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Level 45 Master Artist

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    11/14/2014 5:18 pm
    Level 45 : Master Artist
    TheIronBlock's Avatar
    Credit alone is not enough. That's like going into a painting gallary and just taking a work off the wall to hang in your room, and it being okay so long as you credit the painter.

    Just because it's an image from a game gives you no more right to take and use it however you see fit. It's no different then if someone e3lse drew the textures and you took it from them.

    Plus yes, you can get in trouble for stealing and using others works. ... m-scandal/
    Class action lawsuit took place for that art scandal.

    Yes, even video games have sued over their graphics being used elsewhere. Even recently a game was removed from Steam from using textures stolen from Dokucraft... yep.

    A mod here even said you cant take images from other games and use them.
    11/14/2014 10:32 am
    Level 45 : Master Artist
    TheIronBlock's Avatar
    Not looking for problems just stating facts. Would you like to spend time making something only to have someone else take that work, edit it a little then slap their name on it? I've had my own pack stolen before with and with out edits made to it. It's not flattering at all.

    Rather riped from you, or from a game, credit alone is not enough, nor does editing it suddenly make it yours.
    11/12/2014 6:48 pm
    Level 45 : Master Artist
    TheIronBlock's Avatar
    Sorry but it don't work that way. Credit alone is not enough.

    Copyright infringement occurs when intellectual property is used without permission or without following the stipulated "terms of use". Use is defined as the copying, distributing, adapting, or publicly displaying a work without the permission of the copyright holder.

    Under the provisions of the Copyright Act, the copyright owner, and only the copyright owner, has the right to reproduce the work unless it comes under certain limited exceptions, such as “fair use”. Simply giving credit or attribution, without having permission, is the same as stealing Joe's wallet and then saying, while using Joe’s money, “This came from Joe.” It’s still theft.
    11/12/2014 5:48 pm
    Level 45 : Master Artist
    TheIronBlock's Avatar
    Um.. you know you can't just rip the copyrighted textures and sounds from Skyrim and call them your own? We already have someone else doing the same thing, and already their topic twice on the minecraft forums was removed for stolen content, same for posting it here.
    03/19/2014 2:07 pm
    Level 45 : Master Artist
    TheIronBlock's Avatar
    Or.. you could type in 'simple' and find all the packs I have shown plus about 9k more.

    Moderators are acting like finding this stuff is hard...
    No.. no it isn't.

    I use to moderate the RPGMAKER forums back in the day for a few years before I retied from it, that place was BUSY, and you had to do a LOT more then just looking at screen shots. Last I checked, Moderators didn't have to sit and wait for someone else to report something that we could see before doing something.

    "Oh here's a spam post, I'll just sit and wait for someone to report it before doing anything"

    That isn't the way to do things. Really, just type in 'SIMPLE' in the texture search and enjoy page after page after page of flat colored bucket filled packs. The screenshots I posted were all from the first page. Don't moderators bother searching for any of this themselvs?

    They are quick to removed a 7x pack that has a lot of work in it, but a bucket filled pack posted just days ago has remained.

    Yes I understand you can miss things, I am very much aware and the reports do help that. But there are still many thing's floating around that are so easy to find, that I didn't have to put any time in at all to find the examples I did. That last screeny was on the FIRST page, as the FIRST post, searching 'SIMPLE'.
    03/19/2014 12:25 pm
    Level 45 : Master Artist
    TheIronBlock's Avatar
    4x4 is slightly better, and is where we had a hard time drawing a line. 8x is a perfectly reasonable resolution to allow resource pack creators room while still going with the idea that the effort actually matches what comes out of it. If we can get enough examples of 4x4 packs that are actually done well and wouldn't be considered spam, "single color", filtered, etc then maybe we can reconsider this part of it, but I have no doubts that 2x2 and 1x1 will remain banned as a submission.

    A single pixel per block really doesn't, though, no matter how many ways you slice it. Distribute them on the forums all you want, we aren't going to delete those - as a submission though, no.

    How are the 12k+ 'simple packs' (and thats just the ones with the word 'simple' in their name for fast lookup) floating around that are 16x or more..... not spam? I showed examples in my last post of flat bucket filled packs that for all they were worth could have been 4x4, even 1x1 and you'd never know.

