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Expert Ninja

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    07/04/2014 8:37 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    lol ur in Freedom! me too thats the best network
    07/04/2014 8:26 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    /\ /\ copy and paste.

    but im 18 and my ign is ProkingPlaysMC and why i wanna join? i just wanna join this server cause on multiplayer its boring but realms that a whole different story you start with nothin and work your way up like single player.
    06/25/2014 6:47 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    What position are you applying for?: OP/Head-Admin

    IGN: ProkingPlaysMC

    Age: 18

    Country: Australia

    Experience with being Staff: Ive been staff multiple times im honest, trustworthy and helpful, ive been helping alot servers lately, but another server wouldnt be bad, the server seems to be interesting and complex.

    How long have you been playing minecraft?: i have been playing minecraft for 2-3 years now

    When will you be able to be on? : in USA time ill be on at night time and sometimes in daytime. cause i live in australia

    How will you benefit the server?: GFX, im great with them, building which is another very good skill i got, recently ive built a hub spawn for a popular server and the owner is happy with it and thinking of using it.

    What makes you better than the next guy that applies for your same rank?: i take my job serious, a job is a job and it has to be done properly
    Anything else you want me to know: im a youtube ( you can see some of my GFX at my channel )

    If interested in hiring me PM me ur skype
    Thanks, ProkingPlays
    06/24/2014 7:26 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    Age- 17
    What rank u want to be- head-admin
    u have youtube- yes,
    skype- ali.bahrami25
    can u make plugins(For Developer Only)? i cant make plugins but i can edit them.
    how many hours can u be on a day- 4-5
    06/22/2014 7:39 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    simple, easy overall neat and sexy.
    06/13/2014 4:48 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    Age(must be above 13):18
    Why should we choose you:I am very loyal, responsible, honest, trustworthy, innovative, creative and impartial. I have been a judge on multiple servers, and have built spawn on all of the servers I've worked on. With the exception of one. . The truth is, that I don't apply to servers so I can play on them in creative and so that I can just help; I apply to work on servers so I may actually WORK to benefit the server. To help others, (mainly my boss and co-workers), keep justice and balance, and work in whatever area I can.

    Idea for what type of server:op factions or prison or normal factions..
    Previous experience:Infact ive had my own server ( eventually got shut down) and ive been co-owner on 2 servers ( been taken down) and ive been admin on multiple servers.
    06/12/2014 2:57 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    im joining can i have an op pick axe i will get to Z mine i want to complete the server lol
    my ign is ProkingPlaysMC

    and if thers a youtuber rank here is my youtube channel
    06/12/2014 2:46 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    why am i banned i did nothin i was pvping in a base of a mod and he kicked me twice for nothin cause he was about to die so he abused and kicked me and accused me of hacking,

    my ign is ProkingPlaysMC
    this mods name is TheMighty or Themythical........ something like that
    06/11/2014 7:26 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    ill join seems fun i like op servers
    06/08/2014 7:50 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    LEL u found it
    06/07/2014 9:20 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    06/04/2014 12:18 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    IGN: ProkingPlaysMC

    Skype: ali.bahrami25

    Age: 17

    Country: Australia

    Staff Option: Head-Admin

    Why Should We trust You: I am very loyal, responsible, honest, trustworthy, innovative, creative and impartial. I have been a judge on multiple servers, and have built spawn on all of the servers I've worked on. With the exception of one. . The truth is, that I don't apply to servers so I can play on them in creative and so that I can just help; I apply to work on servers so I may actually WORK to benefit the server. To help others, (mainly my boss and co-workers), keep justice and balance, and work in whatever area I can.

    Strengths: My main strenth is GFX but im alright with world edit and worldguard and some other plugins.i can customise a plugin

    Weakness: coding plugins.
    06/03/2014 9:35 pm
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    Name? - Ali
    Age? (Don't lie.) - 17
    IGN? - ProkingPlaysMC
    What am I applying for? - Co-Owner or Head-Staff
    Experience? - I've had alot of experience but currently im co-owner on another server which is down due to the panel the owner has told me that were getting a better, improved panel ( X panel ) here is the ip: I can handle this job for you without a hassle, again i've owned my own server not 24/7 i hosted via my computer it was port-forwarded so other people can join, i've got experience in GFX, Plugins, Worldedit, WorldGuard and more plugins out there but my main tallent is creating minecraft GFX.
    Proof of Experience? - once again, ip:
    Anything else? -Im a youtuber too and by the way if you want to see some of my gfx well you can take a look at my banner and profile picture on youtube.
    Contact method? (E.g Skype,Email) <- You tell me your Skype or email here..- Skype is : ali.bahrami25
    06/02/2014 3:24 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    Add Me on skype: ali.bahrami25

    i can make a 3d minecraft channel art
    ill show you my work once you've added me
    My Youtube channel:
    06/02/2014 3:22 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    05/30/2014 9:16 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    They Suck dude you just used online website for the texts and there aint no effects its just plain crap stuff.
    05/29/2014 1:42 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    . IGN ProkingPlays
    2. Real Name (optional but a better chance of getting our trust) Ali
    3. Age: 17
    4. Are you good at building? Rate yourself 1/10(BE HONEST) 5

    5. How many servers have you been staff on? If so, list the IP(s):ive been staff on alot of servers and im currently co-owner on a server and head-admin on another
    here are the IP: Co-owner this one is currently don due to panel transfer.
    Head-Admin: the server has reset the ranks and the owner is too busy so i would get my rank back soon.

    6. Skype: (optional but better chance of getting in) ali.bahrami25

    7. Email (required: to tell if you got the job.) im sorry but i cant give my email out on the forum due to spam but you can contact me on skype.

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