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Level 51 Grandmaster Architect

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    09/23/2012 7:09 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
    Xethyrious's Avatar
            “Mistah’ Explorer—he dead.”
            I stood, staring blankly ahead into the mists over the rock ledge that led into the sky and eventually down to the sea. I looked at that soldier who announced his death briefly before turning back to watching the mists. He walked away. I could see in my peripheral vision the smog rising from the mess of twisted steel that was the 455, and by it was a ring of soldiers and adventurers, saluting someone—the Explorer.

            Most of our khaki military jackets were tattered, and ripped, and bloodstained. My dark grey suit and trench coat were, luckily, in better condition than most clothes; they were slit in a few places, and the trench coat had a few black stains on the sides, but they were still wearable.
             “How many alive?”
             “We counted a total of 97 alive, sir. 81 of your company. The rest were with the Explorer.”
             “Hmm. We only lost 69—less than half—which is miraculous. And supplies?”
             “We’ve salvaged four ammunition crates, sir. There are also spare cartridges scattered around the wreck. The men have been around gathering ‘em for personal use. But we only have food for a week-and-a-half, and that’s with conservative rationing. We’ll need to forage soon, if we want to survive.”
             “And radios?”
             “455’s is dead. Our only engineer alive said it’s fried, unsalvageable. We’re on our own for now. He said he could try and put together something, but not for a while, sir.”
             “Shit. Well it seems food and water are our biggest priorities. Have sixty men ready, sergeant. We march in ten minutes.”
             “Yes sir.”

    ~ • ~

             “My Lord, there is a sandbar ahead. But we spotted large winged creatures prowling in the sand. They look like dragons, like those in fairy tales.”
             I looked ahead and lurking on the sands were indeed winged serpents just like those Beowulf slew. That there was a sea on the floating island suggested that the island was probably continent sized—I was seeing a New World—and I felt the vicarious awe of Columbus and Magellan.
             “Have the men fan out, into the trees, and be as silent. My division will be first to fire. Everyone will follow suit. We’re going to take down those things and secure that beach.”
             Oh how Odysseus must have felt, to impale Polyphêmos, wretched and deadly, but a creature of the gods. It was my duty to defend these men, and to see them safe with their families again. We fired.
             I heard that familiar burst of rifles. On the sandbar, the green, the blue, and the dark purple dragons shuddered—I saw blood jetting out of each of them—but did not collapse yet. I also saw another being, humanoid, with wings protruding from its shoulders. We sent another volley came, and the dragons and that figure crumpled into the sand. There were large blotches of red stained ground. We had sent them to the Styx.
    09/23/2012 3:55 am
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
    Xethyrious's Avatar

    Name: Earl Grover of Cleveland
    Age: 47
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Stocky build, with a light complexion, brown eyes, and gray hair. Wears a suit and a Bourbon officer’s cuirass helmet.
    Weapon: Carries a standard issue M1903 Springfield rifle, a revolver, and a saber at his side.
    Reason you're here: Earl Grover was the commanding officer of the 150 mercenary soldiers hired by the Explorer. He was initially ordered by the Explorer to defend against or capture any exotic creatures, as the Explorer had prior knowledge that some sort of primeval island in the sky existed.
    Backstory (One paragraph minimum):
    Born into a noble Bourbon family in Prussia, he was, at the age of eight, sent to study at the Military Academy in Prague. At the age of seventeen, just as he was induced as a fresh Prussian officer stationed at Prague, the Peasants’ Revolt broke out, and war blazed across the Rhineland. He led a hussar battalion, and his maneuvering was critical in the breaking of a rebel Peasant stronghold in far wilds of the Sudetenland. Not long after, the war closed, the Peasants lay dead en masse, the Holy Emperor had won, and, for Grover, he was honored as the Earl of Cleveland and offered three hussar battalions to lead.

    But, despite seeing a cascade of military promotions over the horizon, he felt his meager four years had been enough service, and he refused the offers and retired back home in the outskirts of Berlin and took over the family gold and silver mining business. Within two years, all of his miners laid down their tools and held a strike, perhaps capitalizing on Grover’s relative inexperience and well-known sympathy for poor workers (imprinted from his seeing thousands of Peasants cut down by sabers during the Revolt). But instead he surprised them all, and sent into soldiers to put down the strike, and he simply hired new men to replace the fallen.

    Putting down the strike was condemned in the political climate of the Rhineland at the time, which was dominated by nobles that sympathized with the working class. Only a few weeks later was Grover’s bastard child, whom he fathered accidently with a bar maid during his pre-Revolt service at Prague, discovered. He became a pariah, shunned by other nobles and hated by his workers.

    And thus he left into exile.

    He and roughly one hundred loyal soldiers formed a mercenary army. He was planning to hire his company to a faction rebellious against the Holy Emperor in south Sudetenland, but then came the offer by the Explorer. It was a lucrative deal, pounds of gold and silver, for defense and capturing service.

    Thus he came aboard the 455. And so he flew into the sky.

    And back to the dust he returned. Of his 150 men, 81 survived the crash landing. And with them he was set to survive on that savage island in the hellish Heavens.

    Anything Else?: Flying unicorns.

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