tveterveien's Avatar
Level 15 Journeyman Spider Rider

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    06/17/2013 2:59 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    IGN: tveterveien
    Age: 16
    Country: U.S
    Y U Want admin: I want admin because I know that I got what it takes been admin tons of times
    How U Can Help Us: I will help with plugins (if needed) I will help with complaints etc
    Maturity: I am always commited to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    Why should we pick you: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    Have you ever been admin/mod/co-owner/owner on any servers(Give evidence for better change): I own 1 server. IP: (temporarily down for a week or so). I am a admin on a huge server I am also co owner on a few more but, i have rambled long enough on my server experiences. If you would like more information on those i would appreciate if you were to Skype message or call me to talk more about this topic.
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    How will you help the server: I can play on the server for hours a day and also i may donate depending on my money balance at the end of this month. I know some very unknown plugins that will increase gameplay by a whole lot.
    Can you be trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy to all people. I can keep anything you want me to keep without telling anyone about this at all. I would never grief a server Even if i have never installed a hack client.
    How many hours are you on: I am on for about 9 hours a day if not more.
    Any other details(Optional): If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.
    06/17/2013 2:50 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    yes I would love one like private right?
    06/17/2013 2:30 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    IGN: tveterveien
    Age: 16
    Country: U.S
    Y U Want warden: I want warden because I know that I got what it takes been warden tons of times
    How U Can Help Us: I will help with plugins (if needed) I will help with complaints etc
    Maturity: I am always commited to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    Why should we pick you: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    Have you ever been admin/mod/co-owner/owner on any servers(Give evidence for better change): I own 1 server. IP: (temporarily down for a week or so). I am a admin on a huge server I am also co owner on a few more but, i have rambled long enough on my server experiences. If you would like more information on those i would appreciate if you were to Skype message or call me to talk more about this topic.
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    How will you help the server: I can play on the server for hours a day and also i may donate depending on my money balance at the end of this month. I know some very unknown plugins that will increase gameplay by a whole lot.
    Can you be trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy to all people. I can keep anything you want me to keep without telling anyone about this at all. I would never grief a server Even if i have never installed a hack client.
    How many hours are you on: I am on for about 9 hours a day if not more.
    Any other details(Optional): If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.
    05/13/2013 7:24 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    IGN: tveterveien
    Age: 16
    Do you have Skype? (Will help if you do): yes Tveterveien123
    Does your Skype have a mic.? (Helps even more): yes turtle beach x12
    What is your time zone (Just say the state if you live in the US and say the country if you live elsewhere): mountain time U.S
    Position Wanted (Be realistic, don't say admin if you have never been staff before): admin
    How many hours a day will you moderate (Patrol/Help out) the server: up to 9 hours
    What can you do for the server: help you with plugins and patrol the server more detail below.
    Can you help advertise? yes I have tons of minecraft friends that would play on this server!
    Can you donate? yes up to 20-50$ if i get admin
    If you can donate, how much?(Any amount will get you staff) 20-50$

    Maturity: I am always committed to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    Why should we pick you: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (Reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    Have you ever been admin/mod/co-owner/owner on any servers(Give evidence for better change): I own 1 server. IP: (temporarily down for a week or so). I am a admin on a huge server I am also co owner on a few more but, i have rambled long enough on my server experiences. If you would like more information on those i would appreciate if you were to Skype message or call me to talk more about this topic.
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    How will you help the server: I can play on the server for hours a day and also i may donate depending on my money balance at the end of this month. I know some very unknown plugins that will increase gameplay by a whole lot.
    Can you be trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy to all people. I can keep anything you want me to keep without telling anyone about this at all. I would never grief a server and i will admit i have been banned, but for the wrong reasons of being accused and for saying i hacked. Even if i have never installed a hack client.
    How many hours are you on: I am on for about 9 hours a day if not more.
    Any other details(Optional): If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.
    05/13/2013 7:23 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    IGN: tveterveien
    Age: 16
    Do you have Skype? (Will help if you do): yes Tveterveien123
    Does your Skype have a mic.? (Helps even more): yes turtle beach x12
    What is your time zone (Just say the state if you live in the US and say the country if you live elsewhere): mountain time U.S
    Position Wanted (Be realistic, don't say admin if you have never been staff before): admin
    How many hours a day will you moderate (Patrol/Help out) the server: up to 9 hours
    What can you do for the server: help you with plugins and patrol the server more detail below.
    Can you help advertise? yes I have tons of minecraft friends that would play on this server!
    Can you donate? yes up to 20-50$ if i get admin
    If you can donate, how much?(Any amount will get you staff) 20-50$

