wraithjuggler's Avatar
Level 4 Apprentice Explorer

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    01/30/2019 2:06 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Still need a few more players!
    01/27/2019 2:05 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Applications are still open!
    01/24/2019 10:29 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Got 4 new players! Keep em coming!
    06/30/2016 8:16 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Added a quick build I made today into the application.
    06/29/2016 10:42 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    ◈ IGN: Wraithjuggler
    ◈ Age: 16
    ◈ Skype: wraithjuggler
    ◈ Timezone: GMT -5
    ◈ How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Late 2010
    ◈ Why do you want to join TheCOVE?: I mean, I have played many vanilla servers (Including The Cove SMP, is this the same server) and I always end up having to move because one will get shut down. From what I can see, this server looks very reliable so that's why I want to spend my time on this server. I am running out of things to do in minecraft and don't want to resort to other games just yet.
    ◈ Why should we accept you?: I'm a minecraft veteran, I owned my own very successful vanilla minecraft server as well in the past. I also am very nice to people and have many friends that are also willing to play with me if suitable for the server. I hope you can disregard the age limit because I am worthy of being on this server.
    ◈ Do you accept our server rules?: Yes. WR
    ◈ Link your screenshots or videos of your builds: Okay so I just wrapped up a quick build in about 15 minutes, I'm kind of iffy on this build since it's materials I've never worked with before, but I think it looked okay. I just did the entrance and tried to add as much detail as I can. http://i.imgur.com/jc2XVTF.png I think it looks fine but yeah.
    06/05/2016 5:41 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    First Name: Zach
    *In-Game Name: wraithjuggler
    *Age: 16
    Country: Canada
    *Will you use Skype for voice chat?: yes
    How long have you played Minecraft?: Gosh, I've been playing it for way too long. I don't know exactly, but around 6 years.
    Why do you play Minecraft?: It's a great way to collaborate and easily express your ideas through building things.
    *Why should we accept you?: I don't really think I am any better than any of the other applicants, but I used to run my own popular minecraft server and I have hell of a lot of experience in minecraft (especially Vanilla Minecraft)
    *Are you willing to vote for the server daily to help support us?: yes, of course.
    *Do you accept our server rules?: yes
    If you could add your own rule to our rules list, what would it be?: You must obey all potatoes
    *Images of your builds (NEEDED AND MUST BE YOUR OWN!): I mean, I lost all my saves when I switched computers. But here's a video (it was when I was 12 years old) on my old vanilla minecraft server. I built the nether hub.


    The building is not that good, but it's the only real evidence I have. I can assure you my building skills have expanded quite a bit.
    07/09/2015 9:31 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    RolePlayMASTER1. IGN(In-game name): kayoss123

    2. Why you want to join the server: I want to join the server so I can have fun with a community. I always find surviving alone is much more boring and tiring, then with friends.

    3. Age: 13

    4. Skype(Optional): scpcontainment

    5. Youtube(Optional): http://www.youtube.com/thekayoss123

    6. How active do you plan to be?: 2-3 days per week, 2- 3 hours per day that I'm on.

    7. Do you plan on using any of our other services?: Not sure what you mean... Do you have other services? You never mentioned it...


    qwertyuiopqwer1. IGN(In-game name): qwertyuiopqwer

    2. Why you want to join the server: I have never really looked at joining servers with a community, I've always gone onto huge faction servers, I think that this could be fun and I can make some friends. I love finding inspiration from other builds and designs.

    3. Age: 15 (B-day on 21st july)

    4. Skype(Optional): qwertyuiopqwor

    5. Youtube(Optional):

    6. How active do you plan to be?: I will hope to go on everyday but of course there will be exceptions. When I play it will usually be in 2-3 hour stints.

    7. Do you plan on using any of our other services?: What exactly are the "other sevices".

    Avestrio_Alt1. IGN(In-game name)

    2. Why you want to join the server
    I want to join the server because I have been looking for a SMP server and this looks like it could be a lot of fun and it has friendly players.

    3. Age

    4. Skype(Optional)
    Avestrio (Jay Canada)

    5. Youtube(Optional)
    FullyCanadian but I don't record yet.

    6. How active do you plan to be?
    I have no clue because my soccer is starting up soon. But around and hour or more.

    7. Do you plan on using any of our other services?
    I don't know any of your other services can you explain this question?

