p4u1xdur4n's Avatar
Level 16
Journeyman Taco

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    09/07/2013 8:52 pm
    Level 16 : Journeyman Taco
    p4u1xdur4n's Avatar
    Minecraft InGameName: kristefer900

    Age: 15

    Other Jobs: I am a Ranked owner on a server called BossCraft, Head-Admin on PeoplesCraft and Moderator on HatCraft. PeoplesCraft and HatCraft have been shut down due to Spamming and bad Sportsmanship.
    (I am a good friend of Megaimpact_)

    Job I want: Moderator

    Why I want to work on this server: I am a very Trustworthy person, I assure you of that. And I do not do any thing that would lower the ratings on this server because I am not a mean and aggressive person and I myself am not a strict kind of guy. If I see some one doing spam I would give them 3 warnings before I mute them for how long (depending on what they say).Sometimes I will kick people off the server if they do anything bad or ban if it is really really bad but I will not ban that often as you do most of the banning yourself.I hope this was enough to get you to make me a Moderator on this server. I hope you get the chance to see this post.

    Yours sincerely

    09/05/2013 1:32 am
    Level 16 : Journeyman Taco
    p4u1xdur4n's Avatar
    1) I would like to be a moderator because I speak only the truth in what I say and I am trustworthy to become part of your staff. You won't regret it.

    2)I would be a good fit because like I said I only speak the truth and I am not a strict kind of guy. If I saw someone doing something wrong, I would give them 3 warnings before I mute/kick. (I will leave the banning to you)


    4) Usually I go on 1 hour on weekdays and any time on weekends!(I might be living in a different country than you)

    5)I am an Owner actually on a server but it isn't mine. (Hamachi)
    Proof: ID: minecraftparty100
    Pass: 1234
    (I'm a good friend of Megaimpact_)

    6)Lots! Don't know how many or what the name is but just.. Lots!

    7)I know lots about minecraft but im not a minecraft nerd! But I just go on it a lot and I tend to observe.

    I have skype but unfortunately my mic is broken! Just PM me the info! But here's my skype!
    Skype - name: DiamondGaming
    Name: Paul Duran

    Minecraft IGN: kristefer900

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