    Maturity: I am always committed to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    Why should we pick you: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (Reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    Have you ever been admin/mod/co-owner/owner on any servers(Give evidence for better change): I own 1 server. IP: (temporarily down for a week or so). I am a admin on a huge server I am also co owner on a few more but, i have rambled long enough on my server experiences. If you would like more information on those i would appreciate if you were to Skype message or call me to talk more about this topic.
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    How will you help the server: I can play on the server for hours a day and also i may donate depending on my money balance at the end of this month. I know some very unknown plugins that will increase gameplay by a whole lot.
    Can you be trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy to all people. I can keep anything you want me to keep without telling anyone about this at all. I would never grief a server and i will admit i have been banned, but for the wrong reasons of being accused and for saying i hacked. Even if i have never installed a hack client.
    How many hours are you on: I am on for about 9 hours a day if not more.
    Any other details(Optional): If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.
    05/13/2013 7:19 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    IGN: tveterveien
    Age: 16
    Do you have Skype? (Will help if you do): yes Tveterveien123
    Does your Skype have a mic.? (Helps even more): yes turtle beach x12
    What is your time zone (Just say the state if you live in the US and say the country if you live elsewhere): mountain time U.S
    Position Wanted (Be realistic, don't say admin if you have never been staff before): admin
    How many hours a day will you moderate (Patrol/Help out) the server: up to 9 hours
    What can you do for the server: help you with plugins and patrol the server more detail below.
    Can you help advertise? yes I have tons of minecraft friends that would play on this server!
    Can you donate? yes up to 20-50$ if i get admin
    If you can donate, how much?(Any amount will get you staff) 20-50$

    Maturity: I am always committed to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    Why should we pick you: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (Reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    Have you ever been admin/mod/co-owner/owner on any servers(Give evidence for better change): I own 1 server. IP: (temporarily down for a week or so). I am a admin on a huge server I am also co owner on a few more but, i have rambled long enough on my server experiences. If you would like more information on those i would appreciate if you were to Skype message or call me to talk more about this topic.
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    How will you help the server: I can play on the server for hours a day and also i may donate depending on my money balance at the end of this month. I know some very unknown plugins that will increase gameplay by a whole lot.
    Can you be trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy to all people. I can keep anything you want me to keep without telling anyone about this at all. I would never grief a server and i will admit i have been banned, but for the wrong reasons of being accused and for saying i hacked. Even if i have never installed a hack client.
    How many hours are you on: I am on for about 9 hours a day if not more.
    Any other details(Optional): If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.
    04/08/2013 1:30 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    so I got doorman and head archer?
    04/08/2013 1:10 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    IGN: tveterveien
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    country: U.S
    Activity (will u be online alot, or will u be online once a week,...) : 2-6 hours a day
    your interests in MC: meeting new people and recruiting for things like this
    what will you add to the faction: My help for everybody that needs it in the faction.
    What class do you want: Medic, farmer
    Will you follow the Rules: No doubt of course I will
    will you be kind to other Faction members: yes, yes indeed I will
    Looking forward to play with you guys ! if you let me
    04/08/2013 1:03 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    IGN: tveterveien
    Age: 16
    Do you have Skype? (Will help if you do): yes Tveterveien123
    Does your Skype have a mic.? (Helps even more): yes turtle beach x12
    What is your time zone (Just say the state if you live in the US and say the country if you live elsewhere): mountain time U.S
    Position Wanted (Be realistic, don't say admin if you have never been staff before): Head Admin
    How many hours a day will you moderate (Patrol/Help out) the server: up to 9 hours
    What can you do for the server: help you with plugins and patrol the server more detail below.
    Can you help advertise? yes I have tons of minecraft friends that would play on this server!
    Can you donate? yes up to 20-50$ if i get admin
    If you can donate, how much?(Any amount will get you staff) 20-50$

    Maturity: I am always committed to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    Why should we pick you: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (Reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    Have you ever been admin/mod/co-owner/owner on any servers(Give evidence for better change): I own 1 server. IP: (temporarily down for a week or so). I am a admin on a huge server I am also co owner on a few more but, i have rambled long enough on my server experiences. If you would like more information on those i would appreciate if you were to Skype message or call me to talk more about this topic.
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    How will you help the server: I can play on the server for hours a day and also i may donate depending on my money balance at the end of this month. I know some very unknown plugins that will increase gameplay by a whole lot.
    Can you be trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy to all people. I can keep anything you want me to keep without telling anyone about this at all. I would never grief a server and i will admit i have been banned, but for the wrong reasons of being accused and for saying i hacked. Even if i have never installed a hack client.
    How many hours are you on: I am on for about 9 hours a day if not more.
    Any other details(Optional): If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.
    04/08/2013 10:00 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    IGN: tveterveien
    Age: 16
    Do you have Skype? (Will help if you do): yes Tveterveien123
    Does your Skype have a mic.? (Helps even more): yes turtle beach x12
    What is your time zone (Just say the state if you live in the US and say the country if you live elsewhere): mountain time U.S
    Staff Experience: yes a lot of it i will explain below
    Position Wanted (Be realistic, don't say admin if you have never been staff before): admin
    How many hours a day will you moderate (Patrol/Help out) the server: up to 9 hours
    What can you do for the server: help you with plugins and patrol the server more detail below.
    Can you help advertise? (Fairly Important): yes I have tons of minecraft friends that would play on this server!
    Can you donate? (Fairly Important, money will be used to buy a server host): yes up to 20-50$ if i get admin
    If you can donate, how much?(Any amount will get you staff) 20-50$

