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    09/05/2014 7:51 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    Well first of all science is repeated multiple times. But you can't recreate events, It is literally impossible to know what every single person was thinking and what they did especially if they are not around. And again why Christianity? Almost every other religion has accounts and recognizes Jesus/God. There is Allah, Yahweh. Many observe Jesus as a prophet from heaven multiple religions. Whereas every other one has a prophet that only that religion believes in, except for Buddhism which is different and is actually refuted for being a religion and more of a lifestyle since it doesn't believe in a god. Almost every other religion has accounts of Jesus and a lot of them recognize 1 God what has both? Christianity
    09/05/2014 6:15 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    Ok just got back on and I feel theres been some confusion. Just like atheists and christians have different beliefs so do different christians. There are 2 beliefs in the Christian religion related to how old the Earth is. One says that God made the Earth in 6 literal days. By that and the time periods in the bible the Earth is only 6000 years old. The other says that the 6 days were figurative since a day in Gods eyes are longer.
    Also we are not against science, we support it. In fact many important scientists were christian. I always like to refer to Pascal because of how awesome he was. He died with a letter in his pocket. It said (paraphrasing) God loves others not scientists or mathematicians. I interpret that into 2 different things. He could have been mad, extremely mad because he was going through a rough time. He was poor, his sister had died, He himself was going through a neurological illness. The other is that he was referring to other scientists. Scientists for some reason are always trying to prove there is no God. They have no proof so they use reasoning, whereas when a Christian uses reasoning its a fallicy. These scientific journals are not valid points. In fact nothing is a valid point if the Bible isn't. What is science but an account of observations? Isn't that what the Bible is? How can you say that Jimmy saw Katie ride her Bike is more valid than, Jesus rose from the grave? You didn't see Katie ride the bike yet you believe that Jimmy did. Why don't we believe that multiple people saw God and wrote about it. Next, prophets did write the Bible, a prophet is someone that admits to seeing God. Jesus being God means that every single person that wrote a book of the Bible was a prophet. These were men just like scientists yet scientists are much more valid because they made an experiment in a lab? Did I mention yet that even though we believe that we came from amino acids there has been no recreation. THATS YOUR STANDPOINT ON HOW LIFE CAME TO BE. If that can't be recreated in the same circumstances then how did these magical amino acids just appear and if they did they just disproved the that matter cannot be created or destroyed
    I hope that you read this and think hmm that Bible seems like its pretty straight forward. I should go read that and then come back here and question their faith instead of just shouting out things you overheard on TV
    09/04/2014 10:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ososteeler's Avatar
    There are 2 different creationists young and old earth creationists
    Young believe in the literal 6 days to make Earth
    Old believe that a day on earth is like a million years to God
    09/04/2014 9:07 pm
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    ososteeler's Avatar
    I understand where you are coming from but read more clearly instead of trying to find flaws. First of all I never said that evolution doesn't exist. I said that the evolution regarding the big bang theory never existed. I believe we have evolved since the time we were created I'm just refuting that it was related to the big bang theory. Also I never said Pascal proved God existed, I only said that he was a man of science that did believe in God and defended his existence ( since so many people sometimes respond to the question Do you believe in God with I am a man of Science!) And secondly I do believe in God whatever form he is, but it says in the Bible he made us in his own image.
    So unless we look like flying pink hippos in God's eyes then I doubt it. But I do believe he has the same features (2 legs, 2 arms, a head). And I have done research in this field (extensively) and I have concluded that there is no scientific proof that God exists, then again there was no proof of mental illnesses a while back and we were disposing of them brutally. History repeats itself, Now today we are socially outcasting Christians for believing in a God, Those people disposing of the mental ill today seem like barbarians to us. We may seem like barbarians to future generations for this reason. Also why the Christian God? And why do you label him the Christian God? He is God we do not own him and I understand how off topic this is and I swear if this offends anyone I will stop. I believe in the Christian God because in the 20,000 years so many of people like you have looked through the Bible looking for proof that it's false. Not one error has been found. NOT ONE. The Bible wasn't written by God for your information, it was written by people of those time periods that witnessed miracles God had performed.
    09/04/2014 8:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    First of all Yes it is promoting christianity and no its not off topic, if it is the reason that the universe came to be. Obviously you are just targeting the audience and trying to start a flame war.
    Second of all A lot of Pascals work was refuted and then ultimately proved true, Pascal was a genius. He shows that even science backs up God.
    Thirdly Pascals wager wasn't the entire purpose of my post it was only something to knudge you into thinking logically. If your gonna use science to attack us, why can't we defend with science?
    Fourthly EVOLUTION IS COMPLEX, (you don't know how badly I want to call you a retard right now) I am not saying that evolution didn't happen but there is a difference between macro and micro evolution. You saying that I don't grasp this concept is just rude
    09/04/2014 8:13 pm
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    You said I was under consideration, when will I know exactly?
    09/04/2014 8:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    Um I would love to but can only over the weekends, if that's cool then Just pm me your skypes I will add you cause my name has like 20 different people. If you want a taste of my normal voice Mc Marco The Polo is my channel name and watch the new ones to hear it.
    09/04/2014 8:08 pm
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    ososteeler's Avatar
    I like debating by saying those 2 posts you just slowed it down LETS KEEP THIS GOING
    09/04/2014 8:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ososteeler's Avatar
    I want to record it can we come up with something original though?
    instead of ripping off mianite
    09/04/2014 7:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    If the multi-verse theory were true then by default 1 universe would have God and if God existed in that universe he is a deity he is outside time and space, he controls it. Therefore he would be in every other universe, and by that it disproves it because then he would exist in the universe that has no God
    09/04/2014 7:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ososteeler's Avatar
    Think about it this way guys.
    Let me chart this out
    Does Exist Doesn't Exist
    Believe in a God: You Win You Lose
    Don't Believe in a God: You Lose You Lose

