Water U Doin's Avatar
Level 3 Apprentice Explorer

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    Water U Doin
    08/30/2015 5:58 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    Water U Doin's Avatar
    IGN: WaterUDoin

    Age: 16 (17 in October if that helps any)

    Country: United States

    In game interests & strengths: I'm not going to lie, I'm not the best minecrafter out there, but I do catch onto things pretty quickly. I also love helping people, so I'll try to help anyone that needs it to the best of my abilities.

    Share something about yourself IRL: I'm a junior in high school, my favorite animal is an elephant, and I love reading.
    Water U Doin
    08/26/2015 9:19 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    Water U Doin's Avatar
    IGN (In-Game Name): WaterUDoin
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Skype: (I'd like to pm it to you for privacy reasons .)
    Timezone: GMT-5
    Have you ever been banned before? If yes, why? No.
    What YouTuber best represents you and why? Probably Grace Helbig, because I'm awkward and I like to make people laugh, however, I'm definitely not as funny as her.
    What is your best skill in Minecraft (i.e. building, redstoning, etc.)? If I had to pick my "best" skill, I'd choose building.
    How often do you play Minecraft? I've just recently started to get back into playing Minecraft, so I try to play at least 3-4 days out of the week.
    Do you agree to the rules listed above? Yes.
    These next questions will not count against you.
    Do you have a YouTube Channel and are you relatively active on it? If yes, please link us the channel! No.
    Do you have a Twitch Account that you use to stream off of? If so, please link us! No.
    Water U Doin
    08/05/2014 11:31 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    Water U Doin's Avatar
    In-Game Name : WaterUDoin

    Age : 15

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? : 2 years on and off.

    What do you enjoy doing the most in Minecraft? (e.g Building, PvP, Redstone) : I enjoy building the most.

    Have you ever been banned? If so, what was the reason? : I have never been banned.

    Can you take a joke, or banter? (e.g pranks, jokes) : I love joking around myself, so yes, I can take a joke.

    Do you record? : I am able to record, but I am sorting out some things right now.

    What is your Skype name? : I'd rather pm it to you.

    Why do you want to join this server? : I really just want a good group of people to regularly play minecraft with. I'm ready to get back to the basics of minecraft and what it's truly about.
    Water U Doin
    08/05/2014 11:15 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    Water U Doin's Avatar
    *AGE - 15
    *IGN - WaterUDoin
    *Gender - Female
    +First name - Robyn
    *Skype (Say if this is an issue an we can work something out) - I'd rather pm it to you.
    Youtube/twitch and would you record the server? - I have both and I am able to record, but I need to work out some details before I attempt to do so.
    +You're skills (EG - Building, redstone, machines...) - I have mainly general skills ( building, farming, etc. ), but I am terrible at redstone so don't ask me to do anything pertaining to that.
    *Why do you want to join? - I'm ready to get back to the basics of minecraft and what it was truly about. This seems like the perfect opportunity to do so.
    *Pictures of builds or something in Minecraft - I have no pictures of my builds, but we could figure something out?
    *Time zone and +estimated hours per week or per day - My timezone is CDT. I'm able to play anywhere from 3 to more hours a day.
    +Other information? - Nope!
    Water U Doin
    06/21/2014 4:47 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    Water U Doin's Avatar
    Application for Builder -
    Name: Robyn
    Age: 15
    Location: Oklahoma
    Skype: ruebeeen
    What experience do you have with building modern buildings? I have some experience building modern buildings as I have just started to venture into that type of style.
    Provide screenshots or other evidence of you work: No screenshots at this time, but I will be able to provide some once some of my projects are complete.
    What do you like about the servers idea? I like the fact that this server idea is so new and fresh. I like the idea of jobs, housing, and quests.
    What do you dislike? I don't really dislike anything about this server so far, except for maybe the fact that I will have to wait to play it.

    I know I may not be the most experienced builder out there, but I am good at following set ideas and maybe even helping come up with them. I might not be able to be in charge of major builds on the server, but I will definitely be able to assist in them. I seriously hope you at least consider my application. Even if I am denied, this server is at the top of my must play list.

    Also, I am able to use TeamSpeak.

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