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New Miner

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    11/26/2013 8:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    workaholic4's Avatar
    in-Game-Name: Workaholic4

    Skype Name: Carter.wilson84

    Experience: I was an admin for a server a while back

    Age: 15

    Why you want to be staff: I would like to be part of the staff because I love to help people in need and making people feel comfortable and safe in the server they are playing in. I really like always having a job to, if its helping players, helping the server stay strong, or just answering questions. I always respect everybody and I would love to help keep the server organized, peaceful, and friendly.

    What you are applying for: Admin or Moderator. Mostly admin.
    11/26/2013 7:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    workaholic4's Avatar
    Name (You don't have to reveal your last name): Carter

    Ign (In game name): Workaholic4

    Age (I would appreciate have staff that are 13+ or mature): 15

    Why you would like to be staff (I would like complete sentences and at least a paragraph): I would like to be part of the staff because I love to help people in need and making people feel comfortable and safe in the server they are playing in. I really like always having a job to, if its helping players, helping the server stay strong, or just answering questions. I always respect everybody and I would love to help keep the server organized, peaceful, and friendly.

    What would you contribute?: some money and other needed supply's.

    Can you donate at least $5 within a week? (This does NOT hurt youre chances!): probably, it just depends on whats going on in the real world like my family and so on.

    Experience as a staff member (be honest): I was once an admin of a Survival/Faction server a while back but the owner stopped running it.

    Do you have skype? (You MUST have skype!): yes (I don't wanna say my username in public lol)

    Do you have a mic (You must have a mic too):Yes
    06/03/2012 9:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    workaholic4's Avatar
    Name: Carter
    IGN: workaholic4
    YouTube channel (If you have one): I have one but there is no videos on it.
    05/31/2012 9:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    workaholic4's Avatar
    admin app
    IGN: workaholic4
    Why you want to be a member of staff: because i love being able to help other players.
    Why you should be a member of staff: because i am nice, helpful and i care about the players and the server.
    Why you would be a good member of staff: Because i would be able to help people with there minecraft needs, help fix the server when needed, and i follow orders and directions.
    Any other info: I am a nice kid and i love helping and playing minecraft.
    05/14/2012 8:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    workaholic4's Avatar
    i will be staff
    ign: workaholic4
    skype: carter.wilson84
    never been banned
    because i am very nice to players and i treat people with respect.
    position: admin

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