    Not only that but touching back on one of the first posts. Let's say there were gases floating around and then BAM Big Bang... Then of course Earth had to be in just the right position in just the right solar system just to sustain life. Then after that to make life there had to be amino acids, that were somehow created by lightning or heat or reactions(which by the way still hasn't been able to be recreated) Then after that those amino acids had to form life. You know the double helix? YOU UNDERSTAND HOW COMPLEX THAT IS! It is insane how low of a chance it had to make life. Just saying *drops microphone of holy justice*
    09/03/2014 11:06 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ososteeler's Avatar
    Thanks bro
    08/29/2014 5:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ososteeler's Avatar
    So no realm of xaron?
    08/29/2014 11:20 am
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    ososteeler's Avatar
    I obviously meant xaron as since xeron is a copying machine
    08/29/2014 11:06 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ososteeler's Avatar
    Gaming I just responded to your other thing the competition thing

    name: Marco
    IGN: ososteeler119
    Skype: William Watson with the Nutella pic

    I love recording and I love vanilla too. I don't want to be a priest I just want to be a follower
    08/29/2014 11:04 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ososteeler's Avatar
    Now I hope I don't get bumped I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS
    I hope only have 36 subscribers won't hurt I could use the publicity!!
    IGN: Ososteeler119
    Channel: Mc Marco The Polo
    Skype: William Watson with the nutella pic if you cant find it and I get accepted just pm me your skype Ill add you
    Why: Because anything involving other youtubers will help me. I love recording minecraft gameplay soooo much and I hope its pvp cause then you better hope I'm on your team, I actually tried to do something like this but the server host quit on me halfway through. (I hate him.....). So yeah that.
    08/29/2014 8:08 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ososteeler's Avatar
    Location: (Sort of important to know of timezone wise) Eastern Standard Time
    Skype: (It's what we use to communicate the most) William Watson but there is like 200 so if I get accepted just PM me your skypes and I will add you
    Do you want to have any kind of role in the group? (ex. Body Actor, Voice actor, Server host, Artist/Graphics Designer etc.) Well I usually do gameplay commentary so if you want a voice actor I could manage
    Why do you want to be in this group? Seems like its not a waste of my time and could actually be a worthwhile investment (in other words my channel has 36 subs and I need to get more popular)
    Anything about you you would like to add?: Probably should put my channel here: Mc Marco The Polo.
    And also Thanks for considering me
    08/29/2014 7:54 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ososteeler's Avatar
    Location: (Sort of important to know of timezone wise) Eastern Standard Time
    Skype: (It's what we use to communicate the most) William Watson but there is like 200 so if I get accepted just PM me your skypes and I will add you
    Do you want to have any kind of role in the group? (ex. Body Actor, Voice actor, Server host, Artist/Graphics Designer etc.) Well I usually do gameplay commentary so if you want a voice actor I could manage
    Why do you want to be in this group? Seems like its not a waste of my time and could actually be a worthwhile investment (in other words my channel has 36 subs and I need to get more popular)
    Anything about you you would like to add?: Probably should put my channel here: Mc Marco The Polo.
    And also Thanks for considering me
    08/29/2014 7:40 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ososteeler's Avatar
    Bro don't hate I've got a pretty big cage and some food for him to eat. Plus he gets credited if he helps me out. My last parody wasn't animated and I SANG IT(i cant sing) and I still got like 300 views. So imagine a professional singer, some animation and BOOM we are getting like 12k views maybe more it could go VIRAL WE COULD BE A BOY BAND!!!!
    08/28/2014 6:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ososteeler's Avatar
    haha but for real i could use an animator for an intro/parody so when your done let me borrow him

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