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    12/08/2013 7:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SenatorHD's Avatar
    Country: Canada

    Age: 14

    IGN: Narwhalzrule00

    Skype: Narwhalzrule00

    Building skills: 7/10 but 9/10 redstone

    Previous positions: Mod on the very successful Minebyte network and admin, mod, builder and redstoner on countless small servers.

    Command knowledge: A lot on world edit and faction and economy plugins

    Reason we should pick you: I am great with people. If there's a dispute between members, I'm a guy who can resolve it. I am someone who always keeps a level head and can provide reason to help calm down members who are in a fit. I enjoy making new friends and helping new members. I am very outgoing and talkative and always quick to join in on the conversation. I can be really fun to be around and I make a few jokes here and there but when someone breaks a rule you can count on me to provide punishment proportional to the crime. I am very intelligent and I pick up on new things more quickly than most other people. I am very reasonable and I always keep an open mind. I am very trustworthy and responsible. If there is a change I can quickly adapt to the new system.

    I am a very accepting and forgiving person. I don't hold grudges and I am fair with punishment whether it's complete strangers, friends or people who have pissed me off. I think about the things I will do before doing them and I can take a lot of crap without snapping. If I ever feel to the point where I'm in a blind rage and can't think straight (Which has only happened twice on the old server I used to moderate on) I just log off and take a 20 minute break before I do anything stupid.

    Some of my strengths include redstoning, building and dealing with rough situations. Some things I'm not good at are deadlines, exterior design and planning ahead with builds.

    I have a lot of free time on my hands. I can be on almost every weekday from 6:00pm to 11:00pm EST (Ottawa ON, Canada) and varying times on weekends.

    Talk about yourself: I am a Kind person who is great with people. I love collaborating with other members and I have an extremely high tolerance for stupid. If someone is just being ignorant I feel inclined to call them out on it but I won't start an argument over it or take action.

    Experience: Mod on a very successful Minebyte network and varying positions on other small servers

    Why you want this rank?: The reason I want to be a moderator or admin is because I like to deal with people. I like talking to other people and solving their problems. I like to think that it is one of my greatest strengths. I have a high tolerance for crap given to me but a low tolerance for members who break the rules. I never lose my cool and snap at people. I am a reasonable person and I let the offender explain his or herself before taking action against them. I give warnings before making a rash decision. I think things through in my head, see how things will pan out if I continue what I'm doing. That is the reason that I think this job will be perfect for me.

    Gender (we're looking for a bit of diversity in this area): Male

    Position That You're Applying for: Co-Owner

    Maturity (out of 10): 9.5

    Building Style (Modern, Gothic, Renaissance, creative, etc.): Renaissance

    Work Ethic (out of 10): 8

    Creativity (out of 10): 9

    Overall Building Skill (out of 10): 8 (Redstone and building)

    Constant Temptation to Troll (out of 10): 2 only with friends who I know won't mind

    Plugin Knowledge (name a few plugins you're familiar with): World edit, towny, plotme And a bunch of factions and economy plugins.

    Any Screenshots of Your Work (this will significantly improve your chances to be hired)

    Your experience as a staff on any other server(s): You asked this already... Twice

    12/08/2013 10:56 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SenatorHD's Avatar

    Full Name: Liam

    Age: 14

    Time Zone: EST

    Skype ID: Narwhalzrule00

    Role: Admin or Moderator

    Why do you want to be that role?:The reason I want to be a moderator or admin is because I like to deal with people. I like talking to other people and solving their problems. I like to think that it is one of my greatest strengths. I have a high tolerance for crap given to me but a low tolerance for members who break the rules. I never lose my cool and snap at people. I am a reasonable person and I let the offender explain his or herself before taking action against them. I give warnings before making a rash decision. I think things through in my head, see how things will pan out if I continue what I'm doing. That is the reason that I think this job will be perfect for me.

    Why should you be that role?:I am great with people. If there's a dispute between members, I'm a guy who can resolve it. I am someone who always keeps a level head and can provide reason to help calm down members who are in a fit. I enjoy making new friends and helping new members. I am very outgoing and talkative and always quick to join in on the conversation. I can be really fun to be around and I make a few jokes here and there but when someone breaks a rule you can count on me to provide punishment proportional to the crime. I am very intelligent and I pick up on new things more quickly than most other people. I am very reasonable and I always keep an open mind. I am very trustworthy and responsible. If there is a change I can quickly adapt to the new system.

    I am a very accepting and forgiving person. I don't hold grudges and I am fair with punishment whether it's complete strangers, friends or people who have pissed me off. I think about the things I will do before doing them and I can take a lot of crap without snapping. If I ever feel to the point where I'm in a blind rage and can't think straight (Which has only happened twice on the old server I used to moderate on) I just log off and take a 20 minute break before I do anything stupid.