    Maturity: I am always committed to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    Why should we pick you: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (Reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    Have you ever been admin/mod/co-owner/owner on any servers(Give evidence for better change): I own 1 server. IP: (temporarily down for a week or so). I am a admin on a huge server I am also co owner on a few more but, i have rambled long enough on my server experiences. If you would like more information on those i would appreciate if you were to Skype message or call me to talk more about this topic.
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    How will you help the server: I can play on the server for hours a day and also i may donate depending on my money balance at the end of this month. I know some very unknown plugins that will increase gameplay by a whole lot.
    Can you be trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy to all people. I can keep anything you want me to keep without telling anyone about this at all. I would never grief a server and i will admit i have been banned, but for the wrong reasons of being accused and for saying i hacked. Even if i have never installed a hack client.
    How many hours are you on: I am on for about 9 hours a day if not more.
    Any other details(Optional): If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.
    04/08/2013 9:04 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    IGN: tveterveien
    Age: 16
    Country: U.S
    Y U Want Admin: I want admin because I know that I got what it takes been admin tons of times
    How U Can Help Us: I will help with plugins (if needed) I will help with complaints etc
    Can U Donate: yes indeed as time goes on 20-40$

    Name:Max Gjording

    My extra application for you!
    Maturity: I am always commited to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    Why should we pick you: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    Have you ever been admin/mod/co-owner/owner on any servers(Give evidence for better change): I own 1 server. IP: (temporarily down for a week or so). I am a admin on a huge server I am also co owner on a few more but, i have rambled long enough on my server experiences. If you would like more information on those i would appreciate if you were to Skype message or call me to talk more about this topic.
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    How will you help the server: I can play on the server for hours a day and also i may donate depending on my money balance at the end of this month. I know some very unknown plugins that will increase gameplay by a whole lot.
    Can you be trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy to all people. I can keep anything you want me to keep without telling anyone about this at all. I would never grief a server Even if i have never installed a hack client.
    How many hours are you on: I am on for about 9 hours a day if not more.
    Any other details(Optional): If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.

    04/08/2013 8:56 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    IGN: tveterveien
    Age: 16
    Do you have skype? (Will help if you do): yes Tveterveien123
    Does your skype have a mic.? (Helps even more): yes turtle beach x12
    What is your timezone (Just say the state if you live in the US and say the country if you live elsewhere): mountain time U.S
    Staff Experience: yes a lot of it i will explain below
    Position Wanted (Be realistic, don't say admin if you have never been staff before): Admin
    How many hours a day will you moderate (Patrol/Help out) the server: up to 9 hours
    What can you do for the server: help you with plugins and patrol the server more detail below.
    Can you help advertise? (Fairly Important): yes I have tons of minecraft friends that would play on this server!
    Can you donate? (Fairly Important, money will be used to buy a server host): yes up to 20-50$ if i get admin
    If you can donate, how much?(Any amount will get you staff) 20-50$

    My extra application for you!
    Maturity: I am always commited to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    Why should we pick you: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    Have you ever been admin/mod/co-owner/owner on any servers(Give evidence for better change): I own 1 server. IP: (temporarily down for a week or so). I am a admin on a huge server I am also co owner on a few more but, i have rambled long enough on my server experiences. If you would like more information on those i would appreciate if you were to Skype message or call me to talk more about this topic.
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    How will you help the server: I can play on the server for hours a day and also i may donate depending on my money balance at the end of this month. I know some very unknown plugins that will increase gameplay by a whole lot.
    Can you be trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy to all people. I can keep anything you want me to keep without telling anyone about this at all. I would never grief a server and i will admit i have been banned, but for the wrong reasons of being accused and for saying i hacked. Even if i have never installed a hack client.
    How many hours are you on: I am on for about 9 hours a day if not more.
    Any other details(Optional): If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.
    04/08/2013 8:06 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    Age: 16
    Name (IGN): tveterveien
    what you are applying for: Head admin
    Skype(if you have one doesn't matter if not): Tveterveien
    Past Experience: mod:2 admin:3
    About you: Down below

