upmostsheep's Avatar
Level 14
Journeyman Miner

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    04/14/2012 10:05 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
    upmostsheep's Avatar
    read it up on the wiki, just about all u need to know is on the wiki
    03/02/2012 7:47 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
    upmostsheep's Avatar
    Ign: upmostsheep
    Age: 14
    Do you speak fluent English: yes i am american
    Minecraft Experience: ive been playing from almost the start, but i really got into the game like 2 years ago and now i play ALL the time
    Building style: i like to build using stones and woods to make things ranging from castles to houses
    Amount on average played during the week and weekends - weekdays 4 hours weekends 8 hours
    Are you committed - yes i am, i never leave a build unfinished
    Do you have any special skills- just building haha
    Short bio - my brother introduced me to minecraft a long time ago and i have been playing it since almost the start, i use to play survival but for the past year i have been doing alot of creative
    Previous servers: mostly small servers where i did builds and a couple big servers
    Have you ever participated in a timelapse: many on small servers and 2 on big servers
    Screenshots: (if you don't post screenshots you won't be accepted)
    03/02/2012 12:16 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
    upmostsheep's Avatar
    1.Over all Server experience? i have been admin on 3 other servers and i was a legit admin not one with those owners who admin everyone, ive also been co-owner
    2.Are you mature? although im only 14 my teachers say im very mature for my age and i also think im much more mature than my peers
    3.How old are you? 14 years old
    4.Do you know how to use Plugins? well it all depends on which plugins but yes
    5.How long will you be on Daily? if im head-mod i will be on ALOT, to watch over the server
    6.Are you Friendly? im a friendly nice guy, i hate mean people and im not mean,
    7.Do you know how to construct any in game structures? im a very good builder, thats wat i do most in minecraft.
    8.Do you know how to deal with impatient Players? yes, if im busy i tell them to please wait a minute, and if they start to freak out and swear i would mute them for about 5 min, and it all depends wat they do after that.
    9.What would you do if there was Various reports of someone Breaking any In game rules? i would definatly make an admin or someone of a higher power aware of this and they can decide if the player is to be ban or whatever his punishment may be
    10.Do you know how to keep players calm? yes if two players were getting angry over and argument i would try to get both sides of the story and ask others to find the truth and get them back to being calm again
    thank you
    03/01/2012 7:38 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
    upmostsheep's Avatar
    IGN -upmostsheep
    Age -14
    Position - Admin but if not that then Mod
    Have you been banned before - i have been banned once
    Reason why you were banned -for absolutly nothing, the server owner just ban me cuz some random acused me of greifing, but i didnt greif anything
    Reason why you want to be staff - i really enjoy helping out servers for some reason, im also a very skillful builder. im a nice kid and i love playing minecraft
    Experience - ive been playing minecraft for god only knows how long and i have been op on mutiple servers and ive been co-owner on 2 servers, i know just about all the commands for bukkit and im a fast learner
    Timezone - EST(new england area)
    Maturity level - well when it comes to being admin, i can tell the diference between having fun and when its time to be serious, im not some stupid admin who abuses his power by randomly banning players or giving out free items
    03/01/2012 7:31 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
    upmostsheep's Avatar
    IGN -upmostsheep
    Age -14
    Position - Admin but if not that then Mod
    Have you been banned before - i have been banned once
    Reason why you were banned -for absolutly nothing, the server owner just ban me cuz some random acused me of greifing, but i didnt greif anything
    Reason why you want to be staff - i really enjoy helping out servers for some reason, im also a very skillful builder. im a nice kid and i love playing minecraft
    Experience - ive been playing minecraft for god only knows how long and i have been op on mutiple servers and ive been co-owner on 2 servers, i know just about all the commands for bukkit and im a fast learner
    Timezone - EST(new england area)
    Maturity level - well when it comes to being admin, i can tell the diference between having fun and when its time to be serious, im not some stupid admin who abuses his power by randomly banning players or giving out free items

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