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Level 30 Artisan Cake

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    05/26/2012 10:36 am
    Level 30 : Artisan Cake
    Shielay's Avatar

    Minecraft Username: marn1x409

    Age: 14

    Are you applying for a staff position if so what position (Remember show prof and if you are not applying for a staff position just do not fill it in): not applying

    What does OOC stand for: out of character

    What is the meaning of role-playing (no wiki): like living that world like real life but in that world

    How did you hear about us: looked for a lotr server on pmc and this looked awesome

    Do you have Mumble: What is mumble?

    A little bit about you: Well i am shielay i am 14 years old and i love to draw , sing , hang with friends and play minecraft

    Why do you think we should accept your application: Cus i really want to join the server

    Have you read the lore(aka have you read the lord of the rings books): No but i am going to buy them tomorrow so

    What can you bring to this server: Well i am always like to help people and show them around ( if i had some coffee lol xD jk)

    Do you accept and understand the rules: Yes

    And last but the most important do you know what "The Lord of the Rings" is:
    Yes it is a world created by Tolkien and i love all the movies and i am sure i will love the books

    Character's name: Selene

    Race: Elf

    Age(Character Age): Well i dont really know the elven years so something like 10406 years old?

    Your character's ambitions: Wants to learn all the healing magic and battle magic and help the world

    Biography (A little about your character the longer the better):
    Selene is a elven born lived long in the woods of Lady Galadriel Lothlórien. Where she lives happy and is in study learning healing magic of the Lady of Light. She wants to explore the world from Ered Luin to Rhovanion But thinks it would never happen and stay save and sound in Lotherien. And then one day She is walking in the woods looking for healing plants then she sees 10 human man from Rohan , 5 Elven People from Rivendell and 2 dwarves of Moria running as fast as they can she looked shocked she nearly never seen dwarves or humans in Lotherien then she saw that a few of the humans where shot with arrows and carrwing people dead people o.o then she saw the attackers orcs of Mordor!. She used all the magic she could use and created a magic barrier to hold back the orcs and helped healing the people the men , elves and dwarves fighted against the orcs as long as they could hold them but they where weak and worn out they couldnt hold them away for much longer so selene had to heal them fast and faster and then she remebered a little white flower that she got from Lady Galadriel that she could use to summon the lady if she was in danger and she used it and then a white mist come. Selene coudlnt see anything till a Beautfial women shining white light coming towards her and then she told me heal them i will fight off the orcs. and she went to attack the orcs with less then 5 minutes she killed all the 40 orcs with her magic power and then she leaded all the men , elves and dwarves to her elven city and let them tell everything about them they where a group travellers who explorded the world and when they told that Galadriel could see selene's eyes lighten up and then she asked the travellers when you are recoverd of all the wounds can Selene come with you she wanted to be a traveller for all her live and they said yes. She was happy and 2 days later they went and thats how the story goes on

    Your character is walk along the road when off in the distance he sees a dwarf being attack by two goblins what does you character do?: She tryes to help him altought she is more a healer

    Your character is traveling through some hill when he sees some smoke rising from behind the hill to his left you go to investigate you see a hobbit hole burning what does you character do?: throw water on it!

    Your character is admiring Sira_Taure when you King Hyanda walk by you what does your character do?: Looks at him and bows

    Photo of your skin: ... ss-920039/ made for me by freyaaa- a really good skin maker

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