    Some of my strengths include redstoning, building and dealing with rough situations. Some things I'm not good at are deadlines, exterior design and planning ahead with builds.

    I have a lot of free time on my hands. I can be on almost every weekday from 6:00pm to 11:00pm EST (Ottawa ON, Canada) and varying times on weekends.

    Past Experiences: (Provide evidence here):I was Moderator on the very successful but defunct Minebyte Network and varying roles on smaller servers that never got anywhere

    How much experience do you have with the role you chose?: I think I have a lot. On Minebyte I started out as a respectful player then thy moved me up to a helper because of how I was behaving. Eventually I got to trial mod and mod. I was mod for 8 months and the people really liked me. I was fun and I could do my job. I think that picking m for your server will be foolproof.

    Rate your ability in the role you chose from the scale of 1 - 10 (10 being the best): 9
    12/07/2013 12:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SenatorHD's Avatar
    Name: Narwhalzrule00
    Age: 14
    Skype: Narwhalzrule00
    Experience:Just playing around with worldpainter and worldedit
    How long have you terraformed:1 year
    Why should you be chosen over others: Prior experience
    12/07/2013 12:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SenatorHD's Avatar
    Country: Canada

    Age: 14

    IGN: Narwhalzrule00

    Skype: Narwhalzrule00

    Building skills: 7/10 but 9/10 redstone

    Previous positions: Mod on the very successful Minebyte network and admin, mod, builder and redstoner on countless small servers.

    Command knowledge: A lot on world edit and faction and economy plugins

    Reason we should pick you: I am great with people. If there's a dispute between members, I'm a guy who can resolve it. I am someone who always keeps a level head and can provide reason to help calm down members who are in a fit. I enjoy making new friends and helping new members. I am very outgoing and talkative and always quick to join in on the conversation. I can be really fun to be around and I make a few jokes here and there but when someone breaks a rule you can count on me to provide punishment proportional to the crime. I am very intelligent and I pick up on new things more quickly than most other people. I am very reasonable and I always keep an open mind. I am very trustworthy and responsible. If there is a change I can quickly adapt to the new system.

    I am a very accepting and forgiving person. I don't hold grudges and I am fair with punishment whether it's complete strangers, friends or people who have pissed me off. I think about the things I will do before doing them and I can take a lot of crap without snapping. If I ever feel to the point where I'm in a blind rage and can't think straight (Which has only happened twice on the old server I used to moderate on) I just log off and take a 20 minute break before I do anything stupid.

    Some of my strengths include redstoning, building and dealing with rough situations. Some things I'm not good at are deadlines, exterior design and planning ahead with builds.

    I have a lot of free time on my hands. I can be on almost every weekday from 6:00pm to 11:00pm EST (Ottawa ON, Canada) and varying times on weekends.

    Talk about yourself: I am a Kind person who is great with people. I love collaborating with other members and I have an extremely high tolerance for stupid. If someone is just being ignorant I feel inclined to call them out on it but I won't start an argument over it or take action.

    Experience: Mod on a very successful Minebyte network and varying positions on other small servers

    Why you want this rank?: The reason I want to be a moderator or admin is because I like to deal with people. I like talking to other people and solving their problems. I like to think that it is one of my greatest strengths. I have a high tolerance for crap given to me but a low tolerance for members who break the rules. I never lose my cool and snap at people. I am a reasonable person and I let the offender explain his or herself before taking action against them. I give warnings before making a rash decision. I think things through in my head, see how things will pan out if I continue what I'm doing. That is the reason that I think this job will be perfect for me.

    Gender (we're looking for a bit of diversity in this area): Male

    Position That You're Applying for: Mod or admin

    Maturity (out of 10): 9.5

    Building Style (Modern, Gothic, Renaissance, creative, etc.): Renaissance

    Work Ethic (out of 10): 8

    Creativity (out of 10): 9

    Overall Building Skill (out of 10): 8 (Redstone and building)

    Constant Temptation to Troll (out of 10): 2 only with friends who I know won't mind

    Plugin Knowledge (name a few plugins you're familiar with): World edit, towny, plotme And a bunch of factions and economy plugins.

    Any Screenshots of Your Work (this will significantly improve your chances to be hired)

    Your experience as a staff on any other server(s): You asked this already... Twice

    12/06/2013 10:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SenatorHD's Avatar
    IGN: Narwhalzrule00

    Age: 14

    Past Experience as Mod/Admin/Builder: Moderator on the very successful Minebyte Network. Admin, Mod, Builder and redstone master on smaller servers that never got far.

    Why should I pick you?am great with people. If there's a dispute between members, I'm a guy who can resolve it. I am someone who always keeps a level head and can provide reason to help calm down members who are in a fit. I enjoy making new friends and helping new members. I am very outgoing and talkative and always quick to join in on the conversation. I can be really fun to be around and I make a few jokes here and there but when someone breaks a rule you can count on me to provide punishment proportional to the crime. I am very intelligent and I pick up on new things more quickly than most other people. I am very reasonable and I always keep an open mind. I am very trustworthy and responsible. If there is a change I can quickly adapt to the new system.

