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Level 31
Artisan Ninja

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    08/03/2014 7:34 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    Raxyn looked at Khamul sighing as he didn't get his point across, a look trying to say, "I wanted to kill her with you but... i guess another time then..." He snapped his fingers and sighed shaking his head as he and Sesh disappeared into a column of shadow as they both attempted to escape by leaving to a mountain where no one else would be.

    'I'm a failure... I'm still a child at heart... a little ruff-houser... I can't use strategy... I can't do anything!' he thought to himself staying and sitting on top of Sesh's back. 'Shadow Raxyn... Take my name and form or something... just, kill me off so i die and you can still remain...' not even sending the mind link as he fell into one more set of depression marks.
    (( i still don't know how to do the gray seperator line :l whatever... ))

    "And there they try to go!" said SR not really to anyone but himself.
    07/30/2014 11:05 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    (( As the website is down for an extended period of time... ))

    "Oh... if only..." said Raxyn shrugging before slipping downwards and anchoring himself with Khamul using his sword as the ledge as he latched his meat hook onto it and grunted in pain a bit from the sudden down drop of force.

    "Majority factor we should be fine... We've all handled worse..." said SR as an uneasiness started to become a real feeling for him.

    'I'm feeling an emotion... how?' he thought to himself.
    07/11/2014 4:35 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    (( understandable my friend, it's life it happens ))

    "Well... you know... i um... became a psychopath all of a sudden... and... other things... sociopath as well," said Raxyn with a half-emotionless voice as he said this shrugging a bit. "It's really mostly... um self-developed honestly..."

    "We should like do things together... like... kill others that Hyperion doesn't like or something..." he added quickly anticipating Seshariel's wing to become behind Khamul as he threw a few knives that he created to throw past him under his legs and past his head as well, and using his own skill made it look like Khamul dodged even though he had his large abundance of armor and weight distribution.
    07/08/2014 8:38 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    (( CID! I'm so happy, what happened if i may ask? ))

    Raxyn smirked and jump back making it seem like he dodged out of the way and then leaped back forward and flipped forward throwing the axe at Khamul's feet, a quick and easy way to dodge it from himself. He looked back after landing and nodded to him.

    'That's if he can pull it off!' he thought to himself.
    07/04/2014 6:02 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    (( Ima try to revive this... ish CID... you.. there...

    ON a side note, anyone still looking into this, i'll go ahead and try to make another rp to get us all into... I'll keep darkness darkness society and all other things above all Just give me time, unless cid can hopefully revive this again ))
    04/22/2014 10:31 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Not really directly... She's just the second layer of hell owner ruler serpent of the sky... She controls the powers of wind and air put bluntly!" said Shadow Raxyn biting his lip.

    "Hurr durr..." said Raxyn sighing. "Still one small problem... Your here... and not... hurr... directing some sort of order..." He looked at Tiamut frowning and a look of sadness before turning back to Khamul. His wrist stopped bleeding at the moment as it healed a bit.

    "Hey, let's act like we're fighting and deal massive damage to Her back!" he shot towards Khamul acting like joking around about "Betraying" some sort of obvious but you needed to be smart enough to realize Seshariel... or new girlfriend... whatever he thought at this point...

    (( girlfriend being light on the fact if there could be a way of calming Seshariel down... killing all of her lovers and using her against... so and so... hurr... ))
    04/21/2014 7:11 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "You know what..." said Raxyn summoning a darkness dagger and cutting his right hand wrist. Blood dropped out in a trickle. He looked past Khamul and saw Seshariel not even bother to look at them, not even using her peripheral vision.

    He turned back to Khamul with a look of psychopathy and hate, rage, and insanity and shook his hand for three seconds.

    "Telefreakingpathy... I never had a reason bringing her here... but I'm sure we can backstab this stupid b***h anyway because I have a crystal to find back at wyrmback mountains that in a wind shard she controls... so... hurr... Plus I can't really fight you... your cool... and... other various things..." He said scowling at Khamul before letting go of his hand and making a quick movement to whatever weapon Khamul had sheathed. He quietly summoned a large dark axe in his right hand which he threw behind his back.

    "Sure my dear... he'll be disposed of... rather... slowly..." he muttered grumbling afterwards.

    "MEH! alright..." said Shadow Raxyn warping himself right behind Alphon on Xenlon's back.
    04/20/2014 5:11 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Hey... hold on a second... I'm not doing this to get at Hyperion and make him more mad and angry... I'm just... a psychopath..." said Raxyn brushing his face and sighing. "If you want we can just move to another city... like an enemy of Hyperion's city!"

    "If it's that much of an issue... I mean, We'll keep you guys alive! and look, no innocents died yet!" as he said this he snapped his fingers and stopped the onslaught of electricity and lava from the ground and air.
    04/19/2014 11:23 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    (( I found a computer... that is minor and yet still works... ))

    "Hey... how are you doing..." said Raxyn casually. "I don't know what else am I supposed to say... F*** you? I don't appreciate that type of immaturity..."

    "How's your day?" he asked after 5 seconds of split silence except for the roaring winds and common blasts of dark electricity raining from the sky and a few sprouts of lava from the ground to be heard.

