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    12/08/2013 1:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    superfang22's Avatar
    Mod Application

    Skype: Derek.ng7 (Brother's acc, too lazy to make my own )


    Experiences: I am mod on other servers and admin on another.

    What server you were staff on: ECMCS (EverythingCraft),

    What can you do to help this server: I'll try to reinforce rules and prevent bad things such as bullying,tp killing, and more stuff from happening to other players and make sure they have a good time.

    If you were moderator and you had ban,kick, and jailing commands, would you abuse it: No, because I find it stupid and annoying to be abusing powers and that it would be unfair and unreasonable to do so.

    What do you do best as a moderator? I am good at reinforcing rules, but I am reasonable when coming to punishment.

    How long have you played Minecraft for: A year. :3

    How long are you on per day: Monday-Friday:2-3 hours Saturday-Sunday:3-5 hours

    A player is spamming, but has only done it once, what do you do as a Mod: If it is his first time spamming, I would either kick him or warn him so that he wouldn't do so next time. If he does it consecutively, I would temporarily ban him for 5-10 minutes.

    IGN:Coookiemonster22 (COOKIES :3)
    12/08/2013 1:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    superfang22's Avatar
    Can you draw my skin? My gin is Coookiemonster22 (3 o's in Coookie.)

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