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Level 1 New Miner

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    01/28/2017 2:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    Age: 15, turning 16 in a week
    Discord: Currently I do not posse a discord account, however if it is needed, I will be able to create one. My Skype for now is Bonkerssdev
    Timezone: EST
    Experience: My experience reaches beyond Minecraft but could always be tied back into with the experience improving server experience that I am staff on or my Minecraft experience. My "pure minecraft experience" includes being Administrator, Moderator, and more on many servers. I have been playing minecraft for many years, so this makes sense, after all though years I have added in many years of experience. With the staff positions listed above, the experience provided within the positions consists of: Plugin Commands/Configuration, Staff management, Problem Solving, Player Management, Finical Management, and more. Before my positions as staff in various Minecraft servers, I always played single player which allowed me to pertain knowledge towards basic Minecraft functions, thus being able to help players that maybe have just jumped into a minecraft server. I have always played role playing games before on my Xbox 360 and I do posse some knowledge within that area. While it is not the strongest, my addition of Advanced Minecraft Functions, Advance Server Functions, and Advanced Management, I can conclude that even with my doubt within the role of role playing, I will be a good ad-don to the team.

    What are your strengths and weaknesses?:

    Strengths: Management, Plugins, Computers In General
    Weaknesses: Time, Depression, Will
    What can you bring to the server?: I believe in my previous statement I concluded all my experience that I can, and will, bring towards the server. But in case that is not acceptable, I can do the same here. The experience I can bring towards the server is immense, it includes Financial Management, Plugin Management, Problem Solving, Player Management, Staff Management, And Dedication. I gave more detail towards this idea within the section listing my experience.
    Have you ever been banned (if you have, provide why)?: Yes, like most players I have. I have been banned for a multitude of things over the course of my Minecraft experience, including spamming, hacking and more. However, I have came to the conclusion that these things were bad about a year back, and I am ready to turn a new leaf.
    Anything else: Nope! If you need to know anything else, feel free to contact me!
    12/28/2016 12:31 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    Accepted. A message will be sent to you on PMC with the IP address and additional information
    12/27/2016 9:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    Sorry, I have chosen to deny your application. Lack of detail. Thanks for applying though
    11/06/2016 9:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    First Name

    MineCraft Username

    Currently 17, turning 18 in a couple days.

    Skype (REQUIRED)

    Do you have any experience with Minecraft plugins?
    Yes, of course I do. I have experience with the normal ones, and the not-so-normal ones. After running 3 servers, you pick up a thing or two

    When did you start playing Minecraft
    Couple years ago, by now I believe. Possibly 3, but I never kept track. I could obviously be wrong. It all started with an xbox 360 and $20 for the game.

    If two players are arguing, what do you do?
    Let them argue, and if gets to the point where its spamming chat, I'd ask them to do it in /msg. If they do not listen, I'll give a warning and within 10 seconds of them not complying, they will both get a mute.

    If a player had a lot of reports for hacking, what would you do?
    Check for authenticity, because it could be a bunch of players ganging up on this one player, and then temporary ban the player while the situation is looked into.

    Do you think its okay, to ban a user without evidence? (Explain)
    Of course its not okay!

    How many hours can you be on per day?
    As much as is needed

    Would you like to share anything else, with us?
    If you need to acquire anymore information, messaging me on skype the question is the best way for me to answer it.
    10/11/2016 1:37 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    Legal Name: Tim Broke

    Current In-Game Name: Bonkerss
    Current Age: 12
    I feel a normal application restraints my strength as a writer so I will just write a normal paragraph about why I want staff and more.

    My name is Tim Broke, and I am currently 12. I've been playing Minecraft for a while, and I believe I am ready to start applying for staff positions. My experience of Minecraft is topped with experienced with plugins and more. My goal in life is to change the world, and while there are more effective ways of doing it, I feel minecraft can be one of them. I believe I should be chosen for Moderator, or Administrator due to the fact that I am very helpful and knowledgeable. My plugin knowledges is, but not limited to: Factions, Essentials, Group Manager, Via Version, and a hella lot more. I believe that plugins are not that hard to master, so I believe I can learn any plugin thrown at me. My main hobbys are programming, and my main current programming language is Python. When I was younger (2 years ago, I think) I studied HTML, CSS, and javascript. I wanted to become a web developer, but have since ditched that idea. I am now developing tools with Arduino, and other custom PCB I make and etch. I am very knowledgeable in Hardware, Programming, And Computer hacking. Around 4 months ago I was charged with computer crimes, for DDOS attacks. My childish landed me on probation. Later in that year I was able to get into kids school emails due to the connection with lunch numbers and such. I was not charged with this crime, but if I were to be charged with it, I would have landed myself in juvy with a felony. At least I believe. With everything I have done, and learned from, I believe it makes me the best choice for the server. I can do a lot of things, and learn everything.
    07/22/2016 2:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    I am more interested in this server than anything, I sent your a request on skype!
    07/20/2016 11:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    Application for any position that you feel I deserve:

