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Level 7
Apprentice Crafter

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    03/12/2012 7:45 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheDarklite's Avatar
    That made me lol harder than it probably should have....
    11/30/2011 8:39 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheDarklite's Avatar
    900500 TB?! 900,500,000 GB?! Holy storage batman!
    Typically the larger hard drives you get are about 3TB each.... So either there are maaaaaaany servers running, or he has one heck of a daisy chain going with his hard drives lol.

    I would say that the server is comfortably sitting on probably around 2-3TB in a RAID setup atm. The server probably still has a few spare ports (likely SCSI or SATA) for future expansion.
    11/19/2011 7:23 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheDarklite's Avatar
    You will probably get a little bit of flame from people due to the whole "12 year old" thing, but ignore them. I am not one to judge something or someone based on little things like that.

    As to whether I would buy it? Well it really does depend on how well it is coded and polished and of course what it is actually like.

    That being said, what sort of ideas did you have? Were you planning on making say, a procedurally generating RPG world? IE. An action RPG (zelda) where the world randomly generates (minecraft)?

    If it is something along those lines then yes, I am curious.

    PS. 25cents sounds a tad too cheap. I understand that is only the "map explorer" but when you come up to alpha stages you may very well want to go up to at least $5.99 or $9.99. You may at some stage need to hire a 3rd party for soundtracks or something else unforeseen and that extra money will be useful then.

    Once you get an alpha up, you might want to check out Desura as a distribution platform (assuming you want one). They fully support indie development (that is the majority of their market) and have recently opted for a minecraft-style alpha funding.
    10/26/2011 7:51 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheDarklite's Avatar
    Congratulations, it feels liberating to build and have a custom PC doesn't it?

    Your specs are great all except the video card. Now, I'm not saying to rush out and get one - But maybe next year go out and get some fun little beast. The ATI HD 6950 is really good but probably above what your father will spend for you. An Nvidia GTX460 (I think that's the one) will probably be more appropriate.

    Enjoy your new computer
    09/19/2011 5:26 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheDarklite's Avatar
    My personal skin
    09/19/2011 2:40 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheDarklite's Avatar
    You sir, have made my afternoon.

    I am now a true believer
    09/18/2011 10:32 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheDarklite's Avatar
    Well that seems like a fairly rude response. Putting that aside, why not start your own server? It is a million times easier than it is made out to be
    09/18/2011 9:27 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheDarklite's Avatar
    Well I am a 19 year old male.

    .... All you young whipper-snappers!!
    09/17/2011 8:55 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheDarklite's Avatar
    This is my current skin. Does anyone actually like it lol?

    09/12/2011 2:26 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheDarklite's Avatar
    Difference in time zones, it is still early in the day for our dear Notch. But even so, the announcement was: "Not before September 11th."

    Still hoping it is in fact today though

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