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Level 11 Journeyman Modder

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    01/08/2016 6:13 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    There's always spigot. But there are downloads at Yives Mirror.
    01/06/2016 8:35 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    Thanks, and by the way, nice work yourself. I thought I would check you out as it seemed you were a developer.
    01/05/2016 9:42 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    ChucksalHellows to all

    since a few hours my minecraft is constantly crashing while starting.. i already followed some instructions on hopper.minecraft.net without any success

    now i wanted to ask you all why this problem could happen and what i could do
    (i guess i have to mention that i only use the optifine mod)

    for the informations:

    here is my dxdiag: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14415412/
    and here is my crash report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14415472/

    i really hope that you can help me out

    The log says that you are very likely using mods. Have you tried running vanilla minecraft yet or is it only happening with mods?
    08/22/2015 4:46 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    britishgirlBGHello, im fire_User and I need staff and Mostly a DEVELOPER for my new server. Apply in game in a book in quill

    You should really update your server to 1.8
    08/22/2015 4:08 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    08/21/2015 10:08 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    bloodngutzsXeronetwork.mcpro.co join here to meet me

    Hey in the morning I can work on that. Btw its rapid, MrSwaggyPants
    08/21/2015 9:00 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    XeroFTWHi, I am starting up my server, Xero Network and I SUCK when it comes to plugins. If you would like to be a staff member, please choose a role below and fill out some details about you. Thank you!


    p.s if you would like to fill out an application on the server, please join: Xeronetwork.mcpro.co

    Hello! I would love to be able to be a part on your server. Being a Moderator would be a good role I think for me but if you need me to I can setup plugins for you! I am not always the best builder but depending on the task I can do a good job if I take my time. I know how to use many of the main plugins because I love to mess around in a localhost server so you really won't have the struggle to teach me anything . If you found a role for me please get back to me!
    07/14/2015 2:59 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    Name: JD
    Minecraft Ign: rapidfireman
    Age:I am 12, but people don't usually realize that until I tell them. Many people find me to be mature for my age.
    Skype: Sadly I don't have it but you can contact me over imessage at jd@4bennetts.com :/
    Past Experiences: I actually owned a couple servers over the years, yes I am a bit young but don't take that away from me, and I have had some experience from that. I haven't had many chances to be staff on other peoples servers but I have been recommended quite a few times and people often tell me to apply.
    Why I want to be staff: I would love to be staff because I see lots of potential in this server and I would love to be a part of that. I think it would be alot of fun and I could benefit the server in various ways. I also like to keep things clean and work with different plugins, if I even get the perms to do that.
    How well do you know the commands: I actually know the commands very well! I love to mess around in a localhost server and I have used TONS of plugins. I also did a bit of work with commands while running my own server which currently isn't up so I could have time for you guys
    07/14/2015 1:03 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    I would LOVE to apply
    07/14/2015 12:11 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    Age: 12 but people usually think I'm a bit older due to my maturity
    How Long Have You Played Minecraft: I have played since 2011 I believe
    What Position Are You Applying For: Moderator but I will gladly accept helper
    What Is Your Experience For This Role: I actually have run quite a few servers over the years. I currently don't have one up and running so I have some time to work on your server. I haven't been a staff very often but I have been once. People often tell me to apply for staff and recommend me to people who are already staff.
    How Often Could You Be Active Each Day: At least a couple hours
    Why Should I Choose Your Application: I have lots of experience with plugins as I often mess around in a localhost server. I have learned all the needed commands and know how to use many of the plugins used for being a staff member. I will do my job the RIGHT way and not goof off with the power I receive. If I need to know something first I will be sure to learn it.
    Anything Else I Should Know: I believe I have said it all
    07/14/2015 11:59 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    IGN: rapidfireman
    gender: male
    Personality: The teacher who tries to act cool but isn't
    Job: P.E. teacher
    Other: I am normally chill, but get on my nerves and you will get it.
    07/10/2015 3:04 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    Congratulations too AgentZyphics and Xx7_Ender_7xX (sorry if I got that wrong) on being our first staff members! Now we just need people to moderate the chat!
    07/10/2015 12:58 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    add you*
    07/10/2015 12:58 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    When I try and to you it's having issues so i'm just going to open up the server
    07/10/2015 12:58 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    add you*
    07/10/2015 12:46 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    AgentZyphicsv2Name and Age :
    Thomas And Age of 14
    Skype :
    Introduction :
    Im a person Who doesnt give up no matter what, There is a saying from Frederick Douglass that I take to heart and it is, "If there is no struggle there is no progress"
    I dont want to own a server for my own funds or donations but I will put every donation torwards the server or charity, It makes me so sad whenever I see a poor person or disabled person on the street and I wanna be a person who helps them. I dont use the server for my own needs but to me a server is for the players fun and the joy of seeing a player join the server and staying and being part of the community, If I dont become staff I wont just leave the server I will stay on the server and still support it as a member and I hope I can still be friends with the owner.
    What is your private and own skill and talent? :
    Im a nice person.
    I love suggestions
    I never leave a single player behind if they request something about trouble I will Respond to them asap
    I dont care if a play is a donator all Players are treated equaly
    I wont chose my friends over members and wont give them special abilities
    I am Obidient my partner wont have to repeat something to me more than once
    I Treat everyone as part of the community
    I am willing to do anything for the community that is withen my reach
    I am on for 12 hours a day
    I wont Join another server and help them for the server I help on is my main priority
    What can you bring for the server? :
    I can bring alot of stuff, Including
    New Experiance to Players
    A faster and better fow with the Player Database
    A new Experiance to staff Including My Self And the Other Owner
    A new flow with the project not just by ideas but the whole base I feel like Nothing is perfect so we can improve it more.
    My own DataBase Including staff
    A New Kit database and Rank Database

