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Level 9 Apprentice Dragon

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    10/18/2013 11:25 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    Age: 15.
    Name: Jon
    IGN: wsedfr0
    Skype: wsedfr0 (Jon F/\Z3)
    How long can you work on the server per day?: It depends on what time I get home from school, but usually I could easily spend 5-6 hours on the server per day.
    Time Zone: GMT +8:00
    Are you good with plugins?: Yes I am, also if I am unfamiliar with the plugins, I will look it up and learn the commands, how to make use of it.
    Do you have good people skills?: I am good at this, but can strive to become better.
    Why should I pick you?: I want to see this server strive and become a world class server. I am willing to contribute as much as I can to allow this server to thrive. If you turn me down, I can accept that. But you will be losing out on a great staff member, thats all I can say and thank you for taking the time to read my Administrator Application.
    10/18/2013 11:20 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    Oh yes, and I will be applying to be a administrator.
    10/18/2013 11:20 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    I would love to join your staff. My skype is wsedfr0. Profile picture has "Faze Foo" on it.
    09/21/2013 10:03 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    Okay, will try to contact them. Thanks for the info
    09/15/2013 9:55 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    Age: 15
    Skype(Required): will PM you the name
    Staff Experence: Been a Co-Owner, Head-Admin, Admin, Moderator on several different servers.
    How can you help ViceralMc: Every staff's duty is to keep the server safe and an enjoyable place to be. That is my priority, but also to have fun (not too much as I do not want to drift off and behave inappropriately.), I used to own a server back in the day so I am fairly familiar with that to do when creating a new server.
    Is your minecraft Acc Premium: Yes
    Tell Me About Yourself: I tend to put work before play (as in I perform my duties as a Co-Owner before having fun with the players). I play other games too (like Grid 2, Game Dev tycoon, Saints Row, Skyrim etc)
    Anything Else: I hope you will find me a valuable asset to the server and very much appreciate and thank you for taking the time to read my application.
    06/26/2013 5:43 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    This is soo true. The owner opped me and a friend and she wanted us to build a spawn for her. And if we get a little time off, she gets pissed off and wants us to get back to work. I mean, wtf? Can't a person rest for a god damn moment? Plus she thinks just cause shes the owner of the server, she can treat you as if you were her slave. Please do not join this server, the owner will treat you like crap. And I mean literally.
    06/24/2013 9:55 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    Name: Jon
    Age: 15
    Birthdate: 20/01/1998
    MC Username: wsedfr0
    What are your experiences on other servers?: I have been an Admin on 4 other servers. Unfortunately, these all have been closed due to lack of players and popularity. I've also been a Mod on 2 other servers ( 1 creative, the other survival). But due to the same reasons stated above, they've closed down. I also hosted my own server back in 2011, and 2012. But I guess not many people came on and continuing to run the server will just waste money and effort. So I 'pulled the plugs' and ended it there.
    Your servers (as a staff): So far, none. I hope I will be able to be accepted into your Staff committee.
    Tell me about yourself: I'm a person who does work seriously, and efficiently. I can be a fun loving person as well, but when I do my job well.
    Would you promise to follow the rules and regulations?: Yes I will. If I do break my promise, you can just ban the hell out of me. XD
    06/24/2013 8:42 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    Age: 15
    How long have you played minecraft?: Since Beta.
    Do you have teamspeak and/or mumble?: No, but I have skype.
    What server have you administrated or moderated?: I have administrated 4 small servers, and moderated another 2 small servers. I used to run a small server of my own as well, but it didn't turn out for the best. So I decided to pull the plugs and end it there.
    If you are not an admin or mod of those servers anymore, why?: They all closed down due to lack of popularity, waste of money and resources.
    Timezone?: GMT +8:00
    Please post a picture or 2 of a build you have done:
    Do you have knowledge of worldedit?: Yes I do.
    Do you have general knowledge of plugin usage? Yes, and if I do not know how to use the plugins, I will search up on how to use them.
    05/31/2013 2:06 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    I'm up for the job, my skype: wsedfr0
    05/30/2013 1:33 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    Application For: Admin

    IGN: wsedfr0

    Name: Jon

    Age: 15

    Previous Experiences: I've been an admin on about 4-5 other servers, and a moderator on 1-2 servers. Had a server of my own once, decided to close it due to various factors ( like not enough players, wasted resources etc.)

    Why Should We Pick You: I think that I should be picked because I want to see a server that has been built up from scratch, blossom into a successful server. I am also able to handle difficult situations such as griefers, arguements etc. I never take sides, and would do my best to solve any problems.

    Skype (Optional): Jon F/\Z3

    - Handling bad apples
    - Watching out for the server and staff
    - Take disciplinary action against any staff members who do bad deeds (such as giving out free items, fighting with a player, banning a player for invalid reasons).
    - Helping out with finding good plugins, finding out information on plugins and their uses.

    Tell About Yourself: I'm just an average 15 year old gamer that loves to kick back and relax, but also be serious and discipline.

    Maturity 1/10: 8.5, You can't always be serious in something. You gotta have at least a bit of fun and happiness

    How Long Will You Be On (This Will Be Tested So Don't Lie): I tend to spend about 3-4 hours per day. If I do have other matters to attend to, I will try my best to go on for as long as I can.
    05/29/2013 12:11 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    IGN: wsedfr0
    Name: Jon
    Skype: Jon F/\Z3
    Position Applying for: Head-Admin
    Previous Experience: worked as an admin and mod on a few other servers, had my own server running not long ago but decided to end it, due to various factors.
    Are you good with plugins?: I can give advice on what plugins to install, help find out information on the plugins, how to use them, etc.
    Maturity Level(/10): 8, you gotta have some fun, and yet be serious at a job.
    Why do you want to be staff?: I want to be a part of your staff because I've seen many other servers with terrible staff as they either never go online, or can't be bothered to help out players in need. I want to change that, make this server a fun and happy place to be, so fun, that players would stay and not move on.
    Are you familiar with survival games?: I love playing survival games such as Hunger games!
    08/21/2011 5:01 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    to assure no lagging
    08/21/2011 5:00 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    The laptop that your gonna get has good specs! i recommend u get a Laptop with at least 8GB ram (upgrade) and at least a i3,i5 or i7 Processor. Oh and get a laptop with at least 2.1 Ghz
    08/03/2011 10:42 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    thanks for your suggestions!
    08/03/2011 9:51 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    and this is the kind of help you can give... what a retard..
    08/03/2011 8:01 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    I bought the game of course and I didnt help theives, I alerted you guys ABOUT these theives and griefers so that if they happen to visit your server, you can be well prepared to fight them..
    08/03/2011 7:41 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    Then those cracked players cant play it..
    08/03/2011 7:31 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    Who put the Group Leader's name as -censored-?
    08/03/2011 7:30 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    but if i dont run on hamachi, then i cant host my server at all
    08/03/2011 7:14 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
    wsedfr0's Avatar
    erm what does that have to do with the topic? o_o

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