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    08/16/2014 3:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Peaxe's Avatar
    Did the news report about it in your area at all?
    08/15/2014 6:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    08/14/2014 8:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Peaxe's Avatar
    Can I apply for Admin instead of Moderator? I know in my application it says I'm 15 but I'm turning 16 on the 2nd week of September so I was wondering.

    08/14/2014 5:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Peaxe's Avatar
    IRL Name: Sasso (weird, I know)

    IGN (In Game Name): PeaceandJoy

    Age: 15

    Have you ever been staff before on a server: Yes, on a server called 'Miners United' which has shut down unfortunately.

    Are you currently staff on a server: Yes, but I have not given perms yet and it's not confirmed. I am thinking about rejecting the rank on that server, as I think that server isn't for me. I am looking for new servers to be staff on as I enjoyed being staff on my previous server and would like to enjoy that again with new people to meet.

    Describe in ways you would handle a situation in which someone APPEARS to be hacking: I would try to confirm it as quick as I can. If they really are, I would kick them first and see if they continue once they join again. If they do, then I would permaban that player.

    Describe why we should pick you for moderator (Minimum 5 Sentences): I am very friendly and respect all players equally. I do not fool around a lot, which helps as I have known a few staff members on other servers who grief spawn or mess around with players for fun. I am pretty mature, but I am not serious all the time.

    Describe In what ways that you would help improve the server by being a moderator (Minimum 4 Sentences): I feel like I would bring good vibes to the server. I always try to make things happy all the time when it's necessary. Like I said, I'm also open to player's ideas and take them with no sarcasm at all. I have past experience in a server so I feel like that would help me as well.

    Skype name (optional): I do not have skype because I don't have a mic but I plan to get a headset with a built-in mic for skype.

    Email (optional):

    If a player screams at a helper saying "HEY DUDE HELP ME" when the helper is trying to help them, what do you do? Politely tell the player that the helper is trying their best to help. Then ask what the player needs help with and see if I can fix the problem myself.

    Thanks for reading,
    08/13/2014 8:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    08/13/2014 1:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Peaxe's Avatar
    Required Age: 14
    1. IRL Name: (Helps us trust you) Sasso (I know, it's a weird name)
    2. Age: (Don't Lie): 15
    3. MCUserName: PeaceandJoy
    4. Email: (So we can contact you if you got accepted)
    5. Skype: (Optional but Recommended) I don't have skype because I don't have a mic yet. I'm planning to get a headset with a built in mic soon. I can get if I can communicate using text.
    6. How many servers have you been staff on? If one, What Rank, What server, and IP. I have been a Co-Owner on a server called 'Miners United'. Unfortunately, the server shut down a long time ago due to the owner not being able to pay for the server anymore.
    7. Why do you want to be a Moderator for the server? (Don't just say I want to help/moderate. Give a specific Reason!) I enjoyed being Co-Owner on the previous server that I was on and want to be part of a well-running server again. I also want the chance to meet new people and communicate a lot, since all I do now in Minecraft is survival and minigames.
    8. Maturity (1/10): 8
    9. How will you get players on and help the server?: I will promote on my twitter, on servers (I won't spam and will ask if i can promote), and also tell my friends in school as well (a lot of my friends play minecraft).

    08/12/2014 6:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Peaxe's Avatar
    I registered. The server is under maintenance right now so I'll join when it comes back to normal
    08/12/2014 5:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    08/12/2014 5:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    08/12/2014 5:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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