Theodore_F_Sharpe's Avatar
Level 19
Journeyman Artist

Things to Know About Me

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Hello! I am Theodore. I am an avid Team Fortress 2 player who also happens to have had Minecraft since early 2010; great tangent, I know. As such, I've picked up a few skills pertaining to the creation side of things. For instance, I tried making a mod back in early 2015. Long story short, it was a short lived dream for it just didn't work. Regardless, I've enjoyed making things for Minecraft even though I don't play it as much.

As stated above, I enjoy Team Fortress 2, casual Minecraft (maps, chilling with a friend or two, revisiting old worlds, etc.) and many old school FPS games like Doom and Quake. I am a PC only player, so don't expect much from me in terms of consoles! I enjoy writing fictional short stories Ala H.P. Lovecraft and Dmitri Glukovsky, advanced arithmetic, and civil discourse! I am a huge metal-head, meaning I love bands ranging from the softer sounding jams like AC/DC to the more moderate things like Megadeth up to the heavier things like Meshuggah. Despite this, I am also an avid fan of all things cute, especially kittens! All in all, I am most certainly someone who exists here on the third rock from the Sun, so don't be afraid to talk to me, I am a very sociable person online!



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Nov 12, 2017Joined PMC
l33tminecrafterMinecraft Name

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