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Level 12 Journeyman Crafter

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    12/29/2014 7:56 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar
    I Sent you one in PM =)

    Thanks for doing this!
    12/29/2014 6:31 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
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    12/29/2014 5:11 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
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    Hello there!

    Welcome (or Welcome-Back) to PMC!

    Have fun!
    12/29/2014 5:10 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar
    Nice Brother
    12/29/2014 5:09 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar
    I'd been watching MC vids since late 2013 - and hat's when I bought the game - October 20th, 2013, When 1.7 came out. My favourite but not best pal friend Archie (known as LUSHDOOMED in Minecraft) basically taught me Everything I know (How to move, the basics, Redstone, how to change skins, servers, mods, etc.)

    So my first time playing the game came early after I bought it. I Spawned in a jungle and it crashed. The End

    Okay, I'd better tell you the SECOND time as it was waaaaaaay more interesting.
    It came later that Afternoon - I was showing my mother at a party and I'd just spawned in an Extreme hills biome near a river and forest. It was beautiful. So as I mined my way through cave - I realised something - Archie had never Told me about MONSTERS and MOBS - So I had no idea which were bad or good - so I changed it to easy, and I thought it would disable monsters (I had no idea PEACEFUL Existed) and I made my way through the cave. after gathering iron, I tried making a sword - by checking the WIKI ten times just to check how to make a STICK. soon I realised I'd wasted my time as night was falling - I hadn't got a bed - so I began building a house. for some reason I went AFK to get biscuits (retarded idea) and as soon as I came back a creeper blew up in my face. At first I thought - that must've been a bad monster - and I made my way over to some Zombies - hoping they would help me (I thought they were players - in SPS) and then (cos they were zombies) they proceeded to kill me. I thought that zombies would turn you into one - but no, they kept attacking me - so I evaded them the only way I knew - NERD-POLING. So I made my way up , I spotted a skeleton on the hill - I thought it was called an "Archer" and I typed in chat "ARCHER - HELP" it shot an arrow right at me and I thought it was trying to kill the zombies - but instead it hit me and I fell into the pit of zombies below - and I died.

    Well, I was a big nub. That was my first/second time playing MC!
    12/29/2014 2:40 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
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    I'd say Xbox360, i don't know why, I just prefer it to the XB1 and all my pals in rl play the XB360 - Even though those PS4 Graphics are Dayum good.
    12/29/2014 2:38 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar

    Nice to meet you! Welcome to what I call "The Heart Of MC Itself"

    Now that you're here, why'd you ever want to leave?*

    *Don't even bother trying - You're stuck here! FOREVER and ever and ever and ev...
    12/29/2014 2:33 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar
    I'd say an Android app would be helpful I've always wanted to make one
    12/28/2014 7:53 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar
    Yes. I'd watch
    12/27/2014 1:55 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
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    My username: Sammaxbr

    There are a lot of Reasons.

    1) My brother is called Max, I'm called Sam, and my end intials are "B,R" add them together, Sam Max B R, Sammaxbr.

    2) My dad's old Facebook password was Sammaxr. In fact my old username on everything was sammaxr - But I added the "b" in cos, well, I Don't know. My username on CP (Club Penguin) and my Old ROBLOX account still have "Sammaxr" as my username!

    3) My small cousin, Harry, loved me and my brother -he loved us so much he started calling me SAMMAX- and well I kinda stuck with it ^.^

    4) My nickname when I was small was "Samma" or "Sammax" they are one of my MC nicknames to this day.

    There are a lot of reasons ^_^
    12/27/2014 1:37 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
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    12/27/2014 12:17 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar
    Any other staff needed? I 'd apply for builder but I suck at building :c
    12/27/2014 12:13 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar
    Hello! I'm Sammaxbr - I'm very trustworthy and I'd like to apply.

    What is Your IGN?:

    What Position are you applying for?:
    Co-Owner / Head-Admin/ Admin. I find that higher ranks are usually more helpful when running and helping out on a server. I'd love a rank either way where I can help out!

    Best Way To Contact You : Probably over my PMC account. Or my Enjin: My Enjin is sammaxbr as well.

    Skype: Don't have any Skype. Sorry ;(

    Have you EVER Been staff on ANY other server before? If so what was it?: I Have! I've been Head-Mod on one - and a Builder on another. Each server everyone likes me on

    WIll you donate? (at your own will): Depends On how much the stuff is. I'm not very good with money so unfortunately don't have much. But if I could - I would!

    Are you willing to help the run the server if the co owner (Assuming there is a Co-Owner) and I are not available?: Of course!! I'd be on each day every morning and each afternoon (British Time) checking on each server and making sure everything is SWELL!

