superpanda663's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    06/06/2015 4:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    superpanda663's Avatar
    And my hands officially hurt now!
    06/06/2015 4:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    superpanda663's Avatar
    Why We should Choose you: Well I know how some players can get to the point where they really need money to rankup they don't have a pickaxe and they will pay someone to give them a pick they may get scammed or when they give them it they will kill them when they walk into pvp with there items on them and they will lose their pick and can make the server an uncomfortable place for other players I will tell the person to give the pick back that killed them (if there is no farm to get wood at) or just give them a wooden pickaxe and some sticks or some wood so they can progress back up or just give them a kit (if there is one that just gives a pick) so they can start to get ranking up so its a happy environment for everyone. I also have some friends that can help me with plugins.
    Experience: I have experience because I have op on a server that will be coming out soon and I will be able to help then but if I get owner I will be on this server more than on the other one.
    Skype: ikeike20041 (I tend to get shy by talking to people I don't really know
    P.S. I had to type this twice because it deleted the text.
    06/06/2015 3:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    superpanda663's Avatar
    Im trying to join but as i joined my mc crashed... great

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