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Level 31
Artisan Ninja

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    06/03/2015 8:20 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "If something stabbed it, I'm going to hope another person was down here surviving and not some animal modified to be a weaponized beast," said SR.

    "What does the script operate under?" asked Raxyn looking over the whole thing.
    05/31/2015 6:53 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    (( wonderful fact would be you're back ))

    "Go ahead, show me," said Raxyn smirking. To make a choice on such a thing, and maybe use it.

    "On quote, This wonderfully will not be fun," mumbled SR sighing a bit.
    01/08/2015 8:25 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    Raxyn picked up one of the chakrams slowly and held it hung over a finger. "Light-weight, easy to handle for throwing." He spun it over his finger by moving his hand in a circular motion. "If it had some sort of a handle, it would be great as a melee weapon!"

    "Yeah, let's get going..." began SR taking a step further into the water and darkness ahead of them, keeping the light as bright as possible.
    01/05/2015 12:08 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Well, if anything is used to smelling and eating rotten meat we can be found easily, however it may be used to the smell of what is down here as water and other things so if we're close enough to that we could be fine, hopefully," began SR. He snapped his right hand fingers and, "gripped" a ball as a plume of normal fire ignited and created some light.

    "I'm used to darkness, however my dark sight isn't getting me past anything in front of a foot of sight, so we'll have to resort to artificial lighting." sighed SR.

    "haven't seen a chakram in a while, oh wait, humanity took that away from the rest of all societies as far as i know!" said Raxyn smirking. "At least technically they could be a shield at the same time as a weapon,"
    12/30/2014 1:43 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Seshariel, show me that, "insanity" when i get back please..." said Raxyn running towards the means of movement and disappearing into with going after Vulgrim.

    "Good luck to us both!" said SR jumping down first. This didn't seem very well of him, and with the understnading of Raxyn's, "friend" he thought he now knew more of why sometimes having not just allies or accomplices was less important than actually owning...

    having friends!
    12/23/2014 8:00 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
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    "Actually dear, I thought that would've been helpful later on in some other future event," said Raxyn shrugging. He turned towards Vulgrim and sighed. "Show me whatever you have, It might prove useful for what will happen later,"

    "Wow... if I was physical i would cut myself for not thinking straight enough through this, and the fact that strength does sometimes help a lot," He stood up and put his materials away.

    "Nice job!" patting Alphon on the shoulder.
    12/13/2014 11:25 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    Raxyn crossed his arms closing his eyes and thinking about what just happened. The shriek and then the dementia and psychopathic look, it thought it linked together.

    'I like it, even though I'm not supposed to...' he sighed. He shouldn't speak especially at this moment.

    "Well Alph, I won't go against what you chose, let us move forward my ally!" said SR smiling as he moved forward towards a sewage opening that was covered.

    "And needs to be picked of lock..." muttered SR sighing pulling out his equipment.
    12/10/2014 7:20 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Use your peripherals dear..." suggested Raxyn looking in the direction of the symbol. "Sorry, but he's here..."

    "Alphon, That's fine with me. You have a life! You have someone and others to care for and worry, that's alright. I would suggest you also go back to your dear just in case, I've never been down here, neither has Raxyn, which means I need to map out the area first and see if any trouble is down here." began SR.

    "Make a choice, but just as a heads up. Do NOT run if we immediately hear something down there, I'd like to see any way to distract it,"
    11/29/2014 8:23 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "I have never been into the sewers yet, but I shall not be surprised when there is something inside there, "protecting" it," said SR. "I would like to operate by stealth however, usually any animal below the light is blind and their hearing is boosted,"

    "Well my dear, Would you like a dragon to be fitting for you?" said Raxyn smirked in acceptance. "Plus if you have anything that is very good for stealth and hiding, I'm sure we'll get along fine,"
    11/28/2014 12:07 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "The tentacles are interesting..." said Raxyn crossing his arms making a disciplined joke.

    "I would suggest not continuing that attitude Alph," began SR.

    "Follow me, i know a way to get in from the bottom, your going to need a wonderful bath however..." said SR to Alphon patting his shoulder.
    11/24/2014 10:29 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Damn... well, I'm sure we can start off with Khamul, he's pretty good with talking to especially when he likes getting a certain job accomplished and or done. Considering Raxyn HAD to work with him for Hyperion." said SR sighing.

    "I guess we'll just do this the stealthy way then." he whispered to Alphon.

    'She's certainly going for arousal methods on me!' thought Raxyn smiling a bit. 'Apparently she's good at that...' He walked in thinking this and looked at the various ones that he looked at before in a book.
    11/23/2014 7:15 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Her name was... um... Fenri! I'm thinking about going for her, since she said something to Raxyn that made me think once it was made across!" said SR scratching the back of his head.