    - Your First Name/ Perferred Name: John
    - Your IGN*: Bonkerss
    - If you have Skype*: bonkerssdev
    (If so, your Skype name, so i may contact you) {You may also PM me your Skype}
    -Your age*: 17 ( Turning 18 in 2 weeks )
    - Your timezone*: Eastern
    - Your experience*: My previous staff positions include Moderator, and Administrator. My real world previous positions include CEO of a failed company. The company was a small app developer company with 5 people working with me. We ran out of money and failed. My other previous real world experience a "helper" at a local computer work shop. I helped fixed computers and stuff like so. I have sense quite my jobs to presue programming. I am self-taught.

    For Builders:
    - Any builds you're proud of:
    07/15/2016 12:30 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    BUMP! !!
    07/14/2016 8:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    Your application was weak. I had a hard time determining if you should be on the team or not, and I have come to the conclusion that you can have the position helper. Your skype was not available to me, so you will recieve a PM on PMC with the details. Expect this message in a day or two, as permissions need to be done quick. Thanks for applying and welcome to the team.
    07/14/2016 8:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    Rulkiewicz002NotASquiid's Application Admin Form​
    ~~ Minecraft name:
    How long have you been playing on the server?:​
    Not too long, since July , 14/2016
    What is your best memory playing the server?:​
    A memory that everyone should have; feeling loved and accepted when you sign on for the first time.
    Any past Admin experiences? If so, please describe:​
    No, but i hope to get some experience
    Describe yourself:​
    Okay, here we go. I'm 12, and mature for my age. I know everyone tends to say that, but I nearly never get angry with anyone, and instead deal with it how it should be dealt with. I tend to have a very playful and memorable attitude and, in my experience, that attitude creates an environment in which people are more willing to cooperate and strive to enjoy themselves. I tend to come across as extremely motherly and caring, and that's because I honestly do wish the best for everyone and hope to aid them in all areas. I'm quick to warn and correct, but always retain a polite attitude, even when the situation remains unchanged after a warning. The only thing that may hinder me from being a good mod is that I can't stand discussion about politics or religion, and may jump at that. Otherwise, I'm very creative and organized and love to spend extra time keeping everything neat and manageable. I'm a very active player, .​
    As a potential Admin, describe how you would make a difference in This server:​
    I would focus on maintaining the peace, assisting players in making their ideas reality, and keeping everyone active and entertained. I hate seeing people complain about being bored, and that's easily fixable by conversing with them or suggesting a new idea. I would keep the peace by reminding people of the rules before any situation became too big of a deal, and caring for everyone involved, newbie or veteran. ​

    GMT-5, and I tend to play Alot.
    Additional comments:​
    I know I'm somewhat new here, and that I still have some learning to do. I don't expect to be accepted, and instead am just hoping to get the experience of filling out the form properly. Thank you for reading!​

    Ps if im accepted add me on skype live:lrulkiewicz

    You did not follow the format, nor do you meet the requirements. Sorry, but you have been denied. Thanks for applying, and hopefully you'll play on the server when its released
    07/14/2016 7:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    07/14/2016 12:17 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    We still currently need: Developer - Admin - Moderator - Helper
    07/13/2016 11:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    You have been accepted a lead builder, thank you for applying. Your skype will be contacted with the details for the server, and I will also contact your PMC in a PM. Thanks for applying, and welcome to Quarth MC ^.^
    07/13/2016 11:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    I am happy to say you're part of the Quarth team as lead developer. Your skype will be contacted with the details, and I hope to see you soon. Also, not only your skype but also your PMC account, my skype is being weird cause linux is stupid, so bare with me
    07/13/2016 2:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    07/13/2016 8:23 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    07/13/2016 7:19 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar

    I am happy to see you're accepted into Quarth MC. Your application did lack detail, however, you do seem good for the job. I do have concerns with you being serious with the job, but thats something we will have to see along the way. You are accepted as manager. My apologies for not adding in a spot for what you are applying for, my bad ^.^ Welcome aboard!

    ~~ Bonkerss ~~
    07/13/2016 6:49 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    07/13/2016 4:58 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar
    Lots more positions open!!
    07/13/2016 2:33 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Turtle_Developer's Avatar

    Your application was accepted, but you did fall short on a few things. Your grammar was okay, also your "spamming" answer was a little weird. However, no human is perfect. Welcome aboard Quarth MC! You will be contacted with the IP address via skype. Your current role is: Moderator. Although a "rankup" might be in order soon. Thank you for apply

    Have a good day/night,
    - Bonkerss

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