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      Stephen5311 shared Springair's post
      June 27, 2017, 7:08 pm with Public
      ~ Say something about this...
      Springair's Avatar
      June 27, 2017, 7:02 pm to Public
      I-Network Rant

      By: Springy

      Date: 6/25/2017

      Hello all, Springy here with a rant about a server that myself and many others have helped, loved and recently Betrayed by.


      For those of you who have never played this Minecraft PC Server, I’ll fill you in. I-Network is a server with different games modes such as Survival, Creative, Factions etc but no Minigames. I and hundreds of other people have grown to love the server and spend countless hours playing with friends or family on it. But recently the server has been taking a turn for the worst and turning into sheer madness.

      Some things to know before all this, recently lots of friends and I started a small minecraft Minigame server, we all had played I-N and left on good terms. I-Network didn’t like it.

      So last night [6/25/2017] my family and I went out to go see a movie (Transformers: The last Knight. If anyone was wondering, it's a great movie!) and it ended around 1:15 AM Central time. I got home and tried to hop on I-Network to check things out. When I did I got the message I was banned

      (Note it says that for Hub, Survival etc)

      That's right, Banned. No reason was shown why so tried to access the Website to apply for a ban appeal, The website said I was banned so I couldn't view it. Something that never happens


      Banned on the website too. So I did the next best thing and reached out to the Network Owner and Developer via Enjin

      No response.

      So I was at work today and I got a Skype request from a new OP of the branch of the network I staffed on for almost a year until I quit.

      After about 2 minutes he added me to a Skype group with himself and the Dev of the Network. I'll do a recap at the end of the blog.


      [2:37:25 PM] Springy: Howdy

      [2:37:33 PM] Ghost8797: Hey

      [2:37:41 PM] Springy: Oh, The new I-C OP I see.

      [2:37:45 PM] Springy: How is it?

      [2:37:46 PM] Ghost8797: Yep

      [2:37:51 PM] Ghost8797: Its decent so far

      [2:37:51 PM] Springy: Creative dying yet?

      [2:38:01 PM] Springy: I know it started to when I left

      [2:38:05 PM] Ghost8797: Why do you think I'm here? :p to revive it

      [2:38:10 PM] Springy: Good luck

      [2:38:18 PM] Ghost8797: did this before :p

      [2:38:33 PM] Ghost8797: Is ###### your sister?

      [2:38:40 PM] Springy: Why do you ask?

      [2:38:55 PM] Ghost8797: cause you got her banned on I-C, does she know that?

      [2:39:05 PM] Springy: Nope, and she is

      [2:39:18 PM] Springy: I don't even know why I'm banned

      [2:39:24 PM] Ghost8797: Yeah right

      [2:39:31 PM] Springy: I went out to the movies one night, came back and was banned

      [2:39:42 PM] Springy: Dude, I helped I-C of over a year

      [2:39:53 PM] Springy: I even tried to ask #### and Ostr why I was banned

      [2:39:57 PM] Springy: No response

      [2:40:14 PM] Springy: I'm network banned

      That was the Private Chat, Here is the chaos of the Group chat.

      [2:40:08 PM] *** Ghost8797 added Ostr, Springy ***

      [2:40:16 PM] Ostr: Sring

      [2:40:19 PM] Springy: Howdy

      [2:40:23 PM] Ostr: ****Craft, ring a bell?

      [2:40:27 PM] Springy: Yes

      [2:40:32 PM] Springy: And

      [2:40:38 PM] Springy: I'm gonna say something real quick

      [2:40:49 PM] Ostr: You and several others have been banned due to participating in that server.

      [2:40:54 PM] Springy: If you banned me because I helped that's a sh*tty move

      [2:40:56 PM] Springy: Wow

      [2:41:04 PM] Ostr: I didn't ban you.

      [2:41:11 PM] Springy: Okay, who did

      [2:41:13 PM] Ostr: ######### ordered the ban.

      [2:41:16 PM] Springy: Okay

      [2:41:19 PM] Springy: But still

      [2:41:24 PM] Springy: Think about it

      [2:41:30 PM] Ostr: They stole i-s players

      [2:41:38 PM] Ostr: And whoever was involved was banned, it's quite simple

      [2:41:38 PM] Springy: "We are gonna ban you because you joined a server with some friends"

      [2:41:49 PM] Springy: Dude

      [2:41:49 PM] Ostr: ###### stole i-s players springair.

