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Level 1
New Explorer

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    12/04/2013 7:00 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    SS121's Avatar
    Maturity:8/10 I try holding my swears back but when i get angry it comes out like a waterfall(If that made sense :/)
    State:I dont live in the US or the UK.
    Experience:Very Experienced with Factions
    Imagination level 1-10:Over 9000(most of the time)
    Building skills 1-10:I admit im not the best so.....6/10
    What can you do too help contribute too our new server?:Since I have many ideas in such a small brain,I can host PVP Contests to see who can get some perks like MOAR diamonds and stuff.
    What position do you want?:Helper,Moderator and Admin is fine by me.
    12/04/2013 6:55 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    SS121's Avatar

    Skype:SS121Skype (Very Unoriginal yay)

    Building Skills:6/10 (I dont like to praise myself that much as i still have a lot to improve on)

    Plugin Skills:Sadly i do not know my way around plugins but i can help with finding plugins.(even though everyone else can do it)

    Are you able to donate any money? ( Does Not Effect Your Chances ):Sadly no my parents does not and will not approve of donating money to something that isnt a charity as they dont trust online sites.

    Past Experiences:Im a Co-Owner on my friend's server and an Admin on another friends server.

    Why Should I accept you?I am helpful,respectful,firm(when someone on the server breaks the rules,I will never hesitate on reinforcing the rules)

    Extra Information:I dont have a mic so i am very very VERY loud(Im known to blow my friends ears but im working on it)
    12/04/2013 6:48 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    SS121's Avatar
    Age: 13
    Skype: SS121Skype
    Maturity level: 7/8 [Depends On Whatever happens in the universe that surrounds me)
    What would you like to be?: Admin
    Why would you like to be it? :I want to be in Admin as im sure that i only know 20.3% of the plugin that exists out there.I have been playing Minecraft and know my way around commands,respectful to players(mostly),Usually follow orders without complains,and take the neccesary actions when a rule is broken.(Look at me being all goody-two-shoes)
    Are you good at configing plugins?: No Plugins arent my sort of thing.
    Building level: 6/10
    Can you create plugins? No sadly but i usually have an idea to implement into whatever plugin to make it*looks around and whispers:* 'exclusive'.
    Choose to accept me or choose not too.Life will still go on regardless.
    06/08/2013 6:33 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    SS121's Avatar
    Can I Be Whitelisted too?
    Username:SS121bit*hes(replace * with c)
    06/08/2013 2:22 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    SS121's Avatar
    Youtube link:SS121Videos(No Vids yet!)
    Skype(needed):yesh its SS121 Has Skype
    How often can you play?:Ill try to play as much as possibru
    Why do you want to do youtube?:So I can see how far I can get in YouTube.
    Why do you want to be partnerd with me?:because I never worked with a partner before and it is a new experience for me.
    Where are you from?:Singapore(FTW)

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