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Level 1 New Miner

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    05/15/2016 12:01 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    uraBKR's Avatar
    Accepted Please PM me
    05/14/2016 11:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    uraBKR's Avatar
    Well actually i am just making it sorry i should of said that!
    05/14/2016 11:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    uraBKR's Avatar
    I would love you hire you but can you complete an app with the format statted
    05/14/2016 8:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    uraBKR's Avatar
    •Name: Curtis
    •Age: 16
    •Location: Canada
    •Position applying for: Staff-Manager or Admin or any Manager like postion
    •Staff Experience: I was Head-Mod on a server called Crewniverese.com before they shut down
    •About Yourself: Many people have different reasons to apply for staff. Mine will sound a little cheesy but its true. I purely enjoy helping people. It gives me a sense of gratitude when I show someone how to do things the right way or help someone with their issues. These traits make my job easy and fun. I know that staff isn’t meant to be a fun job, but keeping a cheerful attitude on job and being friendly to players makes more people want to come back to the server. I have two modes when being staff; one cheery light mood when I joke around and talk with players and a serious mood when dealing with issues. I NEVER allow these two to mix together because that could jeopardize my position and probably annoy some players. Lastly, I know that certain people apply for the rank because they think it will bring them respect and make them cool. I have never considered this as a reason to apply and I frankly hate these types of people. They often end up abusing their power and getting banned. I have never abused and will never abuse. I am applying because I believe that I have what it takes to help the server.
    •Do you have a mic? If so can you use communication applications like Skype and teamspeak? Yes
    •Steam? Other games you play?(optional)
    05/14/2016 7:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    uraBKR's Avatar
    Head-Admin/Admin/Mod App
    Ign: uraBKR
    Age: 16
    Skype: Curtis.bolton3
    What are you applying for? Head-Admin
    Why do you want to be staff: Many people have different reasons to apply for staff. Mine will sound a little cheesy but its true. I purely enjoy helping people. It gives me a sense of gratitude when I show someone how to do things the right way or help someone with their issues. These traits make my job easy and fun. I know that staff isn’t meant to be a fun job, but keeping a cheerful attitude on job and being friendly to players makes more people want to come back to the server. I have two modes when being staff; one cheery light mood when I joke around and talk with players and a serious mood when dealing with issues. I NEVER allow these two to mix together because that could jeopardize my position and probably annoy some players. Lastly, I know that certain people apply for the rank because they think it will bring them respect and make them cool. I have never considered this as a reason to apply and I frankly hate these types of people. They often end up abusing their power and getting banned. I have never abused and will never abuse. I am applying because I believe that I have what it takes to help the server.
    Experience?: I was Head-Mod on a server called Crewniverse.net but they shut down
    Are you currently working with a server?: No
    What do you think the server should be?: I think the server should be Factions because, i think factions is a game most people like and enjoy. Also Skyblock, Skyblock because, Skyblock is a grinding type of game and most players enjoy tat.
    Anything else? No
    05/14/2016 7:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    uraBKR's Avatar
    IGN(In Game Name): uraBKR

    Skype: curtis.bolton3

    Discord: No

    Role Applying For: Head-Admin

    Languages: English

    Editor(Answer if Applying for Dev):

    Experience: I was Head-Admin on a server called Crewniverse.com but it shut down

    Why would you benefit us: I belive i could help get more players to join and enjoy the server. Also i could provide feedback towards new staff, players and overall server enjoyment.

    Why do you want to work for us: Many people have different reasons to apply for staff. Mine will sound a little cheesy but its true. I purely enjoy helping people. It gives me a sense of gratitude when I show someone how to do things the right way or help someone with their issues. These traits make my job easy and fun. I know that staff isn’t meant to be a fun job, but keeping a cheerful attitude on job and being friendly to players makes more people want to come back to the server. I have two modes when being staff; one cheery light mood when I joke around and talk with players and a serious mood when dealing with issues. I NEVER allow these two to mix together because that could jeopardize my position and probably annoy some players. Lastly, I know that certain people apply for the rank because they think it will bring them respect and make them cool. I have never considered this as a reason to apply and I frankly hate these types of people. They often end up abusing their power and getting banned. I have never abused and will never abuse. I am applying because I believe that I have what it takes to help the server.

    Are you Mature: Yes
    05/14/2016 6:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    uraBKR's Avatar
    Mc Username: uraBKR
    Age: 16
    Country of residence: Canada
    What position you are applying for: Mod/Admin
    Why do you want to be staff: Many people have different reasons to apply for staff. Mine will sound a little cheesy but its true. I purely enjoy helping people. It gives me a sense of gratitude when I show someone how to do things the right way or help someone with their issues. These traits make my job easy and fun. I know that staff isn’t meant to be a fun job, but keeping a cheerful attitude on job and being friendly to players makes more people want to come back to the server. I have two modes when being staff; one cheery light mood when I joke around and talk with players and a serious mood when dealing with issues. I NEVER allow these two to mix together because that could jeopardize my position and probably annoy some players. Lastly, I know that certain people apply for the rank because they think it will bring them respect and make them cool. I have never considered this as a reason to apply and I frankly hate these types of people. They often end up abusing their power and getting banned. I have never abused and will never abuse. I am applying because I believe that I have what it takes to help the server.
    How often can you be available for work: 2-8 Hours a day
    Does swearing bother you: No
    What would make you a special staff member on my server: There are many reasons why I be a special staff on your server. One reason being I am very friendly and will not abuse any of my powers.
    How many servers have you been staff on before and what are their names: One other server and Crewniverse.com
    Are you knowledged with plugins? if so which ones do you specialize in: No
    Are you good at building? If so give links to some of your builds: No
    If you have a problem with another staff member, how would you handle the situation: I would attempt to talk it out with the staff member but if we can not come to a solution I would forward our problem to someone higher in staff.
    If a member is acting out of line, how would you handle the situation:
    Is there anything else you feel that I should know about you: No
    Skype *REQUIRED*: Curtis.bolton3

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