    Please Before U deny me can I talk a little to u and learn more about the project via skype?
    If I am denied can u still add me on skype?

    You seem like a great guy and I would love to see you work for my server jd@4bennetts.com. If you don't just tell me what communication you have and we can work something out. Thanks for applying and I cant wait to have you on my server!

    Can I have the server ip and we can talk farther and into more details there

    Certainly! The ip is rapidfireman.myserver.gs
    I will just need your username because I will be working on some things right now and It's whitelisted for that time
    07/10/2015 12:24 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    We should be up today if everything goes well
    07/10/2015 11:46 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    SkillAuraIsBaeEmail Me The IP: republickid81@gmail.com

    Hello PMC, I Am Kaz, Also Known As A Developer For Different Game types. Such As A Game I Am Making Now, You Will Probably Play It Because Of The Weird Name But Why Not? Clash Of Derps ::: Where You Build Your Derp Army To Derp Out On Other Peoples Base & Raid Them. So I Also Love To Play Minecraft/FIFA I Would Be Very Happy To Help Your Server. My Skype,Kik,iMessage, And All Sorts Of Those Things I Will Tell You Either In Game Or Through Email. Just Notice That You Can Not Reply In This Post. Thankyou

    I am currently building up a survival server with some cool plugins, but I need some help developing builds and eventually more gamemodes. Currently we don't have the resources to add different worlds or games like that but when we begin to grab attention it would be great if you could help out. I don't know if you would be interested in being some kind of staff but if you could I would appreciate it! Thank you!
    Ign: rapidfireman
    Imessage: jd@4bennetts.com
    07/10/2015 11:37 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    Sphinx140Hey guys, so about a month ago, I started a Minecraft factions server. Although it has expanded greatly since its launch, adding plots, and SG, I can't find responsible staff members who enjoy playing on the server rather than trolling innocent players. If you are interested in applying, please join the server and DON'T ask to apply immediately, everyone does that and it just shows that you only came on the server for staff and you don't want to put in the time to play. You'd be shocked how many players ask for staff before they know the name of the server. So, please, be patient and let me see that you are mature and devoted to the server before you apply. The server ip is delian.mcpro.co

    I am quite new to the server but if you happen to see me on the server it would be great if you could talk a little with me. I love to help with servers and it seems that this server would be a fun one to work with. I know I shouldn't apply yet, but if you need any help I am open.
    My ign is rapidfireman just so you know.
    07/10/2015 11:31 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    AgentZyphicsv2Name and Age :
    Thomas And Age of 14
    Skype :
    Introduction :
    Im a person Who doesnt give up no matter what, There is a saying from Frederick Douglass that I take to heart and it is, "If there is no struggle there is no progress"
    I dont want to own a server for my own funds or donations but I will put every donation torwards the server or charity, It makes me so sad whenever I see a poor person or disabled person on the street and I wanna be a person who helps them. I dont use the server for my own needs but to me a server is for the players fun and the joy of seeing a player join the server and staying and being part of the community, If I dont become staff I wont just leave the server I will stay on the server and still support it as a member and I hope I can still be friends with the owner.
    What is your private and own skill and talent? :
    Im a nice person.
    I love suggestions
    I never leave a single player behind if they request something about trouble I will Respond to them asap
    I dont care if a play is a donator all Players are treated equaly
    I wont chose my friends over members and wont give them special abilities
    I am Obidient my partner wont have to repeat something to me more than once
    I Treat everyone as part of the community
    I am willing to do anything for the community that is withen my reach
    I am on for 12 hours a day
    I wont Join another server and help them for the server I help on is my main priority
    What can you bring for the server? :
    I can bring alot of stuff, Including
    New Experiance to Players
    A faster and better fow with the Player Database
    A new Experiance to staff Including My Self And the Other Owner
    A new flow with the project not just by ideas but the whole base I feel like Nothing is perfect so we can improve it more.
    My own DataBase Including staff
    A New Kit database and Rank Database

    Please Before U deny me can I talk a little to u and learn more about the project via skype?
    If I am denied can u still add me on skype?

    You seem like a great guy and I would love to see you work for my server jd@4bennetts.com. If you don't just tell me what communication you have and we can work something out. Thanks for applying and I cant wait to have you on my server!
    07/08/2015 2:42 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
    rapidfireman's Avatar
    And We are Down for maintnence already! We hope to have fixed all the issues!

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