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Level 11
Journeyman Farmer

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    12/06/2021 3:35 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    I'm sitting here wondering where the 6'5 option is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Smoll boys everywhere here laughs in 21 years of living
    12/05/2021 8:53 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Your reason might be a little odd but PC generally is easier to mod & has a more welcoming (longstanding) community that has a sense of maturity I can't believe I said that

    Converted my Bedrock realm to a Java world yesterday night, it's the only reason I sometimes played on Bedrock
    12/04/2021 6:32 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    You really beat me to it, Sodium does wonders on making the game run on even really low-end hardware!
    Any chance OP can provide us with system specifications? (A screenshot from Speccy/Task Manager would do wonders!)
    09/17/2020 5:21 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar

    If you start as a fresh admin/mod it is usually easier to start unpaid.
    Most smaller servers don't pay their staff team but do offer you to learn the art that is moderating a server :)

    Once you have some experience it doesn't hurt to look around for a bigger server that is looking for a full-time mod; there aren't many that pay so expect to give up a lot of free time & focus on more than just the game (You'll be handling support tickets as well)

    I'm more than happy to talk to you tonight to give you some of my experience; Sfekke22#4090 on Discord
    I've been running MGC for 7 years and have been part of a few moderator teams
    08/06/2020 8:31 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Have you ever heard of that nutcase called Sfekke?

    Just over 500 but h.. haha who am I kidding; currently I'm not watching any YT'ers below 500 that focus on Minecraft
    10/04/2019 8:33 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Quite common blond, leaning more into brown but definitely a dumb-blonde in the sunlight haha
    09/18/2019 9:52 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    There used to be a server that paid you in Bitcoins for every block mined.
    Another one added playtime as well and paid you out with that.

    Ever since that, not to my knowledge.
    Would be odd to pay players money to play; generally a server costs a pretty penny in initial cost and has a maintenance cost.
    Some, myself included don't ask money to play on our servers; flat-out not allowing donations. But that's as far as I'm going; paying people that play wouldn't add anything to the experience.
    After-all, don't we play for fun :)
    09/03/2019 12:58 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Highly depends on your PC's specifications.
    Shaders (depending on which ones) really push the GPU.
    I can't deny they look s e x y as all hell when they're smooth!
    09/03/2019 12:55 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    If you want to allocate more RAM you do this :
    1. Open the launcher
    2. After logging in, go to the top left & look for Installations
    3. Click the + New button
    4. Give it a name, icon & choose your version
    5. Below those fields on the left choose More Options
    6. In JVM Arguments change the -Xmx2G to whatever value you need and/or want
      For example -Xmx6G ; now there are 6GB's allocated.

    Don't go over 8GB, generally anything over that will be too much depending on your system of course.
    A good middle-ground is 6GB.
    Copy this into JVM arguments for a quick fix
    -Xmx6G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M

    Now you have 6GB allocated, wasn't that hard after all was it?

    I prefer the old.. old launcher, because it creates a nostalgic feeling.

    But I have to be objective here and say, this one is much better & more user friendly =)

    Hopefully this helped; noticed Xeria also posted this .. but hey doesn't hurt to have it twice lol
    09/02/2019 1:50 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Yeah, almost like democracy exists here mhm
    08/16/2019 4:34 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Hopefully when they add a new dimension they can add some new structures to the nether; basically overhaul a part of the game that really needs it; but not change it too much of course.
    08/13/2019 3:27 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    That's awesome!
    To everyone who still has that, I'd say hold onto it ^^
    Wish I kept mine, but due to my at the time rising intrest in computers & their ins & outs I ended up not keeping that laptop alive long enough to even think about the nostalgic value of a first world .. :'(
    08/13/2019 3:17 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    I know it's a bit ambitious, but we've had the same three dimensions for a while now..
    After the end got reworked I think it wouldn't hurt to add a new one to add more end-game content :)
    08/13/2019 3:16 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    A new dimension would be awesome!
    I've been dreaming of heaving a heaven after going to the end.
    Imagine this
    You go to the Nether; hell
    Manage to find The End and for your effort a dragon egg acts like a jump/portal between the overworld & heaven.
    Anyone who remembers The Aether, it's what I'm talking about but fitting better into the current game.
    I'd also love to see the same alternative way to exit as the aether, jump down to the ground or per usual use the portal.

    To activate the portal use the dragon egg to ignite a glowstone portal, that pretty much would be the same as the nether portal works except with a different way to activate it.

    A usable dragon egg that can activate a glowstone portal leading to heaven a dimension with floating islands and new tasks to complete & dungeons to conquer!
    08/13/2019 3:17 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    I know it's a bit ambitious, but we've had the same three dimensions for a while now..
    After the end got reworked I think it wouldn't hurt to add a new one to add more end-game content :)
    08/04/2019 4:08 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Like the others in the EU, when it was 40C° I was inside hoping for death to come xP
    Other than that, gaming, cycling & yes swimming to keep the heat at bay.
    Since a few days I can add driving to that list, after 1.5 years of having a license I finally have a car to call my own c=

    Hope everyone's summer is going as nice as mine!
    08/04/2019 4:06 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Really impressive!
    07/30/2019 2:23 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Try downloading the Java version of the game.
    It's better in my opinion, changing the skin is done through the website under profile.
    There are also more diverse servers on this version, if you're into that minigame life :)
    07/30/2019 10:38 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Wasps by far, I feel as if their only purpose is to scare humans and annoy them :p
    07/19/2019 12:39 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Haha glad you at least got a chuckle out of it, I sure did when typing it :p
    Obviously I'm joking, like none of what I said should be taken all too serious
    07/18/2019 3:47 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Farmer
    Sfekke's Avatar
    Try pulling his hair, it'll reveal the juicy Orangy bits; why do you think he covers it up with that fake hair? Failed attempts need to covered up somehow, it is also to try and divert attention to the real elephant in the room; him being an orange!!

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