    I am a very accepting and forgiving person. I don't hold grudges and I am fair with punishment whether it's complete strangers, friends or people who have pissed me off. I think about the things I will do before doing them and I can take a lot of crap without snapping. If I ever feel to the point where I'm in a blind rage and can't think straight (Which has only happened twice on the old server I used to moderate on) I just log off and take a 20 minute break before I do anything stupid.

    Some of my strengths include redstoning, building and dealing with rough situations. Some things I'm not good at are deadlines, exterior design and planning ahead with builds.

    I have a lot of free time on my hands. I can be on almost every weekday from 6:00pm to 11:00pm EST (Ottawa ON, Canada) and varying times on weekends.

    Skype: Narwhalzrule00

    Plugin Experience: No idea how to install plugins but I am very familiar with world edit.
    12/06/2013 10:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SenatorHD's Avatar
    What's your in-game username?: Narwhalzrule00

    How old are you?: 14

    Skype username?: Narwhalzrule00

    What has made you apply?:I feel that I have too much free time on my hands. I need a hobby and I feel like this is what I need

    Why should you be chosen?: I am great with people. If there's a dispute between members, I'm a guy who can resolve it. I am someone who always keeps a level head and can provide reason to help calm down members who are in a fit. I enjoy making new friends and helping new members. I am very outgoing and talkative and always quick to join in on the conversation. I can be really fun to be around and I make a few jokes here and there but when someone breaks a rule you can count on me to provide punishment proportional to the crime. I am very intelligent and I pick up on new things more quickly than most other people. I am very reasonable and I always keep an open mind. I am very trustworthy and responsible. If there is a change I can quickly adapt to the new system.

    I am a very accepting and forgiving person. I don't hold grudges and I am fair with punishment whether it's complete strangers, friends or people who have pissed me off. I think about the things I will do before doing them and I can take a lot of crap without snapping. If I ever feel to the point where I'm in a blind rage and can't think straight (Which has only happened twice on the old server I used to moderate on) I just log off and take a 20 minute break before I do anything stupid.

    Some of my strengths include redstoning, building and dealing with rough situations. Some things I'm not good at are deadlines, exterior design and planning ahead with builds.

    I have a lot of free time on my hands. I can be on almost every weekday from 6:00pm to 11:00pm EST (Ottawa ON, Canada) and varying times on weekends.

    Any prior experience of being staff on any servers?: I have been Moderator on the very successful Minebyte Network and I have been admin, moderator, builder, and redstoner on smaller servers that never went too far

    Additional Information?: My grammar is fantastic
    12/03/2013 10:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SenatorHD's Avatar



    I live in Ontario, Canada.

    Moderator on The successful Minebyte network, Admin on smaller servers, redstoner on a few servers and builder on the society

    Imagination level 1-10:

    Building skills 1-10:
    7/10 building wise 8.5/10 redstone wise

    What can you do too help contribute too our new server?:
    I am very intelligent in most subjects, always been top of my class so that could contribute to my redstoning and building and I always keep a level head. I am great with people and working out issues between members. I have 2 and a half years of experience on minecraft server staff and plan to have many more. I have quite a bit of free time so i can be on most days between 6:00pm and 11:00pm since thats when most of my friends head home. on weekends I'm free on Sundays from 12:00am to 12:00pm if i have no prior plans. I hope you accept me to your team of staff .

    What position do you want?:
    Whatever is in high demand. I would prefer Head admin so that I have a bit extra power but I could go for any other staff positions in mod or admin. If needed i could also help out your builders and redstone master if needed. I could be a Duel-position staff member and be in high staff and redstone master at the same time.

    12/03/2013 9:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SenatorHD's Avatar



    I live in Ontario, Canada.

    Moderator on The successful Minebyte network, Admin on smaller servers, redstoner on a few servers and builder on the society

    Imagination level 1-10:

    Building skills 1-10:
    7/10 building wise 8.5/10 redstone wise

    What can you do too help contribute too our new server?:
    I am very intelligent in most subjects, always been top of my class so that could contribute to my redstoning and building and I always keep a level head. I am great with people and working out issues between members. I have 2 and a half years of experience on minecraft server staff and plan to have many more. I have quite a bit of free time so i can be on most days between 6:00pm and 11:00pm since thats when most of my friends head home. on weekends I'm free on Sundays from 12:00am to 12:00pm if i have no prior plans. I hope you accept me to your team of staff .

    What position do you want?:
    Whatever is in high demand. I would prefer Head admin so that I have a bit extra power but I could go for any other staff positions in mod or admin. If needed i could also help out your builders and redstone master if needed. I could be a Duel-position staff member and be in high staff and redstone master at the same time.

    I hope you consider my application

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