Pawh's Avatar
Level 40
Master Princess

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    06/28/2020 10:47 pm
    Level 40 : Master Princess
    Pawh's Avatar
    original ;) stop stealing others work
    06/30/2019 2:17 pm
    Level 40 : Master Princess
    Pawh's Avatar
    IGN: pawh
    Age: 19
    Timezone: EST
    Do you have a mic (yes/no): Yes

    Skills (Mining, Building, Farming, Redstoning, Hunting, etc.): My skill set in minecraft would be mining, building, and building Farms. I enjoy mining and will spend hours doing so. I also enjoy building and doing large scale cities or towns. Then of course building farms. How else am I going to get all the things I need for builds if I can't build some simple/large scale farms.

    Why do you want to join our SMP? I really enjoy playing on SMP's and I am currently looking for another one to play on! I choose to apply to this one due to the rules it has and how well put together it seems to be.

    How active can you be daily? (Daily Average Hours): About 4 hours a day or more!
    Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, Skills, Interests): I play Overwatch and Dead by Daylight as well. I spend most of my time playing games or reading. I also play piano which is pretty cool I guess.

    Did someone refer you? If so, who?: No one refereed.
    Extra Info: Discord - pawh#1547
    10/25/2016 11:21 am
    Level 40 : Master Princess
    Pawh's Avatar
    IGN: pawh
    Skype: chelseaalisanne

    Why do you want to join our team?: I would enjoy to be a builder on this team since I have been looking for a new build team to be apart of. When I saw the post for requirement on Planet Minecraft I really enjoyed how professional it looked. I want to be apart of a build team that is professional which I saw in this one.
    Also my presence will benefit the Myth Build Team greatly, mostly due to my extensive command of WorldEdit and building overall. These abilities, coupled with my willingness to learn and work in a team setting, will greatly contribute to my overall usefulness as a member of the Myth Build Team. Of course, further skills can always be picked up along the way - further facilitating my position as a positivist influence on the team overall. I put a lot of work and effort into what I am building no matter how big or small. I try my hardest with everything I build. Building is one of the few things I find myself good at and also enjoy doing.

    What are you looking to specialize in?: I am more experienced with Worldedit. I've used it for about 3 years now and work very well with it. As for Voxel Sniper I've only used it a few times but I am decent with it.
    I believe my builds are unique not only because they are original to me but a few of my builds are my own style and many people have said they enjoyed my style. It is a mix between modern and medieval. So, I would have to say im looking to specialize in the building of house and decor around the open world like custom trees also in the houses.

    Build portfolio link (Terrain Designs aswell):
    Render portfolio link: N/A
    Youtube video link: N/A
    10/25/2016 10:35 am
    Level 40 : Master Princess
    Pawh's Avatar
    Skype : ChelseaAlisanne
    I can't really give a preview howerver, as a brief description of myself and voice i can. I'm 17 year old female, I can be shy and I can also be really out going just depends on my mood lol but over all i'm a really chill and understand and well listening person!;3 My voice is quiet high and from what some people have said it is soothing >_<
    03/20/2015 10:45 pm
    Level 40 : Master Princess
    Pawh's Avatar
    IGN: Pawh (and my alt account is oDopey)
    Age: 15 soon 16
    Skype: AyePawh
    Timezone: EST
    What time are you most often on? On weekdays from 3pm-12am and from when I wake up on the weekends and ill play till around 4am.
    Are you multilingual?: I speak basic French.
    When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play?: I got minecraft over 2 years ago and I play pretty much everyday.
    Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server?: When I first got my minecraft account and I didn't understand anything but since then no i haven't.
    What is your previous experience in any type of moderation?: Yes, I was Admin on a small SMP server, the server such down due to lack of payment. The other servers I was either chat mod or just a helper.
    Where are you most active on the server?: N/A
    How many hours can you contribute per day?: I can contribute around 5 or more hours a day.
    Are you willing to donate if needed?: Possible it all depends on how much it would be.
    What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them?: To be the mature one in the argument, and to remember they are still young and do not know right from wrong. If they can just to /ignore the player.
    Do you use the Skype and a microphone?: Yes and I have a team speak.
    Are you able to record?: Yes I have Action.
    How many staff applications have you made before?: To be honest not many maybe around 10 or 15.
    What is the date of the last application you made?: Not sure on the exact date but maybe around Christmas. I took a break for 2 months I got on every now and then. I took the break because my school grades had gotten pretty low and I was working on bringing them up.
    Anything else we should know?: I babysit every now and then, with that being said I work very well with some of the younger less mature players that join some minecraft servers. I am also a really chill, honest, and trustworthy person.

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