    Darc_Dude1. IGN(In-game name): Darc_Dude

    2. Why you want to join the server: I enjoy Community Survival servers much more than the common factions server. I hope to meet the community members and make a few friends while I play.

    3. Age: I am 16 years old

    4. Skype(Optional): darc_dude (The Darc Nite)

    5. Youtube(Optional): None

    6. How active do you plan to be?: If there are other players online then I will most likely be on. I dislike playing alone unless a project of mine requires me to be on even when the server is empty.

    7. Do you plan on using any of our other services?: Please elaborate.

    07/08/2015 12:16 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    07/07/2015 10:31 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    07/07/2015 8:43 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    It's been sent to your skype!
    07/07/2015 8:38 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar

    Deceivingly1. IGN(In-game name): Optimaux

    2. Why you want to join the server: I love vanilla server, and the one I was previously on was closed sadly after 2 years.

    3. Age: 15

    4. Skype(Optional): Optimaux

    5. Youtube(Optional): N/A

    6. How active do you plan to be?: I will be on on average 10 hours a day, I should be very active on the server.

    7. Do you plan on using any of our other services?: I don't know what these services are, could you please elaborate?

    You're accepted as well!
    07/07/2015 8:36 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Applications are open!
    01/09/2015 10:53 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Man I miss this server. I might bring it up soon but who knows for sure.

    Don't bother posting applications here anymore as the server was closed.
    01/05/2015 10:31 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Name: Zach Tedesco
    Skype: wraithjuggler
    Ign: wraithjuggler
    How long you have been playing MC: about 5 years
    why should we chose you?: I'm very active and experienced with mindcrack. I specialize in communication and have owned popular MC servers in the past.
    youtube channel link: N/A, I'll likely make one later on once I get settled in.
    will you record on the server?: Yeah, eventually.
    who is your favorite mindcrack member?: VintageBeef.
    12/28/2014 7:23 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Minecraft IGN:wraithjuggler
    Age: 16
    What has your experience been on Minecraft: Since roughly 4 years.
    Why do you want to join this server?: I just recently quit another SMP server because it was too inactive so I'm looking for another one. Telling by the thread topic, this server looks very organized which I like. I am a GFX designer as well as a website designer and I figured I would like to help you because it seems that you need one.
    Here's one I made for the last community I was in: http://covesmp.do.am/
    I've built several proud creations in minecraft including some of the following(this just scratches the surface of some of the stuff I've made, but I've made much better unrecorded creations):
    Click to reveal

    And right here is a current project that I've built(My buddy did the interior, I did the full structure):http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/big-mansion-3020084/ And to mention that, me and my friend Maxtropolis have built two mega-cities as well as a small rural town area.

    Here's another mansion we built together: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/modern-mansion-3064060/

    Also note that the above screenshots are old and my design knowledge has expanded a fair amount from those last screenshots.
    Have you read & agree on the Rules?:Yes
    10/16/2014 7:58 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    I vote yes to BadDuck495!
    09/28/2014 5:13 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Age: 14
    Maturity Level (#/10): 8
    IGN: wraithjuggler
    Skype name*: wraithjuggler
    Youtube Channel: wraith juggler - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCstKbz ... FdVZexX7XQ
    Rate your building expertise: 9/10
    Rate your redstoning expertise: 6/10
    Rate your technical (commands, server) expertise: 10/10, owned my own mindcrack server with 65+ whitelisted and more than 20+ players online in peak hours
    Rate your work ethic/dedication: 10/10
    Are you involved in any other SMP / Mindcrack-style servers?**: no, my server's hosting closed
    What is your suggestion for what the group/server should be called: Laugh & Craft
    Gender: Male
    Where do you live or Timezone: GMT-5(Canada)
    Do you agree to help create a thriving community: Yes!
    Tell me a little about yourself!: I just graduated into a high school and have been playing minecraft since nearly 2010! I have hosted popular servers such as cobaltcraft - a mindcrack server, and cobalt gaming.
    08/18/2014 6:09 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Elyk101 has been removed.
    08/17/2014 9:16 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Disregard my application. -- You're too inactive for me.
    08/17/2014 5:29 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    wraithjuggler's Avatar
    Favorite part of minecraft: Surviving and building
    Tell us about you: I enjoy playing video games, sports and having a good laugh.
    YouTube: no
    Have you ever been banned, if so why: N/A

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