TheWolfPackGamingYT's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    12/18/2016 9:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    TheWolfPackGamingYT's Avatar
    Sorry but I just realized the server is down
    12/18/2016 8:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    TheWolfPackGamingYT's Avatar
    I know im late but if you need more moderators than tell me!

    Minecraft Username: WolfPackGameYT
    What you are applying for: Moderator
    Why you think you deserve it?: I think I deserve it because when I had my own server, I caught lots of hackers and people logging on with fake/stolen accounts.I also think I deserve it because im mostly online on Minecraft.
    Do you have a Skype and if so what is it?: Yes, it's xxwolfybeastxx (that's the username)
    Experience: Good, like I said before, I have been an owner and had many experiences catching hackers and helping others out(and muting people that are spamming).
    Any jobs on past servers and what was your rank on it if you were on one?:
    Maturity (1-10): 10 (I NEVER swear or saying anything rude)
    Age: 11
    How many hours you can be on a week?: In a day, about 4-6 hours. In a week, about 10-15 hours.
    How will you help the server? I will help the server out by helping other players out if they are getting trolled, or if there is a hacker, I will ban the hacker for about a day, and if they don't behave the next day, I will permanently ban them. I am also online for a long time, so I can make sure the sever is okay.Also I am a YouTuber so when I do eventually get more subs, your server may grow with lots more people! ... -cmXjYg0bg

    Hopefully you can pick me!(even though this is a 2 year old post)

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