    My extra application for you!
    Maturity: I am always commited to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    Why should we pick you: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    Have you ever been admin/mod/co-owner/owner on any servers: I own 1 server. IP: (temporarily down for a week or so). I am a admin on a huge server I am also co owner on a few more but, i have rambled long enough on my server experiences. If you would like more information on those i would appreciate if you were to Skype message or call me to talk more about this topic.
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    How will you help the server: I can play on the server for hours a day and also i may donate depending on my money balance at the end of this month. I know some very unknown plugins that will increase gameplay by a whole lot.
    Can you be trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy to all people. I can keep anything you want me to keep without telling anyone about this at all.and.
    How many hours are you on: I am on for about 9 hours a day if not more.
    Any other details(Optional): If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.
    04/08/2013 12:50 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    Ign: tveterveien
    Age: 16
    Position applying for: co owner
    What you will do for the server: I will step in and help with the plugins and keep the community happy
    How many people do you think you could bring to the server: 10-50 players
    How often will you play: every day 2-7 hours a day
    Pics of work(Builder position):
    Skype name(required): Tveterveien123
    Experience(as staff,and otherwise): yes mod 2 admin 2
    What you bring to the staff: courage and har working!!!
    Why you are the best choice: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    How much you can donate(if any): 10-30$ as time goes on
    Timezone: U.S mountain time
    Maturity: I am always commited to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.
    04/08/2013 12:33 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    Make the clan dude!!!!
    04/08/2013 12:26 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    Ign: tveterveien
    Age (does not matter i just wanna know ) : 16
    What job?(see below):doorman, head archer
    PvP skills (1/10): 9.8
    Why do you want to join?: I would like to join because this server sounds interisting and I want to be a part of it.
    Add me on skype: Tveterveien123
    04/07/2013 11:56 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    Job: town manager
    Age: 16
    IGN (in game name): tveterveien
    *******Pictures of builds: no sorry
    building skill: 1-10: 8
    I will make sure people do there work and only there work!
    Skype: Tveterveien123
    04/07/2013 11:49 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    Job: build manager
    Age: 16
    IGN (in game name): tveterveien
    building skill: 1-10: 8
    I will make sure people do there work and only there work!
    skype: Tveterveien123
    04/07/2013 11:46 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    Job: town manager
    Age: 16
    IGN (in game name): tveterveien
    *******Pictures of builds: no sorry
    building skill: 1-10: 8
    I will make sure people do there work and only there work!
    Skype: Tveterveien123
    04/07/2013 11:37 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Spider Rider
    tveterveien's Avatar
    Age : 16
    IGN : tveterveien
    Skype : Tveterveien
    Years playing minecraft : since beta
    have you been staff on a server before? : yes indeed
    Why should I hire you? : you should hire me because I know how to handle plugins and such, I have owned my own server before to
    What technical experience do you have, computer wise? : I am good editing my own skins and really qualified for plugins

    Extra application
    Do you have skype? (Will help if you do): yes Tveterveien123
    Does your skype have a mic.? (Helps even more): yes turtle beach x12
    What is your timezone (Just say the state if you live in the US and say the country if you live elsewhere): mountain time U.S
    How many hours a day will you moderate (Patrol/Help out) the server: up to 9 hours
    What can you do for the server: help you with plugins and patrol the server.
    Can you help advertise?: yes I have tons of minecraft friends that would play on this server!
    Maturity: I am always commited to my work and I try my best not to "goof" around
    Why should we pick you: I will go on all day and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever i enter the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. (reasonable of course) I can find plugins and maybe even try to create plugins to help out the server. With my help i can give you a Guarantee that there will be an increase in the amount of players joining the server.
    Have you ever been admin/mod/co-owner/owner on any servers(Give evidence for better change): I own 1 server. IP: (temporarily down for a week or so). I am a admin on a huge server I am also co owner on a few more but, i have rambled long enough on my server experiences. If you would like more information on those i would appreciate if you were to Skype message or call me to talk more about this topic.
    In the given situation how well would you deal a spammer/begger/hacker: Well, I have no toleration to those people because if they do it once then they are bound to attempt it again. The only possible scenario that i would let slide would be the spammer part. Even though i hate spammers, a ban for spamming would be very unnecessary.
    How will you help the server: I can play on the server for hours a day and also i may donate depending on my money balance at the end of this month. I know some very unknown plugins that will increase gameplay by a whole lot.
    Can you be trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy to all people. I can keep anything you want me to keep without telling anyone about this at all. I would never grief a server and i will admit i have been banned, but for the wrong reasons of being accused and for saying i hacked. Even if i have never installed a hack client.
    How many hours are you on: I am on for about 9 hours a day if not more.
    Any other details(Optional): If you need more information just add me on skype and we can clear any questions that you have.

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