      [2:42:05 PM] Springy: Just because you play I-S doesn't mean you can't play another server

      [2:42:15 PM] Springy: Plus it's not like we are ######-Network

      [2:42:21 PM] Springy: It's for minigames

      [2:42:24 PM] Ostr: You can't participate in ####craft, it's betraying the server.

      [2:42:29 PM] Ghost8797: But using I-S to get players to help build?

      [2:42:37 PM] Ghost8797: and run it?

      [2:42:43 PM] Springy: Can't we ask friends for help?

      [2:42:49 PM] Ostr: Look springair, it's either ####Craft, or i-network.

      [2:42:52 PM] Ostr: You choose.

      [2:42:54 PM] Springy: Okay, Question

      [2:43:04 PM] Springy: If it was a LAN Server would you care

      [2:43:05 PM] Ostr: Yes? I'm quite busy.

      [2:43:08 PM] Springy: Yes or No.

      [2:43:32 PM] Ostr: Any server thats stealing players from the i-n.

      [2:43:37 PM] Ostr: We would care, of course.

      [2:43:40 PM] Springy: How were we stealing?

      [2:43:50 PM] Springy: Did he advertise?

      [2:44:17 PM] Springy: Did he say "Come join this server"?

      [2:44:25 PM] Springy: Even if it was in a Private message on mc

      [2:44:36 PM] Ostr: (NOTE: He pasted in some Skype logs)

      [Saturday, June 24, 2017 12:24 AM] Ostr: Known (participants:

      ######## (leader)

      ######### (leader)
















      [2:44:42 PM] Ostr: All these people are involved in ####craft.

      [2:44:47 PM] Ghost8797: ####?

      [2:45:01 PM] Springy: #### was not involved sadly

      [2:45:02 PM] Ghost8797: rip ####

      [2:45:16 PM] Springy: She knew about it but never helped or came on

      [2:45:33 PM] Ostr: 'Well all those players were from the i-network

      [2:45:40 PM] Springy: Friends?

      [2:45:43 PM] Springy: Ring a bell?

      [2:45:51 PM] Springy: So what your saying is

      [2:45:57 PM] Ostr: Springair, don't be a smart alec.

      [2:46:06 PM] Ostr: ######, #### arent your friends

      [2:46:06 PM] Springy: If Mineplex hired some people from I-N you would ban them?

      [2:46:09 PM] Ostr: Theyn players

      [2:46:13 PM] Ostr: They are i-n players

      [2:46:18 PM] Ostr: Now I have a question for you,

      [2:46:22 PM] Ostr: I-N or ####craft

      [2:46:23 PM] Springy: Go for it

      [2:46:46 PM] Springy: I would prefer both. But I have something to ask

      [2:46:55 PM] Ostr: Alright

      [2:47:01 PM] Ostr: I'll see what I can do.

      [2:47:07 PM] Springy: Could you at least unban my sis. I won't be heading on I-N

      [2:47:15 PM] Springy: She just got mc this year

      [2:47:24 PM] Springy: Idc if I'm still banned

      [2:47:49 PM] Springy: But cmon Ostr if you can't let 'both' happen just let her play

      [2:47:51 PM] Ostr: It'll be fair to unban your sister just, know who you're involved with man.

      [2:47:59 PM] Ostr: ###### isn't a good guy

      [2:48:09 PM] Springy: If you say so.

      [2:48:16 PM] Springy: Also did you have Ghost add me just for this?

      [2:48:35 PM] Springy: Even though I messaged you on Enjin

      [2:48:45 PM] Ostr: I'm not that active on enjin anymore,

      [2:48:56 PM] Springy: Okay, makes sense

      [2:49:08 PM] Springy: But still my question stands

      [2:49:15 PM] Springy: What if #### told them though skype

      [2:49:23 PM] Springy: That is allowed and I know that for a fact

      [2:49:31 PM] Springy: Just can't happen ON the Server itself

      [2:49:40 PM] Springy: I was staff Ostr, remember that

      [2:52:16 PM] Springy: ­Also, Someone leaked the IP on I-S because ###### came on

      [2:52:47 PM] Ostr: ########

      [2:52:54 PM] Springy: Yup

      [2:53:02 PM] Ostr: Did he help with the server

      [2:53:04 PM] Ostr: at all?

      [2:53:07 PM] Springy: Nope

      [2:53:23 PM] Ostr: ####### is currently away

      [2:53:27 PM] Ostr: I'll see what I can do

      [2:53:28 PM] Springy: He gave a complement that's all

      [2:53:42 PM | Edited 3:55:00 PM] Ostr: ?

