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    11/11/2012 12:22 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    They are talking an app from the store, the store I kind of ignore. On the desktop, you can download all windows 7 compatible software, minecraft is fully compatible with windows 8 desktop software, but the store is what Notch does not like.

    On a side note, I am getting tired of people telling me what isn't compatible with my system, and they don't even have the OS, or any proof that it doesn't work (Even though 99% of the software I have downloaded, worked (avast was the only problem)).
    11/10/2012 7:24 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    Whoever said minecraft doesn't work is pretty stupid.. I have been playing all my games on this desktop, with no problems. Also ItsBill, I had better deals then the ones shown, that was just the actual items. I am also not a rich person, I just need a future-proof computer that I am taking all the way thru college for graphic design. (I know macs are better for GFX, but I would like to game, and do GFX.)

    On a side note, I get two day shipping free on Amazon, so the savings from newegg (which is hardly any) gets smashed by the free two day shipping.

    (The enormous overkill on ram was because for like 30USD more, I got double the ram.)
    11/03/2012 6:23 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
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    Add me on skype if you want to join : tumber77
    11/03/2012 3:34 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
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    xaviersykoraI'd Love too! i <3 Tekkit. Im great at it, I could even record it! but I would REALLY like EE, I could live without it though

    Alright hit me up on skype @ tumber77
    11/03/2012 3:26 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    Sounds good, when you you get your mic fixed though? because I'd much rather voice chat.
    (tumber77 is my skype)
    11/03/2012 3:17 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    What is so great about EE? it just makes everything easy. (IMO)
    11/03/2012 3:11 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    I can host a server for us, I am 15 as well, I want to host a server for a few people (it can have 8-12gb of ram dedicated)
    11/03/2012 3:04 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
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    11/03/2012 2:38 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
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    It makes it too easy, and everything else in it doesn't really make enough of an impact for me to keep those parts.
    11/03/2012 2:36 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    The new GUI IS the start button, try exploring some time, like I said, It is more similar than you think.
    I say lets agree to disagree, and give peonftw some rest xD.
    11/03/2012 2:14 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    and why is that?
    11/03/2012 2:14 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    2 things, the start is NOT gone, its just a new gui, try exploring the new features instead of going straight to the desktop, it really isn't all that different.
    You can also download free software to add the original start button back, if it is really that big of an issue.
    11/03/2012 1:28 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    Its been 18 hours, and I was asleep for 12 of those
    11/03/2012 1:02 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    Well when you become premium, you can, I don't have a cracked compatible server anyways.
    11/03/2012 12:39 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    I think it was made so that software for tablets and software for PC will be virtually the same thing, so developers won't have to make multiple versions for the same OS.
    11/03/2012 12:36 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    Have you ever even TRIED windows 8? It is far superior to win7 IMO. Windows 8 can run anything win 7 can run, and more. The Aero for the desktop also has a MUCH cleaner look, rid of all the annoying reflections and gradients. It also has unique multitasking software built in.
    11/03/2012 12:03 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    I disagree with most of the people here, windows 8 DOES game very well, I have yet to find a single problem with gaming. So far, TF2 works, Chivalry works, BF3 works, medal of honor works, minecraft, and every software I have downloaded (even ones only advertised for windows 7) except avast antivirus. Most of the people here don't know what they are talking about, and probably just need to update their drivers if they "can't run anything on it."
    Not to mention 90% of the people that complain about it have not even tried windows 8. Windows 8 does NOT remove the start button, it just has a new GUI, and if you don't like it, then download free software to get it back.
    For the people saying that it cost more, I got my windows 8 for $30 less than the equivalent on windows 7, and if you already have windows 7, you can upgrade for $15(if you recently purchased windows 7)
    You can also get ALL the apps for the windows tablet in the store, so if you like tablet games, you can play them on your PC.
    Even if it is buggy(which I don't agree with) it will become the standard OS for developers in a short period of time.
    11/03/2012 10:28 am
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
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    Do you want a 3d tnt, or just a front view of it?
    10/09/2012 9:30 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
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    If your background is too big for pmc, use [simg][/simg] instead of [img][/img]
    09/26/2012 4:54 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Artist
    tumber77's Avatar
    Out of thirteen or so banners, I used bevel on three of them, I don't understand what you are talking about....(As a major part of the banner)

    I could use some help around here for sure though, I have been really busy and it is hard to keep up on work. Pick some you would like to do, and start :3

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