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Apprentice Warrior

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    04/09/2012 1:27 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    Steven attempts to climb the wall but his legs are tired, he collapses on the floor covered in sweat and blood
    04/09/2012 10:37 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    Sprinting for his life,Steven notices a large wall made out of rubble ''HELLO ANYONE THERE?'' Steven shouted as he Grabbed his axe and sliced down on Many zombies coming towards him. When a final one grabbed him and lunged for his neck He knew he was dead...
    04/09/2012 8:33 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    ((Oh god Ive been dead on this rp Whats happened while i was gone))
    Steven Holding on to his ribs,Sprints down the street with a horde of zombies straight after him.He screamed out in pain as stiches ran down his legs ''Was this the end?!'' Thought steven as he kept running.
    04/09/2012 8:16 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    IGN : Venomouscrowd
    Have You Read/Seen Movie Books :I am going to see the movie and im getting the books
    Why You Want To Join :Cause I really want to see what it would be like to be in hunger games
    Why You Feel Like You Should Be Accepted Because Im great at pvp and things like that parkour etc etc I also help people very often
    04/04/2012 2:35 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    1. Whats Your IGN Venomouscrowd
    2. What Rank Are You Applying For? Head admin
    3. If You Didnt Get That Rank What Would Be Your Next Choice Anything (I want to help out this server very much)
    4. Are You A VERY Good Builder and Can Build A AMAZING Spawn? Sorta I can build houses/warzones/bases/Camps and that
    5. If You Said Yes To 4 PM Me The Ip To The Server Or a Link To Something You Made Here On Planet Minecraft Thats Really Good And Would Be Able To Be Used In Spawn
    6. How Old Are You? 11
    7. How Offten Would You Come On The Server?as much as i could since im staff on a diffo server to
    8. Can You Help Me With Any Plugin Questions? Yus sir I am great with plugins
    9. Can You Make A Banner For The Server? Yes (Just tell me what you need on it)
    04/02/2012 9:37 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    You sir are a god!
    03/30/2012 10:37 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    Steven Sits on a crate messing with his knife and sipping a can of soda ''We need to claim more land and find more women or our race is gonna die out''
    03/29/2012 10:54 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    (( Tell me when we have Skrewed up time and space xD. ))
    03/29/2012 10:44 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    (( not even animal infecteds?))
    03/29/2012 10:36 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    (( Seems good to me But there is one thing that confuzles me = why are there no special infected like the first infected or toxincated infected?))
    03/28/2012 4:52 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    (( dude you want your guy to die?))
    03/28/2012 4:29 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    ''Oh yeah and I once came here before and locked a zombie in the lowest level so be careful he is vicious examine him if you want'' Steven said after opening the door and shooting the nearest zombie to him and slowly closing it after
    03/28/2012 3:54 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    ''Not far from here its the 2 buildings away'' Steven replied heading for the door
    03/28/2012 3:42 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    ''Dude before we head down we need to get back to my hideout my 3 year old daughter and wife are there'' Steven shivered while he said this. Loading his Ak47 at the same time ''god forbid anything happen to them''
    03/27/2012 5:16 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    ((anyone here?))
    03/27/2012 4:08 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    ((Y U NO REPLY?))
    03/27/2012 3:16 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
    venomouscoke's Avatar
    Steven Kicked down the door and automatically aimed for a zombies head. Firing off the round of ak47 bullets the zombie fell.As Steven ran down the street he noticed a horde of zombies attacking some survivors ''Alright you sons of b-'' cut off by the sound of the gunfire bullets rammed into the zombie holding the survivor agaisnt the wall. Cracking the ribs and going out the other side. Steven had to reload but had no time he pulled out his swiss army knife and headed for the zombie slicing down to its skull and ramming it in hard the zombies grip on the survivor loosened. Kicking the zombie to the ground Steven helped up the wounded survivor ''whats your guys names?'' he asked inpatiently

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