    "Wow, didn't even notice we walked over a drawbridge of the castle, sweet!" as he chuckled about it. "Now we just need to get the attention of a guard or two,"

    "What else can these plants of old do?" asked Raxyn curiously.
    11/22/2014 7:13 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    Raxyn smiled to himself, 'If these plants work thee well i think they should, I'll be able to throw off any large attack onto me that made heavy damage!' he thought to himself.

    "We all seem angry about everyone around us Seshariel. even more, when it IS someone we barely know that often clouds our judgement against then to kill them... So, after i harvest some plants for medicines, lets strategize on a plan! shall we?"

    SR pondered a bit. "Know anyone named Seshariel... because my fleshy counterpart is working on being a lover with her..."


    'Emotions...' thought SR. "I haven't managed anyone, at least, not yet. But i am thinking about a female were-wolf, or whatever she was, that we were friends with that Raxyn made sad and dis-regard him.
    11/19/2014 8:27 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Sesh, don't think about me like that," said Raxyn sighing. "The merchant seemed to have joined you, you have various people that work FOR you, and because of that i suspected he had very well good wares that could be helpful." Raxyn was trying to make Seshariel at least ignore all ignorance.

    "Are these plants useful for medicines Sesh?" asked Raxyn curiously.

    "Interesting back story for those two..." said SR scratching the back of his head.
    11/15/2014 2:36 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
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    "I don't know anything else about any historical signs and operation of Khamul and his wonderful beast, but you seem to know a, "Something" that was a legend or rumor?" said SR allowing more conversation to unfold.

    Raxyn looked into her eyes and crossed his arms while sighing. "I might as well be with you until Vul shows up, so go ahead and show me around a bit my dear!"
    11/15/2014 8:35 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
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    Raxyn scratched the back of his head and sighed. "It is rather interesting, and it does have apparently a good feel when looking about," Yes, the picturesque form of the world was fitting for a near ending climatic operation to the world already.

    "Vulgrim! I call to thee because i said i would or something..." muttered Raxyn rubbing his forehead in a depressing manner. "On this note Seshariel, i shall look around a bit to get more out of it, after Vul comes by and i look at whatever the hell he does,"

    SR thought about it for a moment. "This king is often-"

    "He's arrogant and is only doing things much for power, that six-winged dragon that one of his wonderful allies owns and rides is his best man in a sense, I'm sure he believes that as long as a citizen or civilian alive still here, they can do they're own thing to heal or do their own job just because..."

    "I don't know fully, but as you can see and i know you can see, no one helps these people... And to various other intelligent people, that means something of the lines you said as well as I!"

    "Take note, if we talk to the owner of the six-winged dragon, His rider is known as, "Khamul""
    11/13/2014 8:08 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    (( I'm certainly not against it, if it helps you get back into this go ahead! ))
    11/11/2014 9:45 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
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    Raxyn sighed silently to himself and began to think, in a sense before he used to. All these things linked barely to each other. First the unexplained power, now the psychopathy... He held on tightly in a sense to Sesh's scales and body as they slipped through the portal.

    Why does it all link? And yet it doesn't... now does it...

    SR hummed a bit just for humor. 'There's another emotion...' he thought sighing in disbelief.

    "We can probably operate something with him, Hyperion already knows Raxyn... i can't remember if he knows about me however..." said SR as a side note. "Come, follow me... I can lead you to where he is, even though we see the castle ahead..."
    11/11/2014 8:11 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Alright, first we'll go through the portal. Then I can carious and look at what Vulgrium has had to sell in a sense." said Raxyn nodding to both Vulgrium and Seshariel.

    SR walked towards the main castle and looked around. The city was starting to get ruined more and more, even as they got closer and closer to the main castle.

    "This isn't what i want and or need, something is wrong, and this isn't supposed to be happening!" said SR sighing. "There's the castle, so we need to get there and talk to the king, Hyperion!"
    11/09/2014 5:17 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    (( didn't even bother checking this yesterday if you replied, how I am... how shameful ))

    Raxyn looked towards the ground, having thought get put into his subconscious. "Why not?" he said, shrugging as he turned towards her. "Maybe it'd help for a later cause!"

    "Go on back home without me, considering i can teleport everywhere as well like Raxyn just did," said SR. "Something needs to be introduced to the ruler here!" And with that he hopped off Xenlon's back and landed onto the streets below.

    "Or you could possibly come along!" he quickly suggested.

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