since beta 1.5
    *Do you prefer to work with people or go solo: Solo most of the time buy i can work in a group if need be
    *What are you good at building: Shops, houses and plantation's
    05/03/2013 4:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    odduser's Avatar
    In Game Name: NoReGrEtS360
    Youtube: I dont have any videos, i am starting some when i get my new pc
    Age: 14
    Country: Canada
    Skype: rebafan111
    Play Style: I mostly spend times in cave and doing redstone stuff.
    Why do You Want to Join? I love Mindcrack, and i always wanted to join a Mindcrack like server.
    05/03/2013 3:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    odduser's Avatar
    1. How well do you know the game? I Know the game Inside out.

    2. How long have you been playing? about 2 years

    3. Do you enjoy playing? Play it everyday (Yes).

    4. Will you stay active if you get accepted? Yes i will

    5. What is your IGN? NoReGrEtS360

    6. Do you like playing Ultra Hardcore™? Love it, Hosted a few games of it myself.

    7. There is a grammatical error somewhere in this post. Find it and correct it. Done!

    8. How long does it take light to travel one light year? A light-year is the distance that light travels in one year. the speed of light is 299,792,458 metres per second which is about 670.6 million mph

    9. How clean/OCD are you? I am very clean, I don't like messy chests ect.

    10. Extra comments/statements/whatever you want. I would love to be Accepted, And i follow the rules.
    05/02/2013 9:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    odduser's Avatar
    Name: Evan
    Age: 14
    Ign: NoReGrEtS360
    Skype: rebafan111
    Youtube: Don't have a Youtube Channel
    3 Players from the mindcrack server: Etho, Guude, Docm77
    Rules of pranking:
    No TNT
    No Lava
    No Fire
    No Wither
    Always leave a sign

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