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Expert Ninja

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    05/12/2014 2:43 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    05/11/2014 7:09 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    thanks guys for the positive feedback
    05/09/2014 8:33 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    its not still i made it wit C4D
    05/09/2014 8:04 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    lol i made a mistake i do like some of the music disks but i really hate the music when you open minecraft and after awhile a random music plays that pisses me off
    05/06/2014 7:23 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    Staff/Co-Owner Application
    1. In Game Name :ProkingPlaysMC

    2. Skype :ali.bahrami25

    3. Do you have a mic/headset? :yes i have a mic and a headset working perfectly.

    4. Age? :17

    5. Time zone :GMT+ 10:00

    6. What days and Hours can you be on? :The maximum hours i could spend is 3-5 hours a day thats the max.

    7. Position are you applying for? :Im willing to apply for staff or co-owner which ever you think cause you can choose if my application is eligible enough for co-owner or staff.

    8. How important is this to you? :This is very important role cause once the owner/co-owner leaves im in charge ill have to be a role module and help other players if they are in trouble or need help with the server or finishing off what the owner was going to do.

    9. Past experience in this position? :ive had alot of experience in staff and co-owner ive had my own server i got donations but then the donations stopped and so did the server and im moderator on a prison server and head-admin on a factions server.

    10. Have you ever managed a server before?yes ive managed my server and my friends and alot of other peoples server and someone of them seemed pretty happy and i got paid by some aswell due to my hard work.

    11. can you or Will you be committed and Dedicated to are team? :yes im very trustworthy, reliable, and honest person.

    12. Maturity level(1-10)? :9

    13. How well do you do under stress and managing it? Explain. : no big deal even if i was under stress im sure i can handle it.

    14. How much money can you set aside for the server? :right now i dont have money in my account i spent it all due to school stationary. But ill get money soon.

    15. Why do you think you fit, the Position you're apply for? :I am very loyal, responsible, honest, trustworthy, innovative, creative and impartial. I have been a judge on multiple servers, and have built spawn on all of the servers I've worked on. With the exception of one. . The truth is, that I don't apply to servers so I can play on them in creative and so that I can just help; I apply to work on servers so I may actually WORK to benefit the server. To help others, (mainly my boss and co-workers), keep justice and balance, and work in whatever area I can.

    16. Can you stay focused and on task? :Yes they way i stay focused is i listen to music while im doing the task but if someone needs help ill quickly help them as fast as i can and then i get back on the job.

    17. Anything else you would like to add/say that i should know? :i make GFX for minecraft such as banners, icon and more and i have a youtube channel i might be able to record with my friends sometimes they have a youtube channel too.
    thats my youtube channel

    Please Add Me on skype if interested or leave a PM.

    05/06/2014 7:04 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    Past Expierence: i have past experience in owner cause ive had my own server and co-owner and basiclly ive been every rank that i can think of.

    Servers Moderated Before:im mod on a prison server and co-owner on another.

    How can you help the server?:i can bring people on the server by advertising. i can bring professional GFX artist (myself) one and not least Happiness.

    How much time can you spend a day online?:2-3 hrs a day.

    Have you played on the server before? (I will -now if you're lying):no i havnt

    additional question i made: Why you should be picked*: I am very loyal, responsible, honest, trustworthy, innovative, creative and impartial. I have been a judge on multiple servers, and have built spawn on all of the servers I've worked on. With the exception of one. . The truth is, that I don't apply to servers so I can play on them in creative and so that I can just help; I apply to work on servers so I may actually WORK to benefit the server. To help others, (mainly my boss and co-workers), keep justice and balance, and work in whatever area I can.

    PM me back or add me on skype ali.bahrami25
    05/06/2014 6:37 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    id love to be a youtuber
    05/03/2014 10:22 pm
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    What experience do you have? i have alot of experience right now im moderator on a server and head-admin on another im very experienced.

    Why should we choose you: I am very loyal, responsible, honest, trustworthy, innovative, creative and impartial. I have been a judge on multiple servers, and have built spawn on all of the servers I've worked on. With the exception of one. . The truth is, that I don't apply to servers so I can play on them in creative and so that I can just help; I apply to work on servers so I may actually WORK to benefit the server. To help others, (mainly my boss and co-workers), keep justice and balance, and work in whatever area I can.


    Skype: ali.bahrami25
    05/03/2014 5:21 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    05/03/2014 4:54 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    05/02/2014 5:13 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    i would like to be staff im 17 and im currently head-admin on another server and i added you on skype
    05/02/2014 5:10 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    05/02/2014 1:45 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    swift pm me the server ip i can be on it all weekends
    04/30/2014 9:09 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar

    Timezone:GMT +10:00

    Any Past Experience?:yes i have past experiance and right now im co-owner on 1 server which i love it and ive been staff/admin/owner alot of times.

    How many hours can you be active every day?:2-3 hours a day that min but max is 3-5 hours.

    Describe what a good leader should be able to do:Take care of the players and the players lookup to them and help out players whenever needed.

    Would you be a Good Leader?:yes i would be a great leader ive leaded alot of people cause ive had my own server once i had around 50+ players and i was their leader they looked up to me. but unfortunetly due to payments it got shut down.

    Professionalism and Maturity on a scale 1-10 where do you stand on both?: 10

    How would you handle two(2) staff members fighting?:i would ask both of them whats wrong and talk to both of them until i figure something out but if one is doing something wrong, well they will have to expect the unexpected.

    Any Additional Information you like to include:i made GFX using C4D, PS and i got a youtube channel

    please PM me back if intrested
    04/30/2014 6:35 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    Age*: 17

    IGN (in game name)*: ProkingPlaysMC


    What rank you are applying for*: I a willing to apply for staff.

    Why you should be picked*: I am very loyal, responsible, honest, trustworthy, innovative, creative and impartial. I have been a judge on multiple servers, and have built spawn on all of the servers I've worked on. With the exception of one. . The truth is, that I don't apply to servers so I can play on them in creative and so that I can just help; I apply to work on servers so I may actually WORK to benefit the server. To help others, (mainly my boss and co-workers), keep justice and balance, and work in whatever area I can.

    What you can bring*: i can bring people on the server by advertising. i can bring professional GFX artist (myself) one and not least Happiness.

    Have you been ever banned,muted or temp-banned on any server*: nope ive never been muted or banned most the times i help admins with anything.

    Skype (preferred):ali.bahrami25

    Extra info: im a youtuber i record with voice and i make GFX arts such as channel art banners for servers and other stuff.

    Gender: Male
    04/30/2014 5:59 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
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    swift add me on skype ali.bahrami25

    we need to talk, thanks im glad to be co-owner
    04/30/2014 5:56 am
    Level 20 : Expert Ninja
    ProkingPlays's Avatar
    First Name?*Ali


    Minecraft IGN?*ProkingPlaysMC

    Do you have skype?*Yes. Ali.bahrami25

    Do you have TeamSpeak?*Yes.

    Do you have a working mic?*Yes.

    Do you know how to use VoxelSniper/World Edit?*i know how to use world edit but i can learn voxelsniper.

    Show us some of your best builds!*
    Imgur Preferredi got a video of my build its a speed build of a hub spawn.

    Have you ever been banned on any server? If yes why?*nope havnt been banned yet.
    Don't Lie we can check.

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