      [2:55:14 PM] Springy: One last thing, I don't wanna bug you too much

      [2:55:59 PM] Springy: If you tell us who the person who ratted us out was we won't "Steal" (As you guys call it) I-N players

      [2:57:14 PM] Ostr: No one ratted you out

      [2:57:27 PM] Springy: How did you get the list then?

      [2:58:08 PM] Ostr: #######

      [2:58:15 PM] Ostr: He told us

      So, There are my Logs, I'll paste some others at the bottom of this post but let me break this down of what happened and how I feel

      I'll start with the chat with Ghost.

      1. I could've been a little less harsh.
      2. Used my the fact of my Sister being banned against me, Pretty upsetting.
      3. I was being dead serious when I said I didn't know I was banned.
      4. He removed me off Skype after, I'm fine with that

      Group chat.
      1. Ostr puts himself above others (I have other logs to show)
      2. Ostr wasn't THAT bad saying he would try to get my Sis unbanned, Probably the bets part of the chat.
      3. Not letting players from I-N who are NOT Staff on I-N but cannot staff on other servers.
      4. Making me pick between Two servers.
      5. "Too busy" to have a conversation.
      6. Trying to call out players
      7. Insulting me right on the spot
      8. Ghost stayed quiet in the start of the chat, Him and Ostr had this planned out for awhile by the looks of it.


      I had added some people to the chat and so did Ostr

      [3:06:48 PM] Jetpack.: One second jay.

      [3:06:58 PM] Ostr: jay?

      [3:07:02 PM] Ostr: It's ostr to you sir.

      [3:07:38 PM] Springy: Okay Mr.MasterIDev

      [3:07:43 PM] Ostr: Alright

      [3:07:51 PM] Ostr: You don't seem to want to be unbanned, so you wont

      [3:07:53 PM] Ostr: Goodbye


      It actually has a decent OP now

      unlike before :p

      and a active dev that is helpful [Refering to the place I used to Staff, Jetpack was an OP there]


      I feel bad for you all, you didn't win the fight, it's just not cool, and unnecessary, #######, when you're a bit older, you'll be more mature and will be able to talk nicely to people, but I guess that time isn't now.


      (Talking to a friend of his ^ )

      (v Someone asking the Owner, Owner is red)

      [6/25/2017 8:40:51 AM] #####################: Hey so uhhhh why am I banned from I-S when I haven't even been on?

      [6/25/2017 6:10:24 PM] #######: Yeah well you were going to be unbanned but ########## dosed the network so you can thank him for that. Seems like he wants you banned to me.

      [6/25/2017 6:11:06 PM] ##############: huh

      [6/25/2017 6:22:24 PM]#############: Do you really think he would do that though? Like why would he do it in the first place?

      [6/25/2017 6:37:29 PM]########################: ;-;

      [6/25/2017 7:07:57 PM] #################: ;-;

      [6/25/2017 11:01:58 PM] ############: /: we'll talk ok.

      [6/25/2017 11:02:05 PM] ###########: Ima talk with ########### tomorrow

      That's all! If you guys don’t think this Network is taking a turn for the worst that’s fine, but if you do. PLEASE do NOT play this Server!

      Thank you for reading and have a nice day.


      Springair Former I-Survival and I-Creative Staff

      CoolDude I-Network Architect

      Jackson478 Former I-Network Developer

      zFade Former I-Survival, I-Prison and I-Creative Staff

      Stephen5311 Former I-Prison Staff
      Along with many others.

      [5:37:37 PM] Brandon: Lmao
      [5:37:40 PM] Brandon: Good luck getting unbanned.
      [5:37:47 PM] Springy: Thanks ;)
      [6:12:30 PM] Brandon: loser boy
      [6:12:32 PM] Brandon: smh
      [6:12:44 PM] Springy: That's a mean thing to say ;(
      [6:12:47 PM] Brandon: loser smh
      [6:13:13 PM] Springy: I'm gonna go cry in a corner now
      [6:13:24 PM] Brandon: ok well ima block you
      [6:13:26 PM] Brandon: and never remember u
      [6:13:31 PM] Brandon: gl appealing
      [6:13:31 PM] Springy: Okay
      [6:13:34 PM] Brandon: bye
      [6:13:35 PM] Brandon: loser boy
      [6:13:38 PM] Springy: Nice knowing ya
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