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New Miner

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    03/14/2012 1:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Shrremp's Avatar
    How long you have played minecraft(mention update version)- 2 days after Alpha released.
    Why you want to become a staff member- Because my favorite thing in the world is to help people. I love to stop griefers. I am very friendly and mature. I am not too strict on rules, but I will enforce them.
    Which Position do you want? Mod or Admin
    Have you got any staff Experiance?: Yes. I have been Mod and Admin on alot of servers. I know all WorldEdit commands, MCEdit, /heal /ban etc.. I don't know WorldGuard very well.. and I don't know how to do LogBlock.
    What servers have you been staff on?
    Alot of servers, I don't remember the names. I have been on so many and people love me!.
    My IGN is Shrremp. I also have Skype and Ventrilo. My Skype name is Shrremp.
    03/14/2012 1:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Shrremp's Avatar
    Age: 15
    How long you have played minecraft: 2 days after the first Alpha released.
    Why you want to become mod: Because my passion is to help people. It is my favorite thing in the world to see someone happy with me helping them. I can enforce rules, but I am not very strict on them, I don't particularly like to ban people. I don't feel sorry for the annoying kids who rage. That, pisses me off.
    Time zone: Central Timezone USA
    Have you got any staff Experiance?: Yes. I know ALL of the admin commands, banning, jailing, I know all WorldEdit, MCEdit, I only don't know WorldGuard and LogBlock. YOu will have to teach me that.
    What servers have you been staff on? I don't remember the names. I have been this though: Mod x2 Admin x5 Owner x1 (I like to be on other servers sometimes to get away from my own)

    I also have Skype and Ventrilo if you would like to talk on that.
    Best Regards,
    -Shrremp <8
    03/04/2012 3:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Shrremp's Avatar
    IGN - Shrremp
    Age - 15
    Position - Admin or Mod (whichever works
    Have you been banned before - Once
    Reason why you were banned - I was a N00b 1 year ago and didn't know what greifing was
    Reason why you want to be staff - I would like to help people out (Main Reason). I would also like to apply for an open position because it is always good feeling to help others out and punish the griefers and rule breakers .
    Experience - I have been an admin across 12 servers. I know pretty much all of the commands. I have been playing since the 1st day it came out.
    Timezone - Central TimeZone, USA
    Maturity level- I am VERY mature despite my age. I know how to handle situations without raging like 12-year-olds. Please PM me if I get accepted and give the IP please
    03/04/2012 9:26 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Shrremp's Avatar
    In Game Name: Shrremp
    How long have you played: Ever since Vanilla when it first came out
    What style do you build: Medieval Castles, Towers, Chinese Style Gondolas
    Other: I am VERY good at helping, I know ALL of the admin commands, and I am fairly good at redstone

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