QuHead's Avatar
Level 9 Apprentice Explorer

Who the heck am i? (a reddit copy and paste because i am lazy)

I'm a person, male, teenager and a rare breed called "Marcus".

There are several types of "Marcus" out there with different preferences, looks and what not. I was born in Sweden give or take 15 years ago and been through a lot.

Right now i'm not really happy but at the same time i don't think everything is completely worthless.
My favorite activity/hobby/whatever you want to call it is gaming. Ever since i first picked up a ps2 controller and started playing ratchet and
clank i couldn't stop, i had found what made me happy and something that will always entertain me when i need it the most.

Some more things to know about me: I am a little bit autistic (at least that's what the psychiatrist said), and a little bit slower than most. I take more time writing, reading, solving problems but that doesn't really mean that i am any worse at solving problems, It just means that it takes slightly longer and in most hard kinds of math problems i actually have an above average completion percentage.

Second thing to know about me is that i'm kinda introverted/socially awkward. I used to be pretty social and all that but stuff happened and it changed me.

I might actually eventually become more social but until then i would rather just keep to myself and i sort of have to get more social now that school started.

Alright, i hope that's a good description without being to long or not having enough info or vice versa.

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Feb 20, 2019Joined PMC
QuckHeadMinecraft Name

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