    If you allow 16x or bigger flat colored bucket filled packs, and I see them every day being uploaded and even posted on the minecraft forums with links back to here...

    Why draw the line at 8x?

    Don't worry! This bucket filled pack that could just be 1x1 for what it does is 16x! So it's alright! Surely 'not' spam and has so much 'effort' put into it! Uploaded a few hours ago too!

    Yep, another 16x bucketfilled pack. Wow that had to have taken SO LONG and so much EFFORT to make that! Yep, that could not have been done at 4x4 that's for sure!

    I'm sorry... but still saying that 4x4 and such not being allowed because it's 'spam' and 'no effort' 'single colored' is stupid when you allow 16x bucketfilled packs.
    03/19/2014 4:46 am
    Level 45 : Master Artist
    TheIronBlock's Avatar
    The issue flat out is this:
    PMC don't allow 8x and below packs because they have 'no effort' and is to avoid 'flat colored packs'
    The issue is, that there are many, MANY 'flat colored packs' that have had no effort put into them. They very well could be 4x4 for all it was worth. Shoot many could be 1x1.

    These bucket filled 16x and above packs have already long flooded PMC, and continue to every day.
    One such pack, all flat colored. 'very simple pack'.
    Another one, if not for some blocks being scribbled a little differently and some not being done it's hard to tell them apart.
    and -another- pack... that looks the same as the others...
    Heres one that not only ops to flat color everything, but outline as well.
    Yet another one.
    ...yep... another one.

    Every one of those is 16x, each a diff pack, yet for all it's worth most could be 4x, or even 1x.

    So tell me... how is that any 'more' effort then making a 4x4, or 8x8 pack?

    That right there invalidates in every way the argument that keeps being made that '8x and below take less effort to make and thus shouldn't be allowed'. If these 16x 'simple packs' are allowed and there are more and more being uploaded every day. Then how are they any more effort then a well worked on detailed for it's sized 8x8 pack?

    So yes, MY argument stands.
    a 4x solid colored green box isn't allowed, AND is 'no effort'
    a 16x solid colored green box is allowed, AND is 'more effort.

    At least in the eyes of those running PMC.
    03/18/2014 9:31 pm
    Level 45 : Master Artist
    TheIronBlock's Avatar
    Instead of harping on packs being below 8x being 'no effort' there should be a rule about uploading flat colored packs.

    Really, last I checked, there were 12k+ flat colored bucket filled 16x+ packs, and those are JUST the ones with the word 'simple' in the name for easy finding.

    WHY are these packs allowed? If you bucket fill a texture, does it matter if it';s 1x, or 16x in size?

    "Oh hey, they don't allow my 8x flat color pack, no issue! I'll just make it be 64x and still flat color it and it'll all be OKAY!"

    Anyone else see the issue with this?

    So that won't be allowed..

    But that is a-okay! Because of it's bigger size, much more effort MUST have gone into it!

    03/18/2014 7:38 pm
    Level 45 : Master Artist
    TheIronBlock's Avatar
    Darn right. Really I see bucket filled packs get posted all the freaking time on this site. Packs that do nothing more then flat color or 'outline; each block, something that could take less then 10 SECS each block. Talk about no effort.

    Yet someone who spends a few good hours working on a small res pack that creates something that looks very good even in such a small size isn't allowed?

    Really the whole 'no effort' is a load of crud. It takes a LOT of effrot to make something at small size look good. Go and ask all the pixel artists out there when it comes to making objects recognizable at a small scale. Or the game designers.

    I work as a graphic designer, trying to do small icons that both look like they should and look GOOD is a tedious task.

    I dare anyone out there to sit down and really try and make a 4x4 pack and see how hard it is just to make something that looks decent and isn't just a flat color 'outlineed' pack. Tell me there isn't any effort in it.
    03/18/2014 7:30 pm
    Level 45 : Master Artist
    TheIronBlock's Avatar
    So PMC has no issues with the 12+k 'simple' bucket filled 16x/32x/64x/etc packs flooding the site.. but god forbid a pack fewer then 8x that has a lot of work and detail for such a small space gets posted.

    The rule is stupid.

    That's it.

    People argue that theres no effort in them. Well theres no effort in the 16x bucket filled packs floating around either... so why do we have a TUN of those?

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