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Level 4 Apprentice Miner

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    08/01/2016 11:21 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    IGN: Seizings
    Age: 16
    Timezone: Eastern
    Past Moderation/Leadership Experience?: I have moderated and been admin on numerous servers.
    What can you bring to the Override Network?: I can bring loads of experience from many different fields. I have loads of experience with HTML and a good amount in Python. I am trying to learn JavaScript and C++. I can bring some players and more people like me to help the server in an serious crisis'.
    If you were moderator and you would catch a player hacking, what punishment do you find appropriate and why?: I would first check if it was a mistake or not. If it was legit hacking I'd do a 24 hour tempban for first offense and than Perm ban for any other offenses.
    If someone were to admit in game that they were ban evading, what would you do?: I would figure out how to get them completely banned.
    Do you have access to TS3?: Yes
    Do you have access to a recording/editing software?: Yes
    08/01/2016 11:15 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    enthusasim moderating: 1- 10: 10
    How many days can you mod: Most weekdays
    Proof of past moderation you have done: Servers are done rn
    Years of Moderating before: 5-6
    Why Do you Like to Staff: Help start and keep communities in good order.
    Least favorite thing doing moderating?: Not always being able to play the game.
    Favorite thing doing moderating?: Finding hackers and talking with staff as a part of them.
    Where do you find your inspiration to help others?: I have this drive to help people and communities.
    How Often Can you Help Staff? least 5 hours a day
    Age: 16
    why do you wish to join?: To help the community.
    IGN?: Seizings
    Do you have experience in Teams already? If yes, what did you do? Yes, we have done coding, building, server building.
    Time Zone: eastern
    Language: english
    08/01/2016 11:11 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    -What your good at: anything you can think of
    -Why you want to join: I want to help start a brand new community.
    -IGN (Username): Seizing
    -Have you been banned: Never
    07/06/2016 10:41 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    IGN: Seizing
    AGE: 16
    Experience: Many servers. Owned 3
    time to offer: 2 hours a day
    more info: Ethical Hacker
    07/06/2016 10:40 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    Apply for everything: but this is for help

    Username: Seizings
    Age: 16
    How can you help the server?: I can help protect the community against problems
    What is your skype?:
    Have you ever been banned or given any punishments on other servers? If so, which ones?: Nah
    07/06/2016 10:38 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    Name: Dan
    Age: 16
    Applying for: admin
    Do You Agree To A Short Skype Interview?: sure
    07/06/2016 9:40 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    -What's your real name? Dan Seize
    -What's your IGN? Seizings
    -Do you have a working microphone? Yes
    -How long have you been playing minecraft for (Years or update)? 5 years
    -What rank are you applying for? Admin
    -Have you worked on servers before? Yes many
    -If so, how long have you been working on servers for? 5 years
    -How do you rate yourself on your knowledge for IG commands (Out of 10)? 10/10
    -How good are you with building (Out of 10)? 7ish/10
    -How familiar are you with plugins (Out of 10)? 10/10
    -How long (At least) Could you be on per day? 1 hour minimum
    -If you were able to, would you abuse your power? Really no need to, so no.
    -Are you willing to donate to the server? Yeah, but only if I was accepted as admin.
    -What would you do if you saw or caught a hacker and you couldn't ban he/she? I would ban there IP address so they could no longer join.
    -What would you do if you saw or caught staff abusing their power? I would tempban them, if possible. And than tell you asap.
    -Briefly Describe yourself: I play soccer almost everyday. Love to stay active with my friends and being around them is my favorite place.

    -What's the difference between Admin and Moderator? Admin is a higher ranked Moderator with much more access.
    -How would you perform your job? Very well. I take staff on a server very seriously.
    -How would you train other staff: I would as clearly as possible, teach them what they ask. Since I have a large grasp on how to run a server and how to use commands.
    -Do you know what a modified ('Hacked') client is, and how to use it?: yes I do, Very simple. It's basically just a client that is moddified for a different experience for the player and also to exploit the normal minecraft
    03/30/2016 8:44 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    Skype me,
    I will only talk there
    For now..
    03/30/2016 8:44 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    Skype me,
    I will only talk there
    03/30/2016 8:40 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    Co-Owner Application

    Age: 16
    IGN: Riphterior
    Skype/Curse: (fuck curse)
    Location and time-zone: US-Eastern
    Previous MC Ownership: Had like 5 servers
    Best qualities: Im a White Hat Hacker.. which means I use my skills for progressive needs
    Worst qualities: I can get a little frusterated haha
    Why do you want this? Want to change stuff up haha
    Why should you get this? Well I have a large pool of knowledge that would be helpful to you and the server... since I stated above, I am a hacker (not on minecraft) which means I have a lot more experience and I am smarter than most minecraft players... Perfect for a co-owner position.
    03/30/2016 8:36 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    Message me on skype:
    Ill talk there or on your server.
    03/30/2016 8:33 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    Name: Dan

    Age: 16

    IGN: Riphterior

    Location/Timezone: Eastern


    What rank are you applying for? Admin bro

    Why do you want this rank? Because I need to get back into minecraft

    What servers have you been banned from? I don't remember

    How can we trust you? Hmm , I guess you can google me

    What is your past experience with this and/or other ranks? A lot of experience and numerous server ranks (staff)

    What plugins are you experienced with? Any commonly used ones

    Do you happen to have a youtube channel? Yah but inactive

    Do you have experience with proper advertising? Yes

    How many hours can you play a day? Hmmm depends how my girlfriend is feeling

    Anything Extra: I'm a White Hat Hacker, will be very useful to you.
    03/30/2016 8:30 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar
    Admin App
    1) Name: Dan
    2) Age: 16
    3) IGN: Riphterior
    4) Experience: Years... (minecraft release date)
    5) Will You help the server by donating: Maybe depending on my paycheck lmao
    6) Any Previous Bans: Yeah, stupid reasons
    7) Skype:

    This application format is flawed and should have more questions lmao
    03/30/2016 8:27 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Seizing's Avatar

    In-game name: Riphterior

    Age: 16


    Experience: A lot. I was staff on a numerous amount of servers

    Why should we pick you over anybody else?(Make sure this is a paragraph or more!
    I really don't think I need a paragraph for this since I used to be a hacker (not just in minecraft). Im considered a "White Hat Hacker" which is basically a hacker that only does things for a progressive reason (you can google it for more information). This shows that I am smarter than most people that play minecraft which gives me an advantage over players in a situation that should not be taking place on your server.
    What would you do in the event that...:
    A DDoS attack was threatened or was happening?
    Well since I am a hacker, I know that DDoS is a very weak and cheesey hack (if you will, I don't consider it hacking because of how easy it is.) In this situation, I would scare the person making threats with legitament information (privately to the person, not publicly in the chat) and I would of course make a deal with the person, if the deal doesn't work I will ban the person and/or use necessary means in order to stop the ddos attack.
    A hacker ruined everyone's faction power and had destroyed the server with a hacked client?
    Roll back the server... If the server cannot handle that than I will make sure the server was backedup ... if not than I would rebuild what I can and fix what needs to be fixed.

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