    "Alright... But first sign of trouble I'm teleporting you out and getting you back home!" said Shadow Raxyn very clear and unmistakable, as if he wanted to make sure this was VERY understood.
    04/12/2014 9:40 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    (( I'm going to be gone... for... a while... using a library computer for this one last post... everything in my original computer... broke... literally... I need to whole new one, I'm gone for... a long long time... just a heads up note... ))

    Raxyn smiled. "Hell yeah... just some minor sprouts of lava... here and there and then darkness electricity from the skies above... we'll be good!" he said charging up some of the electricity from the air around him.
    04/06/2014 3:13 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Here we go... this is it..." said Raxyn smirking.

    The plan would finally go into effect... whatever plan it was!

    "You know... you have a free-will..." said Shadow Raxyn frowning, his features of emotion clearly evident. "I don't want to risk the life of a hero who does not clearly need to worry as she will be dealt with in time... however much time in dwindling..."
    03/30/2014 9:52 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Merry Hearts and Hooves day..." said Shadow Raxyn sighing. "She needs to rest and let the fractures heal... Seshariel went bitch mode..." said SR bringing her in.

    "Alphon I'd freaking stay... but I'll summarize it... I need you to grab Xenlon as we need to hunt the sky serpent Seshariel down before she starts destroying the world... XK class... with other deities and evil gods..."


    "It's... um... Moria... hurr..." said Raxyn sure of himself.

    "When we finish this off let's work together indefinitely... be mates or something... as in why the hell not... I know the world and various major cities nearby and you have wonderful powers..."

    (( Hurr... the name of the city... :l I know we aren't supposed to call it Moria but if you figured a name of your own cid... um... what was it? ))
    03/28/2014 9:12 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Shh... be quiet my dear Gwen... It'll only be a minute..." said Shadow Raxyn. He quickly brought her to the nearest area of treatment from a nearby doctor. He told him of how she gained the injury and they brought her to Alphon's house.

    "Alphon... open the door..." said Shadow Raxyn knocking quickly forcefully.


    "Keep heading... this... direction, yep we're going the right way!" said Raxyn smiling. He liked this, 'Seshariel' very much... "I also see how anyone can not be unimpressed, especially from a look at a creature like you and how you move wonderfully well!"
    03/23/2014 9:35 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Probably doesn't care anymore... I think he just found a new love life..." said Shadow Raxyn. "I shall deal with her later... to me... my friends are more important..." he created a portal of darkness and helped Gwen through as they walked together through the corridor to Wyrmward.

    "Of course my lady... if it helps... I actually and starting to like you more than I should... perhaps I would like to have a relation with you and we can go start destroying random cities and towns together!" said Raxyn swiftly running up her tail and sitting behind her head, making no feeling of movement upon her delicate scales and body.
    03/22/2014 11:33 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "You do not mind if I ride atop of you to lead you... I don't really have a transportation way to stay in front and lead you..." said Raxyn sighing and being a little convincing. For Seshariel, he would need to acquire a form changer... for mating of course...

    Of course the female sky serpent was very beautiful in his head...

    I nice black dragon for him to morph into that was her height when she stood on her hind legs would be fitting he thought to himself.
    03/22/2014 2:04 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "I like you... your at least prepared..." said Raxyn smiling. "I too basically have all the time in the world... having a free-will and all... So let's go now..."

    "I'll help you... Your mate needs to hear about this..." said Shadow Raxyn picking Gwen up and throwing her left arm around his shoulder and starting to carry her.
    03/20/2014 6:39 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Hear his tone and how he speaks... he's planning and he's gone fully insane... he's dull and lifeless..." said Shadow Raxyn. "He's... turning Null again..."

    He turned to her once more and stared into her eyes. "You need to heal... DO NOT PUSH YOURSELF..."

    "We can surely leave now... and I will lead you to it... it's such a large city and fairly easy to spot..." Asked Raxyn curiously. "This is only just a thought of repayment... ever had a pleasure of the flesh? like made love or mated... a thought, and me being a miserable little psychopathy human..."
    03/19/2014 10:12 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "As i said before... I can lead you... of course name a price I can repay to you... it's only... fair..." he said smirking to Seshariel.

    Dark Raxyn sighed as he watched.

    "Well... that went to hell quickly..." he said to himself going down to check on Gwen and heal her back up. She had a life to enjoy before... it all ended...

    He finally reached her after a while, she was... clearly... injured...

    "Frak me and my real body... he's such an A-whole..." he said kneeling down next to Gwen. He sprayed some electricity. "I'll need to help you and bring you to a hospital so you can heal properly... various bones... fractured..."
    03/18/2014 8:26 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
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    "Um... the common sense in this area indicates... yes... people are now deserving to die... In fact... I'd rather start seeing the world burn... unfortunately..." said Raxyn sighing happily. He missed when he started messing and ruining with others heads.

    "Call it becoming insane... or a psychosis..." he said reassuringly.
    03/09/2014 7:06 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
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    "Actually... there's another city that is much larger and deserves a good romping around... I could lead you to it!" said Raxyn slightly bowing his head, fortunately out of Gwen's Field-of-view.

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