    Why do you want to become staff member? (i want a very detailed paragraph on why you want to be staff): Let's start then, shall we?

    I Think I should be staff as I am generally a nice guy, I love helping people and I have a great sense of humor. Running servers is one thing I've always loved doing and as well as a responsible job, It's a very fun one and you ogten have the time of your life helping out and picking plugins. Despite my age (which I do not wish to metion) I am a trustworthy person, and one of my hates is Rule-Breaking. I Will be on every day 25/7 and being the type of guy I am (Loveable, Trustworthy, Cheerful) I'm not likely to ever shout (kinda) at players and I will build up an amazing community of the server. I Will be consistently happy and I shall not tolerate swearing or hacking or any type of rule breaking as I hate it soooooooooooooooooooooooo much. I Would never swear in chat (apart from Crud, Dang, Shoot, ect) and spamming will end in a Mute automatically. I Would love to be staff on your server as I am a well known member on many servers, and players that rule break shall be punished (./ban, ./temp-ban, ./kick, ./mute, ./jail ect) and I eill make the server the best it can ever be! My grammar in school is age above and I will use the grammar in chat perfectly.

    If that isn't detailed I don't know what is.

    That is my application for CO-OWNER/Staff. Just a side note - I Cannot code plugins or make them. I can pick plugins and could maybe make an Enjin server website.

    But yeah! Thank you for reading, and I look forward to helping you out on your amazing server!


    12/27/2014 11:56 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar
    Can you PM me over my PMC Account? Thanks
    12/27/2014 11:55 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
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    I Cannot Join
    12/27/2014 11:51 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
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    Hiya! I'm Sammax and I'd like to a member of staff on your awesome server! Here's my Application (Also the rank I'd like is either Admin Or Head-Mod, please!)

    Age: Privacy Is Important - But 'ey, i'm around 13.

    Name: Okay - here goes -
    Samm, Sam, Sammax, Sama, Samma, Max, Samm - Take your pick! C:

    I-G-N: sammaxbr

    Skype: I Do Not Register (Sorry, don't have a Skype)

    Hobbies/Talents: Being friendly, making crafts, Helping out on servers.

    have you ever been a staff if so what rank? I am a builder on one server - Head-Mod on another.

    What would you do for keycraft if you were staff: I'd make KeyCraft da best best place ever so that it got REALLY Popular! I'd make sure everybody was happy, and make it the best community it could possibly be! I'd use proper grammar in cgat - if something dodgy was going on I'd be in ./v or hide and watch players so that they are all happy!

    why do you think you would be a good staff: Because I have a good sense of Humor. I am always on MC (Every morning, every night) So i'm never Inactive. I Would make sure that everything was running smoothly and nothing bad is happening. I'm an original type of guy - I use correct grammar and am always friendly.

    Will you listen to other staff?: Of course I Will!! I'd be an idiot If I didn't. Besides - Staff are what make a server awesome - even if YOU are staff!

    If someone was griefing what would you do: I'd look for signs of griefing in chat - ./vanish and ./tp to the person greifing. I'd watch them and if they are greifing, I'd Kick 'Em. If they re join and greif more - It will result in a Temp-Ban or Ban, depending on how bad it was.

    If someone was hacking what would you do: Same as if someone was greifing. My aim as being staff is to keep the community happy - So I'd watch the player carefully and if I saw them hacking - BAN - Perm or Temp ban - Or a jail or kick would do.

    If someone was advertising/spamming what would you do: Mute them, Kick them or ban them. If they spammed I'd mute them for about 2 days - advertising for about a week.

    But yeah! That's my application. If anything else is needed known Please PM me over my PMC account! Thank you very much for reading my application and I hope/look forward to working with you in the future!


    12/23/2014 12:00 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar

    First of all, I find that joke very insulting. (jk.)

    For that - take AN ANIMATRONIC!

    Click to reveal

    Second of all. I'm a Cat/Kitten.

    Third of all -I'm a boy.

    12/23/2014 11:42 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar

    did I say i like cars?

    Hello! Late welcome! Enjoy your stay! Never leave!* *Cos you can't, it would break ze made - up rules

    Also - no, you didn't mention you liked Cars. Welcome!
    12/23/2014 6:24 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar
    Hello! I'm Sammaxbr.
    I Like a lot of things - especially old England/Medival times.
    I think I could help you!
    Anything that is needed known please PM me via my PMC account!

    12/23/2014 6:22 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
    Sammaxbr's Avatar
    I feel sorry for ya.

    I'd apply, but i'm not older than 13.

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