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    07/29/2020 3:28 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    with regards to your pc, if you can i would try and get Java edition on your pc but thats if your pc can handle it... both bedrock and java require a decent amount of resources, but with java it kinda depends on what your doing if you plan to do some form of modpack then your gonna need a little juice if not then yeh, you get the idea
    07/28/2020 3:20 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Not to sure if you can even make a cape on bedrock edition.
    07/28/2020 3:15 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    im a minecraft developer to some extent aswell as someone who is familular with some games and how they work, anyways...

    edit 2 : bed rock version is also another term for, windows edition, xbox edition, ps edition and mobile editon of minecraft
    : D there all connnected and called bed rock edition respectidly,
    edit : also the difference between Windows edition and java editon, java edition you download from the mojang site, windows edition you download from the windows store (the store thing on your pc that wont frick off)

    the difference between Minecraft Java and Minecraft Windows 10 edition is simple, with windows 10 edition you are pretty limited with what you can do, you can host a realm aswell as be able to purchase skins and what not via the Minecraft marketplace however because Windows 10 edition is sorta Microsofts adaptation of the Game Minecraft and because they own Mineraft now Windows 10 is able to cross platform with other platforms like mobile, ps4 xbox and of course windows..

    With Java edition however.. Java edition is specific to PC and by far if you have the right pc better, but that is my opinion, Java edition allows users to connect to any minecraft server aslong as therre is a ip and port / domain provided unlike Windows 10 your not limited to a small amount of cross platform / windows edition minecraft servers... you dont get access to the Market Place but thats primarly because java edition is a bit more bigger that, its easier so import maps to your install of mc aswell as update your own skin, you can create and find some skins to use on the java edition on this site however i should hope you dont find any skins from here on the market place or vise versa..

    To sum it up;

    Minecraft Java Edition : (also its very intermate dependig on how you plan to use java editon, i aslo think you get a free key when you buy java edition)
    No market place (freeeeee bby) > able to download maps and skins off the internet to use
    servers > have access to all kinds of modded and plugin bassed servers if you have the correct information
    Own server > If you plan to have a crap ton of people Java edition is that way howeber this can get expensive plus its not as easier as a realm...

    Minecraft Windows Edtion : (very user friendly, very basic and easy to understand)
    Minecraft Market Place (costs) > Maps, Skins, etc,
    Servers > Limited to around 3 servers since last i checked but these servers are decently big companies on java edition, for example the Hive (love saying that word) has opened a server for the cross platform users of Minecraft windows edition.
    Own server > Minecraft Offers to host a realm for x amount a month and if your just wanting to play with friends this is a good way to go about doing it

    Feel free to read other peoples comments, just note this is the longest thing i have wrote in over a year so if i sound like a drunken salour its prob because i am xD and if i have helped you in no way shape or form, i must of gottten carried away again with my texts xD

    either way hope i helped in some way, have a nice day : D
    07/28/2020 3:01 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Aceasta a fost tradusă în Google Translate înainte de a începe. Nu, dacă o poți înțelege, dacă poți să mergi aici, dacă nu poți, există mai jos o versiune engleză ...

    Cu fișierele de schemă, cel mai bine este să utilizați editarea mondială pentru a încărca fișierul de schemă, de obicei fișierele de schemă vor fi numite {nume}.schema sau {nume}.schematic .. în orice fel în joc atunci când utilizați World Edit atleast, Do / load {Schema name} după ce îl introduci în folderul schemei ediției mondiale.

    With schema files, it is best to use world edit to upload the schema file, usually the schema files will be named {name}.schema or {name}.schematic .. in any way in the game when you use world Edit atleast, do / load {Schema name} after you enter it in the world edition schema folder.

    long time since i messed with world edit soo this may or may not be useful.. if ive been useless try searching up world edit schematics totorial on youtube : D
    07/03/2020 11:21 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Thanks mate o/ : D
    06/05/2020 2:05 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Think it's only plugins from the site, you can request them to be added but you have to wait for Owners to add you, It may be worth looking else where if that's an issue, i am happy to help if need be :D
    04/30/2020 8:38 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    sep 23 : )
    04/27/2020 4:34 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    add me on discod too Elicorne
    04/08/2020 8:57 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    boba tea = never heard of
    starbucks = never drank

    A nicely home made hot chocolate, Made with 50% hot water, 25% milk and 25% cream, could add whipped cream aswell with mashmellows but i dont have them atm, nor do i have whipped cream.... Would make an amazing drink :D...

    i go back to driving train O_O
    04/01/2020 2:43 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Beep Boop
    03/09/2020 8:00 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    i pick catss because my gf loves cats and she kinda forced me to like them... i do like them too tho i think there cute.. until they scratch you -,-... ouch prrrr
    03/09/2020 7:59 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    ill take neither xD
    03/05/2020 12:56 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    im debating very hard on whether or not to join this... part of me wants to because it sound fun but the other lazy half of me is like, too much work. grrrr xd
    02/14/2020 4:15 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Everyone wants mt chocolate now :D
    02/14/2020 7:55 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Have chocolate! 🍫
    02/14/2020 7:55 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    02/14/2020 7:55 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Have chocolate! 🍫
    02/14/2020 7:53 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    What chocolate XD
    02/14/2020 7:55 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    02/14/2020 7:55 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Have chocolate! 🍫
    02/01/2020 11:43 am
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Thanks! and oh my, i hope i didnt offend jack with my skin :D
    01/30/2020 1:31 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Also Thansk!
    01/30/2020 1:31 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Robot
    TEAMGAM3R's Avatar
    Oh it will hehehe, thanks to ski and me observing her skinning i picked up a few skills and techniques : D

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