WickedGamerMan's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    07/24/2012 9:46 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    WickedGamerMan's Avatar
    you would still turn into one, if a zombie came across the smell of your body or saw your body there, they would come and feast on you, and since that a zombie infection is transmited through blood and saliva you would turn into one
    07/10/2012 11:23 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    WickedGamerMan's Avatar
    lol i absoloutly love your app cousin
    07/10/2012 11:14 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    WickedGamerMan's Avatar
    First Name: Deklan
    In Game Name: Flipflop2
    Tell me how good you can build rate yourself 1-100: 72
    Can you donate or help pay monthly (yes or no): no
    Experience: since alpha
    Why I should choose you: because i love playing minecraft, building, and having a joke, oh and also helping people
    Can you make a banner: no
    Can you make a skin: yes, im alright at them, not the best
    Can you make a texture pack: i know how to but theyn always stuff up so no
    2 Things you are applying for (One as a backup): Trusted, or just a Builder
    About you: i am 14 and love palying minecraft and building stuff with my friends and i love joking around and making new friends
    Age: 14
    Gender: male
    Have a skype: yes
    Other: Dude, its Me flipflop2, sry i havnt been on the server lately, ive been rly busy but its holidays now so im free to play for along time
    06/04/2012 4:44 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    WickedGamerMan's Avatar
    Name: Deklan
    Age: 13 Bro
    Where you are from: Aus But I Stay Up Late Enough To Play With My Uk Friends
    Do you have skype?: Pfft That Is Blasphemer Every One Does These Days ( In Normal English, Bitch Please Yes I Do )
    Why do you wan't to be in our group?: Cause I Love Lets Plays and I Wanna Make One With Awesome People AKA: YOU GUYS
    Do you like waffles?: Ofcourse Homeboy
    Would you be able to set up a server?: HELL YER BOI
    Will you swear alot?: If You Mean By Like F*** No But Like Shit Might Slip But Other Than That No
    Do you have a microphone?: HELL YER

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