Sully1298's Avatar
Level 20 Expert Skinner

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    10/31/2014 7:05 pm
    Level 20 : Expert Skinner
    Sully1298's Avatar
    ING (In Game Name): sully1298
    Age: 15
    When did you start playing (Year): 2012
    What country do you live in: USA
    Languages: English
    Skype Yes or No (For contact)(Not needed): tms1229
    Steam Yes or No (For contact)(Not needed): No.
    Type of game play (Leader or follower): Both
    10/30/2014 2:21 pm
    Level 20 : Expert Skinner
    Sully1298's Avatar
    1. What is your IGN: sully1298

    2. Why are you interested in joining this server? It'd be fun to play with a community. I've always wanted to have that experience.

    3. How often will you play on the server? As much I am able too. So probably everyday if not every other.

    4. How old are you? (Must be at least 15, maybe 14 based on application/maturity) 15

    5. How long have you played Minecraft for? Since 1.4

    6. How do you plan to spend your time on the server? Improving myself and my base, helping others, if they need it. Collaberating with someone would be cool too.

    7. What is your skype? tms1229

    8. What is your Youtube? (If you have one. Recording is optional) Don't have one.
    10/30/2014 11:11 am
    Level 20 : Expert Skinner
    Sully1298's Avatar
    Minecraft Name: sully1298
    Skype Name: tms1229
    Current Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Minecraft Skills: Decent at using redstone, but I'd have to say I'm a pretty basic builder.
    Suggestions: Mindcrack.
    10/30/2014 10:51 am
    Level 20 : Expert Skinner
    Sully1298's Avatar
    IGN: sully1298
    Skype: tms1229
    Age: 15
    Why you should pick me: I'm fun to work with and talk too and it's getting boring playing survival alone.
    Timezone: Central
    Location: Missouri.
    Other info: Can't wait to start playing
    02/24/2014 4:06 pm
    Level 20 : Expert Skinner
    Sully1298's Avatar
    1. I know how aggravating it can be to have those things happen to you, besides everyone's there to have fun so why ruin it by doing those things.

    2. I'm good at farming, PVP, mining, pretty much anything you throw at me, redstone on the other hand.... not the best at.. lol

    3. I enjoy building and making things look better.

    4. I prefer to play in a team actually, it's really boring to play alone.

    5. Yes, I'll help with anything that's needed.

    6. Yes, I mean we're all a team, there's no need for being rude, or mean to anyone.

    7. USA Central Time.
    02/24/2014 2:14 am
    Level 20 : Expert Skinner
    Sully1298's Avatar
    " Size doesn't matter. It's what you do with it that counts. "
    01/25/2014 11:27 pm
    Level 20 : Expert Skinner
    Sully1298's Avatar
    Hey man, I'd like to join, been looking for a group like this for a while, wouldn't be able to start till Thursday though.
    12/09/2013 10:44 pm
    Level 20 : Expert Skinner
    Sully1298's Avatar
    1. In game name: sully1298
    2. Skype Name? (Not needed, but recommended): tms1229
    3. How long have you been playing: Since 1.4
    4. Age: 15
    5. What do you excellent most in (Building, PvP, Redstone, etc.): PVP, Mining
    6: Why do you wish to join the server: Want to join a community, especially a mind crack one.
    7. Any previous builds?: Just a kingdom in survival.
    8. How often/how many hours per day will you be able to play: Everyday of the week besides Sunday. 3+ hours during the week, practically all Saturday.
    9. Who is your favorite Mindcracker: BdoubleO
    10. Any additional notes: I just really hope I get accepted.
    11/25/2013 5:10 pm
    Level 20 : Expert Skinner
    Sully1298's Avatar
    I'll play.......
    11/20/2013 12:44 pm
    Level 20 : Expert Skinner
    Sully1298's Avatar
    1. I don't grief or steal from anyone. I don't PVP team.
    2. I'd like to help anyway I can.
    3. I okay with dirty jokes and some spam.
    4. Can make one here pretty soon. No mic right now.
    5. 15 in December.

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