Purplesome's Avatar
Level 28 Expert Professor

Who is this? Who are you? Why are you in my house?

Hey! I'm Purplesome

I'm just some guy who's been playing Minecraft for quite a while now. (Since some time around 2013-2014). My PMC account is relatively new though. I've got quite a bit of experience with pixel art and command blocks in that time, so I decided to put it to use!

location_onLocation: United Kingdom (England)

extensionHobbies/interests: Minecraft, Pixel/Digital art, Indie music, Coding

library_musicFavourite band: Lovejoy

editCurrent project: Purplesome's Armoury
(See widget to the right!)
(Feel free to suggest sets and items for the pack in the comments or the guest book!)

Q: What does your name even mean?
A: Honestly, I have no idea. I just thought of it years and years ago and haven't had the courage to change it since. Being honest, purple isn't even my favourite colour. It's probably somewhere in-between magenta and red now.

Q: When will Purplesome's Armoury be "finished"?
A: Purplesome's Armoury is an ongoing project and I don't have any plans on when I would consider it done. The 40% on the completion is just referencing that the pack is in beta v0.40.

Q: Do you plan to make a datapack at some point?
A: I've messed around with them a lot in the past, but I'm still nowhere near experienced enough to make a good one.

Q: Do you play Java or Bedrock?
A: Well, Java is better, as a redstoner and just for other reasons, but I play Bedrock more with my friends who use consoles.

Q: Where did you get your skin?
A: I made it myself. I actually have tons of variations on it. (Yes, the one in the Purplesome's Armoury gallery is outdated and bad, I know)

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Oct 17, 2021Joined PMC
PurplesomeMinecraft Name

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